DIY fur jewelry

Surely, each needlewoman was littered with scraps of leather and natural fur in a casket. Today we offer you an original master class on making jewelry from fur with your own hands, thanks to which you can use these materials to make a beautiful brooch. In order to make a beautiful fur hairpin or brooch, imagination and a little patience are required. Also, to make the product more interesting, you can use different decorative elements, for example, knitted petals, felt petals, rhinestones, beads or beads.

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Materials for work

To create a beautiful flower that you can decorate any thing from your wardrobe in the future, for example, a hat or bag, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Scraps of skin.
  • A bit of faux or natural fur.
  • Glue gun or silicone glue.
  • Cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • A bit of any dark fabric.
  • Pin or base for brooch.
  • Large beads.
  • Lighter or candle.
  • Colorless nail polish.
  • Leather lace.
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Leather and fur flower

To make a very beautiful jewelry from fur with your own hands, you must act according to the following algorithm:

  • First you need to decide what size brooch will be. And already on this basis, draw on the cardboard the first flower. This will be the largest base that you will need to cut out first from cardboard, and then from leather. Next, make two more of the same flower, only a little smaller in diameter.

Important! Each element should be slightly smaller than the previous one.

  • Scorch the edges of each leather flower over a lighter or a candle so that a cut is not visible - so the decoration will look more neat.
  • In exactly the same way, cut out several leaves of arbitrary shape from the skin, and process the edges of their sections in the same way over the fire.

Important! The skin can be of any color, the main thing is that its color is combined with the thing on which the brooch will be fixed in the future.

  • Now cut out two circles from cardboard (with a diameter slightly smaller than the largest flower) and transfer to the fabric. Be sure to leave an allowance of no more than one and a half centimeters on the fabric. Bend these edges around the cardboard base and stick them. Inside one of them, insert a pin or base for your brooch.
  • Glue these halves to each other using cardboard. Then glue together three blanks, placing fur pieces between them. Pin another piece of fur to the base with a pin.
  • For the final decoration of the brooch, take a leather cord and divide it into several parts. String beads on each of them and, so that they do not “run away”, tie a knot. Glue these threads to the cardboard base with a pin. Fasten the leaves and the main flower right there.
  • Your brooch is almost ready - only the middle is missing. To decorate it, use beads again, which you just need to glue in the center of the upper flower.

Important! The color of the beads does not matter much, the main thing here is that they are combined with the main composition. In addition to beads, glass beads or beads can also be used.

  • Now, in order for the decoration to gain shine, cover the skin with colorless nail polish. When it is completely dry, your brooch will be completely ready.
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In this article, we presented you a master class on making a beautiful brooch made of fur and leather with your own hands. Such a thing can decorate clothes, shoes, bags and much, much more.In addition, you can fantasize and come up with some kind of your own, exclusive option to make jewelry made of leather and fur - everything will depend entirely on your design talent.

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