Destruction of bugs and cockroaches

Often insects settle next to people, and some of their species even feed on humans or cause significant harm to their housing. Therefore, the destruction of bugs and cockroaches is a very important and necessary task. At first glance, the destruction process may seem a very laborious and complex process. But if you know some rules and features, you will probably be able to solve this problem on your own, without the help of pest control specialists.

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General rules

An inexperienced person in the fight against these insects must definitely know a few rules before getting down to business:

  • The destruction of bugs, cockroaches is not an easy task, and so, even with the help of special means, and not to a knowledgeable person, this is definitely an impossible task. The whole point is that not all means to get rid of one type of parasite are applicable to the second. This difference is that cockroaches eat solid food, while bed bugs suck juices from their prey.
  • The larvae of bugs and cockroaches are very similar to each other and it is not always possible for an inexperienced eye to distinguish them. And based on the previous paragraph, you must definitely make sure what type of insect bothers you, before proceeding with getting rid of it.
  • To prevent the appearance of unwanted residents, you need to maintain cleanliness and order in the house, as well as take other additional measures.
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Pest Control

If you suddenly found pockets of infection with pests, it is important to know how to prevent them from breeding. For this :


  1. Vacuum all surfaces daily: carpets, beds, etc. Minimize the presence of such things in the house until the complete destruction of cockroaches, bugs.
  2. Perform preventive disinfection.
  3. Clean infected items. If the degree of infection is high, get rid of such things.
  4. Close all cracks and minimize the possibility of insects to hide from processing.
  5. Handle steam cleaner all joints, skirting boards, etc.
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Getting down to destruction

After you have become convinced of the type of pest you are dealing with, you need to familiarize yourself with how to proceed. In itself, the destruction of bugs and cockroaches vary in that the solid baits will not save you from the former and will greatly help with the latter. Let us consider in more detail the methods of getting rid of each species of these insects separately.

Destruction of bugs

To get a really fast and high-quality result, consider the following:

  1. In the fight against these pests, the treatment will have to be carried out several times over some time, since at certain intervals new individuals will be hatched from the eggs.
  2. An important factor is the attentiveness of the destroyer. The whole procedure boils down to the fact that when processing with a means to get rid, you need to kill all the parasites. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the survivors will give offspring that are resistant to your chosen drug.

Important! Each manufacturer praises their funds as best they can, but in most cases they cannot destroy bedbug eggs, no matter what is written on the package.

You can destroy bugs using two types of processing:

  1. Using special aerosols. The principle of their action is as follows: you spray a liquid finely dispersed agent in the area affected by parasites.Spray with insecticides gets into the bug along with air and kills it.
  2. Contact insecticides. The essence of the work of such drugs is as follows: when processing places of a large accumulation of insects, the drug sticks to the body of the pest and, through the chitinous integument, enters the parasite and kills it.

Important! Heat treatment may also help, but this will require heat sources. But such equipment is usually very expensive. Accordingly, for a single use, such a purchase is not rational.

Getting rid of cockroaches

Since this type of pest is not so picky in food, poisoning it is an easier task. At the moment, there are many lures that for cockroaches smell like food, but in fact are poison. If you properly scatter such products in places of dislocation of insects, then very soon you can see the result - the complete destruction of cockroaches.

Cockroaches are afraid:

  • Boers;
  • Boric acid;
  • Various dusts and crayons.

In addition, these insects are afraid of the same means as bed bugs. Knowing this will make your life much easier if you have both parasites.

Important! The destruction of bugs, cockroaches may not necessarily be chemical. There are several methods of mechanical destruction. This will especially help those who are allergic to chemistry.

General methods of disposal

The destruction of bugs and cockroaches is not always reduced to insecticidal methods. These insects are afraid of certain temperature thresholds:


  • at -25 C and above +50 C the bugs die;
  • cockroaches are slightly less resistant to temperature - here the threshold is -5 C and above +45 C.

Important! Some special parasite control services have installations with liquid nitrogen or carbonic acid. They process large pests nests. A more successful method of struggle is industrial fan heaters, but this is a more expensive service compared to others.

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Popular Remedies

There are many insecticidal agents that at one time allow you to successfully complete such a procedure as the destruction of bugs and cockroaches at the same time. Among them:

  1. “Karbofos”. It contains melation - an organic compound, which makes it very effective in the fight against bedbugs. The color of the drug varies from colorless to light brown. It has a specific smell.
  2. “Fufanon super” - emulsion. Color from white to light yellow. A specific smell is present. The active substance is melathion.
  3. “Force Site” - has no unpleasant odor. Effective against all individuals, not only adults.
  4. “Tetracin”. Composition: cypermethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide. It is odorless. It is used only in specialized offices.
  5. “Sinuzan” - as part of chlorpyrifos. Designed to handle public spaces.
  6. “Cucaracha” - has an unpleasant odor, the active substance is cypermethrin.

Important! Using chemicals to kill pests, be sure to wear protective elements: respirators, gloves, bathrobes. This will help you not to become a victim of your own poison.

And here are the tools that are absolutely useless in your difficult task:

  1. Ultrasonic, magnetic and magnetic resonance repellers - it is quite difficult to find a really high-quality product, and even optimal power in the domestic market.
  2. Strong-smelling herbs - they only temporarily reduce the activity of insects. But this method is great if the goal is prevention.
  3. Conspiracies. No justification is appropriate here at all.

Important! Everyone can decide for himself, carry out the processing independently or call a special service. Perhaps the second option is worth considering when both species of these insects are wound up in your premises and the population is growing more and more every day.

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Now that you are armed with knowledge and means, the problem of destroying bugs and cockroaches should not cause great difficulties, even for a simple victim of these harmful insects. Good luck in this difficult war!

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