Summer skin care

Skin care in the summer requires a particularly careful approach, because new natural factors appear that can negatively affect the state of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Summer is the time for heat, dry air, dust and the sun. These factors can leave an indelible imprint on the skin condition. A lack of moisture and an excess of dust can trigger the appearance of acne and inflammatory acne. Under the influence of sunlight, thickening of the epidermis and collagen loss occur, which provokes the rapid aging of skin cells. But also summer is the time for fresh fruits, berries and vegetables that can be intensively used for facial skin care.

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Summer skin care

It is no secret that healthy skin is clean skin. In the hot season, the issue of cleanliness is especially relevant. Regularly cleanse the skin of the body with the help of a shower and special products that will not upset the skin balance. For such purposes, mild soaps or shower gels with extracts of kiwi, green tea, lingonberries, strawberries or white grapes are ideal.

Every woman tries to keep herself in shape, regardless of the weather or season. In summer, skin care procedures are slightly different from similar activities at other times.

Summer skin careWhat needs to be done in the summer:

  1. Washing twice a day will alleviate the condition of the skin, cleanse it and bring it into the right tone:
    • For oily skin, use cold water or chamomile infusion. Once a day, you can wash yourself with soap to remove excess fat from the skin.
    • If you are the owner of dry skin type, use water at room temperature, mineral or boiled water. It is better to refuse soap and replace it with soft foam.

Important! Be sure to dry your skin with a towel or napkin after washing. Do not leave moisture on the skin, as its evaporation will lead to dehydration of skin cells and the formation of wrinkles.

  1. The opinion that in the summer you do not need to moisturize the skin is fundamentally wrong. Be sure to use the cream in the morning and evening.

Important! Do not use the cream that you used in the winter. Depending on the change in the season, it is also necessary to change skin care products. Winter cream in the summer will make it heavier and lead to clogging of pores.

Before going out, be sure to use a cream with a sunscreen effect. The cream should be a light consistency with a moisturizing effect.

  1. Wear sunglasses. This is not only a tribute to fashion, but also a very useful thing that allows you not to frown in sunny weather. This, in turn, protects you from the appearance of such unwanted facial wrinkles on the skin around the eyes.
  2. Eat fresh berries, vegetables and fruits. By this you provide vitamins to the whole body, including the skin. Your diet primarily affects the condition of the face.
  3. Liquid will help to avoid dehydration. Therefore, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water on hot summer days.
  4. In order not to clog the pores of the face, which most people have enlarged at this time of year, do not use powder or foundation.
  5. One of the regular procedures for sunny days should be a face mask.

Important! Eliminate deep peeling and whitening procedures during the summer, as they increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, which leads to the appearance of undesirable phenomena such as age spots.

In no case should you use a tonic that contains alcohol.Such a tool can lead to significant damage to the upper layer of the skin.

There are many means that will help to establish proper facial skin care in the summer. We offer you some useful recipes, the use of which will not allow you to spend a lot of money and will be quite simple.

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Pleasant face wash with beneficial effect

Washing is not only a beneficial effect in the process of skin care. It not only helps to cleanse the skin, but also very pleasant. Using the recipes below, right after the procedure you will feel an effect that you cannot but like.

Milk cleanser

Make a milk solution. Dilute milk and water in equal proportions and wash with such a mixture twice a day.

Washing with water and lemon

For problem skin, washing should be carried out with a solution of lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Washing your face with lemon water in the morning and evening, you will cleanse the pores of the skin.

Ice wipe

Summer skin careAny herbal infusion is suitable for these purposes:

  1. Pour the infusion with birch, mint, sage, chamomile, calendula, rosemary or linden in ice tins and put in the freezer overnight.
  2. Wipe your face with such an ice cube twice a day.

Important! Green tea is also ideal for creating ice and toning the skin.

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Useful masks

Since summer is the time for fresh vitamins, they must be used intensively and exclusively with benefit. For the skin, they are just as important as for the body as a whole.

Masks of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables

  • The best tool for moisturizing and nourishing the skin in the summer is a mask of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. Knead any fresh product and add sour cream or yogurt to it. Such a mask will refresh and tone the skin.
  • For oily skin, boil a couple of green peas, mix them with grated fresh tomato. Hold such a mask on your face for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. It will tighten the enlarged pores of oily skin, remove excess fat from the face.
  • For dry skin, the best option for a moisturizing, nourishing mask is freshly grated berries of currant, strawberry or raspberry. The mask left on the face for 20 minutes will refresh your skin and produce a tonic effect on it.
  • Cucumber mask will have a restorative, soothing effect with a whitening effect. Its preparation is extremely simple: grate a fresh cucumber or put sliced ​​vegetables on your face in circles. This mask is especially useful for skin with expanded pores.

Important! Cucumber mask is not recommended for owners of dry skin.

  • To create a tanning effect, make a mask like this:
    1. Grate a couple of fresh carrots on a fine grater.
    2. Add a couple drops of lemon juice, a few drops of olive oil and 1 egg yolk to it.
    3. Leave the mask on your face for 25 minutes, then remove it with a swab and warm water.
    4. Thanks to keratin, which is rich in carrots, the face will find an even tan.

Green mask

For a vitamin green mask, you need dill or parsley. Chopping greens, add as much sour cream to it. Such a mask will be an excellent nutrient, will tone and moisturize the skin.

Oat mask

Use for its preparation: 2 tablespoons of chopped oatmeal, a teaspoon of lemon juice, 5 drops of a solution of vitamin E, a teaspoon of mineral water.

This mask is great for combination skin and has a complex effect on it.

UV mask

Combine 4 drops of almond essential oil, 10 drops of hazelnut oil and 2 drops of wheat germ oil. Such a mask will provide effective protection against UV rays, creating a kind of barrier on the epidermis of the face.

After tanning, and especially after busting with it, the skin of the face requires especially careful care in order to restore the natural skin balance.

After sun masks

  • Grind the leaves of cabbage, add the egg yolk to the pulp. Apply a thick layer of the mixture on the face and neck, leave for 20 minutes.After the procedure, rinse the mask with warm water. Such a mask will help relieve inflammation and heat from the soft upper tissues.
  • For the same purpose as the previous mask, a mask of lettuce sheets is used. Yogurt is added to the chopped leaves. Such a mixture is kept on the face and neck for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
  • In 5 tablespoons of olive oil add 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 4 drops of rosemary oil, 3 drops of sandalwood oil. Apply such a mask for a while, after the procedure, carefully remove the residues with a dry cloth.
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To always look young and fresh, you should pay attention to your skin, in particular - the skin of the face. If this is not done on time, then the unpleasant consequences can be irreversible. Using simple and affordable recipes and recommendations given in this article, you will provide such necessary care to your skin in the summer.

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