Oily skin care

Oily skin gives its owners a lot of trouble and problems. Such skin is covered with a greasy film, is poorly supplied with blood, and acne and acne often appear on it. Typically, this type of skin is present in young people during puberty, but about 10% of adults have oily skin. People faced with such a nuisance need to know how to properly care for oily skin. If you regularly follow all the rules, then it will remain fresh and supple much longer than dry, because wrinkles on oily skin appear very late.

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Signs and features of oily skin

Oily skin careIf you still doubt what type of skin nature has awarded you, we suggest that you find out all the signs that you have oily skin. These include the following phenomena:

  • Oily sheen appears on the skin.
  • The pores are greatly expanded.
  • The face has a gray tint.
  • Often there are inflammations, black spots, blackheads - all this is a consequence of clogged pores and insufficient blood supply.
  • The skin is prone to peeling.
  • Any makeup on oily skin does not hold well.

Reasons for Oily Skin

The main cause of oily skin is the high intensity of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This occurs as a result of increased progesterone production. Basically, skin problems occur at a young age, during the period of active hormonal adjustment. Namely, at this time it is necessary to carry out proper care for oily skin. After the end of the active period of hormonal processes, fat will stop much less, and there are fewer rashes, acne and acne on the skin.

Important! Up to 25 years, oily skin is considered almost the norm, but if the problem persists after a given age, then an endocrinologist's consultation is simply necessary. The cause of increased fat content can be hormonal disorders, and in this case, treatment of the underlying disease will be required.

Skin type test

To finally make sure that you need oily skin care, do a simple test:

  1. Using baby soap, wash your face thoroughly.
  2. Wash off the suds.
  3. Pat your face with a bath towel.
  4. 2-3 hours leave the skin to breathe and do not apply any funds.
  5. Start testing: attach a paper towel to any part of the face (you can use papyrus paper or a small mirror instead of a towel):
    • if oily spots remain on the surface of the subject, then the skin is of the oily type.
    • if there are no spots, then most likely the skin is dry or normal.

Important! Most of the female representatives have a mixed (combined) type of skin. The T-zone of the face (forehead, nose, chin) has a greasy skin type, and the rest is the normal type.

Oily Skin Benefits

Oily skin type has not only disadvantages, but also advantages:

  • With the active work of the sebaceous glands, a protective film forms on the skin, which helps it survive the temperature changes. The skin becomes less sensitive to the effects of the sun, etc.
  • Thanks to the grease film, the skin is protected from evaporation of excess moisture, which prolongs its youth.

Important! You can evaluate all these positive properties only under the condition that you will perform the correct care for oily skin. The lack of proper procedures will lead to its unaesthetic appearance and a rapid loss of elasticity.

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Oily skin care at different ages

As already mentioned above, oily skin care differs in different periods of life. Therefore, manufacturers of various cosmetics supply for sale a series of creams, tonics, scrubs and other products in several series, focusing on a specific age. You just have to carefully study the labels or, if you decide to use folk remedies, carefully follow the rules outlined below.

If you are 20+

The main goal of oily skin care at a young age is getting rid of excess fat. The most important task is to cleanse the skin and maintain a fresh complexion.

We offer you some tips for cleaning procedures:

  1. Cleanse the skin twice a day.
  2. For low fat contents, use soap and special lotions. For severe - choose cleansers containing tea tree oil or fruit extracts that tighten enlarged pores.
  3. Choose care products that contain a lot of wet ingredients, but a minimal amount of fat. Perfectly suitable creams that have a light consistency and contain vitamin E. Such funds help retain moisture.

Important! Up to 25 years, girls rarely think about wrinkles, but it is necessary to start taking care of their prevention from a young age. Protect your skin with filters containing filters and use a light night cream at night.

If you are 30+

Oily skin careWith age, fat production is reduced by 30%, so the greasy shine is already as intense as in youth. But it is precisely as a result of this process that the skin elasticity decreases, cell renewal and skin metabolism slow down. Violation of the blood supply to tissues leads to a deterioration in the color of the skin of the face, and its muscle tone is reduced.

Important! After 30 years, the skin aging process is already quite pronounced, although oily skin ages more slowly dry.

Care for oily skin in middle age has its own characteristics. To do this correctly, follow the advice of cosmetologists:

  • In the morning you need to cleanse your face of fat. The best option is water with foam for washing. Soap is better not to use.
  • Do not wash your face with hot water, as this will expand the pores, blood vessels and stimulate the production of fat.
  • Wash your face with water with the addition of herbal infusions: peppermint and parsley.
  • Narrows the pores and tones the skin with acidified water (add a little lemon juice to the water).
  • An essential part of skin care with high fat content is toning. Make tonic at home using citrus, cucumber juices. You can add a few drops of alcohol or vinegar to them.
  • Regularly scrub and peel to gently remove dirt from pores and exfoliated skin particles.
  • During skin care do not forget about masks. Add in them the juice of aloe and lemon. For high fat content, use egg whipped protein masks.

If you are 40+

In adulthood, the skin rarely retains increased fat content, since fat production is reduced by almost 3 times, but, nevertheless, the consequences are visible in the form of enlarged pores and contaminated skin.

We suggest using the following tips in oily skin care:

  • In the morning and before going to bed, cleanse your face using special cosmetics designed for oily skin.
  • Do not leave makeup overnight, as this will provoke even greater pollution and worsen the condition of the skin, as well as accelerate its aging.
  • To increase the tone of the skin, use cosmetic ice. Add mint infusion, calendula to ice cubes. An excellent remedy for tonic is frozen mineral water with lemon or green tea.
  • Facial scrubs should contain lemon juice. A great option is to make a scrub with sea salt, bran and honey.
  • To prevent wrinkles, use masks based on potato starch, milk, honey and salt.
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Nutrition - The Basis for Proper Oily Skin Care

In facial skin care, it is important not only to conduct procedures, but also such aspects as nutrition and proper selection of cosmetics. In order not to stimulate the production of fat at any age, you need to eat right. Avoid spicy or annoying foods (peppers, seasonings, vinegar, etc.). The basis of your diet should be the following foods:

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Dairy and lactic acid products.
  • Cereal porridge.

Important! To prevent and prevent the development of inflammation, we recommend every day to drink a glass of herbal tea brewed from two teaspoons of the following mixture: wheatgrass rhizomes, nettle, horsetail, and pansies. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.

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How to choose makeup for oily skin?

Oily skin careWhen choosing decorative cosmetics, adhere to such characteristics:

  • Lack of creamy components.
  • Dryness.
  • Haze.
  • The presence of anti-inflammatory and drying agents.

Important! Instead of foundation, it is better to use a powder that has a dense texture and has increased stability. Choose a matte color for powder to eliminate oily sheen. Many cosmetologists with oily skin type advise to completely abandon tonal creams and powders, since these funds clog pores and provoke inflammatory processes. Liquid cream blush, eye shadow and eyeliner are also not suitable.

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How to carry out skin care procedures?

As soon as you tune into the regularity of oily skin care procedures, use the tips and instructions for restoring the cover below.

Face wash

Increased fat does not mean that you need to wash several times a day. It is important to carry out washing procedures correctly and use suitable products. For this type of skin, the ideal option is a special gel.

The washing procedure must be carried out as follows:

  1. Rinse your face with warm water to open your pores.
  2. Apply foamed gel to your skin.
  3. Use a brush to massage your face. As a result of this procedure, the pores will be freed from excess fat.
  4. Rinse your face with cool water to narrow your pores and make them invisible.
  5. Blot your face with a clean cloth or towel.


Proper care for oily skin involves frequent cleansing. For this procedure, strong cleansers containing alcohol cannot be used, since they stimulate the production of sebum and lead to an even greater complication of the situation.

Important! Replace alcohol lotions with cleansing soft foams, which are designed for special care for this type of skin. When choosing a foam and gel for cleansing, pay attention to the pH level, since it should not exceed 4.5. The composition of cleaning products should include antibacterial components: tea tree oil, lemon, basil. Alkaline content is unacceptable in foams, as they are not suitable for this type of skin.

We recommend using sour milk, yogurt or kefir to clean the T-zone:

  1. Soak a cotton pad with one of the above.
  2. Wipe the disc with oily areas of the face, following the massage lines.

Oily skin careIt is advisable to cleanse oily skin using the following tool, consisting of ordinary ground coffee and sea salt:

  1. Mix coffee and salt in equal parts.
  2. Moisten your face with water.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face.
  4. Massage your face skin with light circular motions.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.
  6. Blot your face with a napkin or towel.

Important! This mixture has both a cleansing and drying effect, so it is the best suited to establish oily skin care.


If the skin is problematic, perform the peeling procedure at least once every 3 days. It has the following effects:

  1. After the peeling procedure, the face will be cleansed of dirt accumulated in the pores and the oily sheen will disappear.
  2. Peeling prevents inflammation, acne and the development of various dermatological diseases.

Important! It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, because during the peeling, the face is subjected to mini-stress, which means that it needs to rest and recover.

Fruit peels or salicylic peels, which have a drying effect, are perfect for this type of skin.


In order to safely carry out the scrubbing procedure and not damage the tender face, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Before starting the procedure, remove makeup and cleanse the face and neck.
  2. Using a steam bath or towel soaked in warm water, steam your face.
  3. Before using any product, conduct a susceptibility test by applying the product to a small skin area. If, after applying the product, the treated area becomes oily, change the proportions of the components, or rather replace them with others.
  4. Scrub can not be applied to irritated areas of the skin, as well as wounds and damage.
  5. After applying the scrub, massage your face with a brush or fingers.
  6. Rinse off the scrub with warm water.
  7. Blot your face with a tissue.
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Oily skin recipes

The most appropriate solution in order to get rid of various skin problems and restore its normal functioning, not to spend a lot of money and time on choosing a suitable brand of professional cosmetics, apply proven homemade folk remedies. We offer you some of the most effective recipes.


  • Clay. Clay intensively absorbs excess fat, removes dirt and dead cells, tightens enlarged pores and tightens facial skin. You can use black, dark brown clay or a mixture thereof. Prepare the scrub as follows: mix 1 tbsp. l 2 grades of clay. Dilute the mixture with boiled water until a thick mass is obtained. Apply the prepared scrub to your face and leave to dry completely. Rinse off the scrub mask in a circular motion while massaging your face.
  • Sugar. To prepare the product you will need: 2 tbsp. l brown sugar, 3 tbsp. l chilled milk. Apply the mass on the face and massage the skin for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with water. After applying this scrub, the skin will become dull and very tender.
  • Lemon and Salt. Equal parts of sea salt, freshly squeezed lemon, mix and rub the face with the scrub obtained for 1-2 minutes, massaging the problem areas of the skin.

Important! With inflamed skin, this scrub can not be used.

  • Of green clay. This scrub is recommended for skin with enlarged pores. To prepare the product you will need: 2 tbsp. l green clay and 3 tbsp. l low-fat yogurt or yogurt. Mix the ingredients and gently rub your face with a soft, massaging motion. Rinse off with warm water after the procedure.
  • Bread This scrub option is suitable for oily skin prone to rashes. Dry and grind brown bread in a coffee grinder. Mix bread crumbs with warm milk until gruel forms. With the prepared product, wipe the face, and then rinse the skin with warm water.


Oily skin care should include special masks. Any skin needs additional nutrition and oily is no exception. However, the prepared masks must be of a specific composition in order to have a drying and constricting effect, to prevent inflammation, irritation and eliminate oily sheen.

We offer you the following mask recipes:

  • With lemon juice and low-fat cream. 2 tbsp. l low-fat cream mix with 2 tbsp. l lemon juice.Apply the mask on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. After the procedure, thoroughly rinse your face with warm water. Such a mask will make the pores less visible, and the skin will enrich with vitamin C.
  • Based on Hercules. 3 tbsp. l mix oatmeal with beaten egg white. Apply the mask to the face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with water.
  • Oatmeal with honey. 2 tbsp. l mix oatmeal with 1 tbsp. l honey. Add to the mixture 1 tbsp. l olive or vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients and apply the mass on a cleansed face. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water, and pat your face with a soft towel. A mask based on oatmeal, honey and oil perfectly tightens pores, evens out the face and perfectly moisturizes the skin. After such a mask, you do not need to apply additional funds to the face.
  • Based on potato starch. A mask based on starch, milk, honey and a small amount of salt has a pronounced cleansing effect.
  • From the berries. Crush fresh raspberries in a bowl and add a little rice flour until you get a homogeneous consistency that can easily be applied to the face. A mask of berries refreshes, cleanses, tightens and tightens the face.
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Do not forget that in addition to proper facial skin care, you must reconsider your nutrition, lifestyle, which also affect the condition of the skin. Do not forget to drink plenty of water, exclude coffee and alcohol from the diet, do not take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. We hope that our tips and tricks will save you from problems with oily skin, and your face will look fresh and young for many years.

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