Eye care after 30 years at home

After thirty years, the irreversible process of aging begins. Wrinkles appear, the skin becomes drier, loses its freshness and elasticity. But comprehensive skin care around the eyes after 30 years at home will make it possible to remain attractive even at a more mature age.

The aging process of the skin around the eyes cannot be stopped, but to slow it down, preventing the appearance of early wrinkles, is within the power of each of us. For this, it is not necessary to even leave the house, because it is not difficult to prepare and use masks without leaving your own kitchen.

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The main factors of aging of the dermis around the eyes

There are more than a dozen main factors that adversely affect the state of the epidermis and its tone in particular. First of all, the formation of wrinkles and “bags” under the eyes after 30 years is due to mimic activity and excessive dryness of the skin.

In addition, among other reasons, we can name the following:

  1. Ecology.
  2. Bad habits (especially smoking and drinking).
  3. The effect of ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Frequent stress and poor sleep patterns.
  5. An unbalanced diet.
  6. Neglect of drinking regimen.

Important! In the past few decades, with the increase in the use of electronic gadgets, there has been a tendency to the appearance of premature wrinkles. The reason for this lies in the fact that, due to a strong eye strain, thin muscle fibers are intensively contracted, which leads to a violation of lymph outflow and blood circulation. As a result, the skin “wears out” faster, “crow's feet” form on it and swelling after 30 years.

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Daily morning care

Proper facial skin care after 30 years at home is, first of all, that every morning should begin with cleansing the skin and preparing for the use of decorative cosmetics:

  • Washing with boiled or melt water. It is extremely undesirable to wash with ordinary tap water, because it contains bleach, which drains the skin. Use pure melt water or mineral water without gas for these purposes. In extreme cases, boiled water pre-filtered with a filter may be suitable.

Important! If you have a dry skin type, then, according to the recommendations of cosmetologists, it is better to wash your face with cleansing milk or lotion.

  • Toning the skin of the face. To fill the moisture deficit will help a tonic that is correctly selected specifically for your skin type. If there is an excessive shine on the face, then you should wipe it with a weak solution of green tea with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice.

Important! Also, an ice cube will help narrow the pores and tone the skin. You should freeze a healing herbal decoction or natural berry juice and wipe his face every day before applying the day cream.

  • Applying cream. Means for moisturizing should correspond not only to the type of skin, but also to age. In summer and spring, before going outside, instead of the usual cream, it is better to apply a tool with UV filters that can protect the skin from negative solar radiation.

Important! For additional hydration throughout the day, spray your face with mineral water without gas or thermal water.

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Evening skin care

For proper skin care around the eyes after 30 years at home in the evening, you need to pay a little more attention to your beauty than in the morning:

  • Makeup Remover. Rinse off the face with makeup should be. For these purposes, a regular gel or foam is suitable. To care for the combined type of facial skin after 30, it is better to use micellar water. It contains no alcohol, so it does not dry out the skin.
  • Deep cleaning with scrubs. Such products not only eliminate dead skin particles, but also improve blood circulation. As a result, your face will be radiant and smooth. For oily skin, peeling should be done every 3-4 days, for dry skin - once every 2 weeks.

Important! You can get the maximum effect if you first steam out the skin of the face.

  • Application of night cream. Do not use 2 in 1 cream - it is better to purchase separately night and day. The night remedy can also be replaced with oil, which is intended for facial skin after 30 years.

Important! If there are acne or inflammation on the skin, then you can use a remedy with salicylic acid.

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Salon treatments for deep exposure

Facial skin care after 30 years at home can be supplemented with salon procedures, including:

  • Chemical peeling - promotes the renewal of skin cells and gives the face a healthy, radiant look. Peeling is an ideal tool for the prevention of skin aging and the appearance of early wrinkles.

Important! Such a procedure should be carried out in the winter so that the sun's rays do not burn the already damaged dermis.

  • Hyaluronic acid injection - with this procedure, the composition gets directly into the skin cells and immediately has an effect on wrinkles. To achieve the maximum positive effect, 5-10 sessions are necessary. Injections smooth the skin well, removing wrinkles and inflammation from it.

Important! No moisturizer, even the most expensive, can moisturize your face as well as this procedure.

  • Fillers with hyaluronic acid - make it possible to cope with scars, eliminate nasolabial folds, give volume to the cheeks, lips, as well as the nasolacrimal groove. Using fillers, you can correct the oval of the face and eliminate its asymmetry.

Important! The effect of such fillers can last about 6-24 months.

  • Massage of the face, décolleté and neck - increases the tone of weakened muscles and reduces tension. Massage makes it possible to correct the oval of the face, smooth wrinkles and reduce wrinkles. Blood circulation improves, skin cells receive more nutrients and oxygen.
  • Ultrasound hardware cleaning is a safe procedure for aging skin, which is done exclusively in the salon. Cleansing the skin of various contaminants and inflammations occurs at the subcutaneous level. At home, this effect will not work. After deep cleaning, you can use special face masks after 30 years.

Important! In principle, face skin care after 30 years at home does not yet require serious salon procedures, such as beauty injections or plastic correction. But do not wait until the skin begins to age. Several cosmetic procedures several times a year, and you will forget about your real age for a long time.

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Care products depending on the problem

Specialists recommend the use of special masks and serums, as they can deeply affect the skin, and after a month of regular use give a visible result.

Important! When buying a specific product, pay attention to which of the problems it helps to solve, and not just the age indicated on the package.

So, we will analyze the main problems and skin care around the eyes after 30 years at home when they appear:

  • Loss of firmness and wrinkles. Serum and peptide masks can help get rid of this problem. These funds contribute to the restoration of the face at the cellular level. It is necessary that facial skin care for those over 30 include hyaluronic acid products, which are a powerful hydrant.

Important! Collagen masks are just a savior for women. After the first use, such a mask will return to the face a beautiful and healthy look.

  • Greasy shine and inflammation. Cleansing pores will help kaolin products. The most effective masks, which should be applied every 2-3 days. The rest of the time, a light cream with chitosan, vegetable oils or seaweed is enough.
  • Gray and dull complexion. To restore the complexion and restore its radiance, use a scrub. To fix the result, tonal products or powder with reflective particles will help.
  • Hyperpigmentation. It is quite difficult at home to get rid of old pigmentation. However, you can still try. To do this, you should include high-quality serum with salicylic acid, arbutin and vitamin C. in your program for skin care.
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Simple recommendations from professional beauticians

To ensure that skin care around the eyes after 30 years at home occurs correctly, cosmetologists advise:

  1. Every three days, make a mask that is best for your skin type. For dry skin, agents with an anti-stress or moisturizing effect are most suitable, for oily skin - with anti-inflammatory.
  2. Change cosmetics depending on the season. For summer, buy products with UV filters, for winter - special “frosty” series.
  3. On a drier skin, apply the cream more abundantly than on oily or combination skin.
  4. Choose cosmetics according to age, because products for young skin will not be able to give the skin the necessary nutrition.
  5. Take care not only of the face, but also of the neck and décolleté.
  6. Apply all scrubs, masks and creams exclusively with massage movements.
  7. In order to prevent the occurrence of edema, use a night cream no later than 22:30.
  8. One of the reasons for rapid aging is tanning, so when you are in the sun's active zone, use creams with UV protection of at least 50.
  9. Drink green tea - it removes free radicals well.

Important! Be careful about your diet. Juices from fresh celery, cabbage and parsley act very well on the beauty of the skin.

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Folk mask recipes

Facial skin care after 30 years at home can be carried out using masks from natural ingredients. They have a wonderful effect on the skin of the face, return to it a healthy color and smooth out fine wrinkles. The effect obtained from home masks sometimes exceeds the result from the use of industrial cosmetics.

Mask with grapes

Grapes are a natural antioxidant that helps remove wrinkles and smooth the face. Suitable for any skin type.


  • Grape juice - 50 ml.
  • Liquid honey - 50 ml.
  • Gauze.


  1. Combine all ingredients in a small container.
  2. Apply a small amount of mask to a piece of gauze.
  3. Attach to face.
  4. Hold the mask for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.


Gelatin mask

Dry skin needs special care, as it is most prone to premature aging. Therefore, after 30 it should be actively moisturized, nourished with various vitamins and saturated with moisture.


  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green tea infusion - 12 ml.
  • Aloe juice - 10 ml.
  • Gelatin - 10 g.


  1. Rub the cucumber with a fine grater to make the pulp.
  2. Mix with gelatin and tea.
  3. In a heat-resistant dish, send the mixture to a slow fire, bring the mixture to a thickening.
  4. Leave the mixture to cool, and then add aloe juice to it.
  5. Apply the mask on the face for 20 minutes.
  6. After time, do not rinse, but carefully peel off the film and rinse your face with a little cool water.
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Peels and scrubs for aging skin

These procedures should be an integral part of comprehensive skin care around the eyes after 30 years at home. Scrubs carefully clean the top layer, and peels contribute to a deeper effect and eliminate pigmentation.

Coffee scrub with cottage cheese

This lightweight homemade scrub eliminates blackheads and oily sheen.

Important! It is advisable to use it no more than a couple of times a week. For the dry type - once every two to three weeks.


  • Soft cottage cheese 9% fat - 1 tbsp. l
  • Ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l


  1. Mix coffee and cottage cheese in a small container.
  2. With light massaging movements, apply the composition on the skin of the face.
  3. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Soft indian homage

Cinnamon provides a soft peeling that does not injure the skin, but acts deeper than a scrub. And lemon juice acts on the upper layer of the dermis, removing the dead cells from it.


  • Banana - ¼ part.
  • Ground Cinnamon - ¼ teaspoon.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
  • Kefir - 2 teaspoons.


  1. Mashed a ripe banana, mix it with cinnamon.
  2. Add fresh lemon juice, kefir to the mixture.
  3. Apply the mixture on the face with a thick layer, massage gently.
  4. Leave on for 20 minutes.
  5. After a while, rinse with warm water.

Important! After the procedure, it is advisable not to go outside for two hours, even in the warm period. Due to the open pores, the skin is subject to external influences and is very quickly contaminated.


Deep peeling

Excellent effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminates scars and scars. If you have too sensitive skin or rosacea, then it is better to refrain from using this tool.


  • Camphor or ammonia - 15 ml.
  • Boric acid - 15 ml.
  • Glycerin - 15 ml.
  • Hydroperite - 1 tablet.
  • Tar soap.


  1. Grate the soap on a grater.
  2. Mix with the rest of the ingredients until a porridge is formed.
  3. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it to dry.
  4. Rinse with a cloth pre-moistened with 10% calcium chloride.
  5. After 20 minutes, rinse your face with lukewarm water.
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Stock footage

Review your cosmetics regularly and update your usual cosmetics with new ones. Watch your diet and drinking regimen. Remember that scrubs, masks and creams for face skin care after 30 years at home require regular use.


