DIY wall paper decorations

In a beautifully decorated room, a holiday is always brighter and more interesting. Therefore, before a birthday or any other holiday, many are interested in what kind of paper wall decorations you can use with your own hands to make the room look attractive and original. There are many options for decorating a room, but there is probably no better way than making paper decor.

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What can be made out of paper to decorate a room?

Although today a huge selection of various decorative elements is presented in stores, it is always more interesting and pleasant to do something with your own hands, because every housewife would like to show off her guests with her originality and imagination.

So what kind of paper jewelry can you quickly make yourself? There are a lot of such bright and original jewelry:

  • fairy lights;
  • fans;
  • pompons;
  • various flowers and hearts.

And most importantly - for this it is not necessary to have any special skills, but if you use stencils in your work, you will need very little free time.

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Features of the decor

In anticipation of the holiday, you always want to decorate the apartment a little. And in the living room, where the celebration often takes place, decorations can be hung everywhere: on the walls, ceiling, curtains, and even on pieces of furniture.

Important! For wall decor, as a rule, elements of floral and decorative design are used in volumetric or flat form.

Do-it-yourself flat wall decorations made of paper are made up of many elements. To speed up their cutting, you can use stencils from thick cardboard, which can be made independently. The main thing here is to carefully and smoothly cut out all the details.

Important! One of the options for flat decor is flowers with petals from hearts folded in half. If you stick a similar floral arrangement on the wall, it will look quite interesting.


The ceiling can be decorated with individual flowers, or with whole garlands of them. Often, hanging floral and decorative elements are used for this.

Important! Hanging paper flowers for decorating the ceiling will help create a bewitching atmosphere, especially if you attach them to thin strings that will be almost invisible from below. Pendant decorations look airy and light, so it will seem to guests that floral decor soars above the room.

The universality of the manufacture of jewelry from flowers lies in the fact that they can be made from any material at hand:

  • Corrugated paper.
  • White office paper.
  • Brown paper.
  • Tracing paper.
  • If there is nothing at all, then you can even use toilet paper.
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Colorful fan

A simple fan of multi-colored paper, which many use as a fan, can be an excellent decoration in the room where the celebration will take place.

Important! Similar products can be made in different colors. On holidays for children, yellow fans are most often made, which look like the sun. Especially impressive look on the walls of the product from multi-colored paper, if you choose the right colors that are combined with each other.

For such fans, dense scrapbooking paper is the best - plain or fine-grained.And you can make a fan decoration on a wall of paper with your own hands as follows:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper of any size into the accordion.
  2. Bend the resulting strip in half, and fasten its inner ends with tape or a stapler - after it unfolds, you should get a semicircle.
  3. Next, by analogy, make the second semicircle, after which both elements are fastened together.
  4. Decorate fan circles with bright buttons or hearts cut out of cardboard in advance by gluing them in the center.
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Corrugated paper flowers decoration

Another popular wall decor is floral corrugated paper. From this versatile material, you can make small flowers for bulk garlands or large flowers. All decorations made of corrugated paper look great in any interior.

This paper can be used to make:

  • Carnation.
  • Peonies.
  • Dandelions.
  • Exotic colors.

Due to the lightness of dandelions and carnations from corrugated paper, they are suitable for the manufacture of flower garlands. Running flowers is very easy, for this:

  1. Take a stack of corrugated leaflets.
  2. Fold it in accordion.
  3. Drag it in the middle with a thread.
  4. Fluff the petals on either side of the constriction.
  5. As a result, a very fluffy ball should turn out.

If you use flowers made of thicker paper for garlands, they will not look as airy and delicate as floral decorations made of corrugated paper.

Important! Flowers for the decoration of the premises for the holiday are often made quite large. Therefore, for their manufacture, it is more convenient to use crepe paper sold in half-meter rolls.

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Paper hearts

Another great decor option is to decorate the wall with paper hearts. Such decoration will be appropriate in any room - bedroom, nursery, kitchen. Thanks to the 3D effect, the hearts look very unusual and as natural as possible. You can make them even while watching your favorite movie or TV show.

Operating procedure:

  1. Draw on colored paper several hearts of different sizes.
  2. Carefully cut them out.
  3. Further in the center it is necessary to cut a strip of 1-2 cm - it will be needed to fasten the halves.
  4. Apply a small amount of glue to one side of the cut, connect it to the other half.
  5. To hold the glue, hold your heart for a few seconds with your fingers.

As you can see, the heart looks unusual and original. Make such decorations as much as possible using paper of different colors and decorating them with sparkles.

Important! You can also make hearts from fabric or crochet them - it looks very stylish, however, it will take much longer to make.

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It’s not so difficult to create jewelry on a wall with paper yourself. One needs only to make a little effort, patience and take advantage of the imagination. As a result, you will receive a beautifully designed room that will delight you and your guests, set the necessary atmosphere for the festive event.

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