Oily and problem skin care

Problematic facial skin always causes a lot of emotions for its owner. And this can be understood, because no one will like the enlarged pores, shine on the forehead, plus periodic rashes in the form of acne, acne. Such a complex of pleasures can ruin the life of any woman. Most often, this problem occurs in adolescence, in connection with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. At this time, the skin needs a special approach, preferably integrated, in order to achieve a positive result. What is oily and problem skin care? Let's look at a set of activities for daily care for oily skin.
to contents ↑Is everything so bad?
How to get rid of greasy shine and reduce the number of blackheads and acne on the face? Such questions often torment the unfortunate owners of oily skin. But this type of skin has its advantages:
- People with oily skin are less prone to facial aging.
- Such skin is less prone to overdrying.
Proper care can minimize all negative manifestations, or even completely get rid of them.
to contents ↑Face wash
Due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, such skin gets dirty faster, so you need to wash your face more often, but observing certain rules:
- It is advisable to wash it 3-4 times a day with cool water. It is cool water that will narrow the pores.
- Wipe your face with a clean towel only. It must be changed at least twice a week.
- After washing, it is advisable to clean the face with a moisturizing tonic, and then apply makeup.
Important! If necessary, sunscreen is applied last.
- During the day, it is advisable to wipe the skin with special wipes.
- Before washing, you can soften the water by adding a little soda to it.
Important! Instead of soda, you can use lemon juice or borax. Apple cider vinegar diluted in water has a good effect.
- To reduce pores on the face, you can freeze decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula. They will help get rid of inflammation on your skin.
- When washing, you can use lotions and tonics specially designed for oily skin.
Important! Most lotions contain alcohol, which effectively eliminates fat, but at the same time violates the protective functions of the epidermis. For oily skin, it is better to choose lotions with salicylic acid, it softens the skin, stops inflammation.
- Of cosmetics, daily use of powder is desirable. It absorbs excess fat, has a drying effect.
- A steam bath is very useful - it helps normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
If you have oily skin, you need to take a closer look at your diet:
- Exclude spicy food - mustard, pepper, spicy sauce.
- Try to eat less fried, it is better to prefer cooked, baked or steamed food.
- Add as much plant food as possible to your diet — vegetables, fruits, and greens of various kinds.
- But lemonade, alcohol and nicotine should be completely excluded from your life. This will positively affect not only the condition of the skin.
One of the important points in the daily care of oily skin is the use of creams.After them, the skin will become soft and supple, and the inflammation will go away. You just need to choose a cream that suits your skin type.
to contents ↑Important! For oily skin, it is better to choose a moisturizing non-fat cream that will restore the water balance of your skin.
Homemade cleansing scrubs and nourishing masks
The use of home scrubs and masks plays an important role in the care of oily and problem skin. It is advisable to do a scrub 1-2 times, and masks 2-3 times a week.
Important! If you have a tendency to allergies, then make masks with products such as honey carefully. To get started, test the action of the mask on your wrist. If you notice negative signs on the skin, then you must refuse to use the selected recipe.
Coffee scrub
This method will especially appeal to lovers of Turkish coffee. You can combine business with pleasure - drink coffee, and use it as a scrub.
Important! You can add a little fine sea salt to the coffee grounds to enhance the effect.
In this case, proceed as follows:
- Combine coffee grounds and fine sea salt in equal amounts.
- Apply this scrub to cleansed skin, gently rub it.
- Rinse your face and apply tonic.
Sugar scrub
For such a scrub, you need to use dark brown sugar:
- Heat two tablespoons of milk,
- Add one tablespoon of sugar and a few drops of aloe.
- Apply to face, massage and leave for 5-7 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
Salt Scrub:
- Mix fine sea salt with lemon juice, you can also add a yolk or a couple of drops of linseed oil. Apply to face, massage and rinse.
- Grind a few leaves of nettle, add lemon juice or milk and a little salt.
Homemade nourishing masks are also very effective in treating problem skin.
Clay masks
Clay-based masks soothe and nourish the skin. Before use, the face must be cleaned, apply a mask with a dense layer for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse and apply a moisturizer.
Important! You can add aloe, lemon juice, cucumber juice to the clay.
Honey mask
Honey works very well on the skin, unless, of course, you have an allergy to it. You can add lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil.
Protein mask
Egg white tightens the contour of the face and narrows the pores. You can use it separately or add lemon juice and a few drops of aloe to the whipped protein. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, and then washed off.
Nettle mask
This is a summer version of the mask. We prepare it as follows:
- Grind fresh nettle leaves and mix with one teaspoon of dry chamomile.
- Add some lemon juice and crushed plantain leaves.
- Mix all components thoroughly, apply on face for 20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
Yogurt Masks
Making yogurt is very simple - put a slice of rye bread in milk and leave it in a warm place for a day. Yogurt is ready!
Fold the cheesecloth in several layers, soak in yogurt and put on face for 20 minutes. Then just rinse with cool water.
Important! You can add talcum powder in yogurt to obtain a homogeneous mass that is easy to apply on the skin.
Washing-up liquid
These recipes relieve oily sheen of the skin, help narrow pores:
- In a glass of mineral water, add one tablespoon of grapefruit juice, mix and use for washing.
- Another good cleanser is sauerkraut juice. Mix it with water in equal amounts, and wash with this solution.
Tonics for rubbing the skin of the face
Tonics can be prepared with your own hands:
- Sage has a calming effect on problem and oily skin.
- Linden relieves skin stress. Penetrates into the pores of the skin and cleanses it of impurities.
- Basil leaves remove toxins from the skin, rejuvenate, nourish and tone it, and also improves blood circulation, relieves acne and blackheads.
- Chamomile, mint, St. John's wort - all these herbs are perfect for making infusion. Take half a teaspoon of all herbs, pour 200 ml of warm water and let it brew for 12 hours.
The bath freshens the body, eliminates toxins and dirt. If you take the habit of going there every week, you will not notice how to get rid of your acne and blackheads, because under the influence of hot steam, the pores expand and the dirt evaporates.
to contents ↑Useful Tips:
- Rinse your face with a lemon solution before bedtime. It is very simple to prepare - mix 30 ml of water and 10 ml of lemon juice.
- Try to find ten minutes before going to bed to massage your face, and you will see what a positive effect for the skin it will give.
- Before going to bed, wash off your makeup without fail. Otherwise, the number of skin rashes will increase dramatically.
- Do not squeeze acne and acne.
- Do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time - this is very harmful not only for the skin of the face, but also for the whole organism.
- Do not self-medicate or use medication without a doctor’s prescription. This may not improve the situation, but rather only worsen the condition of your skin.
- Do not get carried away too peeling - remember, everything is good in moderation.
- If you have oily skin, then it is contraindicated for you to wash yourself with very hot water and stay in the sun for a long time.
- For skin with enlarged pores, you can include rubbing your face with cold black tea.
- In addition to all the described activities, it is recommended to visit a beauty salon sometimes. Experienced cosmetologists will give you competent advice on caring for your particular type of face and adjust your treatment if necessary.
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This should be the care for oily and problem skin, so that it ceases to be such. Initially, it seems that there is too much to do in the fight for cleanliness and elasticity of the skin, but believe me, if you develop this useful habit in yourself, then after a couple of weeks you will do everything “automatically”, without experiencing a lack of time and effort. So beauty in this case will not require big sacrifices from you!
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