Extermination of flies

When flies are constantly flying around your room, it is unlikely that home rest can be called really comfortable and cozy. These insects always buzz, annoy, sit on food and interfere with relaxation. Trying to protect yourself from such annoying conditions, you inevitably think about the extermination of flies. In this article we will share with you the most effective and practical ways to solve the problem.

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Who is a fly and what is its danger?

Before proceeding to the destruction of insects, it is worthwhile to clearly imagine what we are fighting with. So who is such a fly and what are its strengths and weaknesses?

How strong is the fly?

Many studies have shown that the fly is the best of flying insects. One gets the impression that a powerful “downsizing” is hidden inside this creature, because with a few flaps of its wings, an annoying creature is able to take off without any dispersal.

Important! It is hard to imagine, but in a second the fly is able to make about 200-300 wing flaps, which ensures a quick and agile flight, and is also a source of buzzing annoying for the human ear.

It is thanks to these advantages that destroying flies with a magazine rolled into a tube is a waste of energy. Well, perhaps such actions are useful as a fitness program or running with obstacles in express mode.

muhaBut these are far from the only advantages of flying “fighters”. Among the creature's benefits are the following:

  • Flies have a rare survivability, which can be observed when you seem to have nailed an annoying creature, but after a few minutes the “resurrected” insect flies around the room, as if nothing had happened.
  • The complex faceted structure of the eyes allows insects to notice the slightest movements around them. That is why the fly easily dodges most of your hits. Where are our pupils here.
  • The insect has a very well-developed sense of smell. Thanks to this, the soaring guest immediately smells the spoiled food and follows directly to your kitchen, without demand and invitation.
  • A fly flies according to incomprehensible human logic, a rather bizarre trajectory. It is thanks to the constantly changing flight directions that it is almost elusive to humans. Trying to destroy the flies, following the logic of these insects, quickly moving around the apartment with sharp turns is pointless.

What can be gained by destroying flies?

The main disadvantage of insects is the lack of learning ability. It is because of this that one can watch for hours how a fly beats through a closed window and does not draw conclusions from its failures.

Insects are attracted to food, human food and excrement. Females, during the period of deposition, are looking for the safest and most secluded place, wherever they could get in the way.

Important! Flies obey instincts and rush to light sources in the dark. During the day, insects fly towards the windows, and under the cover of night rush to lamps and candles.

Why are flies dangerous?

Each, it would seem, not a terrible and rather miserable fly poses a huge danger to a person:

  1. First of all, it lurks in the causative agents of infectious diseases on the legs of an insect - polio, typhoid, cholera, worms, dysentery and many others.
  2. In addition, some of the types of pests feed on the blood of cattle, but human is also not disdain.
  3. Cheese and wolfart flies are a great danger to humans. These species lay their larvae on food or under the skin, as a result of which they parasitize within us for some time. If you do not take appropriate measures, then the larvae begin to eat a person from the inside. As a result, the occurrence of inflammation, bleeding, or even gangrene can be observed. Even reading this is extremely disgusting, what can I say if I have to go through such an experience? - Better not.

Important! That is why the extermination of flies must be methodical, very thorough, so as not to subsequently encounter the serious results of their life.

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How to get rid of flies?

The most effective means of annoying insects are specialized drugs for killing flies and traps, which can be purchased at almost every hardware store.


Fighting flies involves the use of two main methods:


  • Fumigation, which is based on the poisoning of pests with the help of specially designed aerosols filled with gases and vapors.

Important! Often smoke bombs are used to destroy flies. It is enough to throw one such into the room and quickly run away from it. But it is important that all the doors and windows of the room are tightly closed during these measures.

  • Pest control - based on the use of a number of measures to combat insects. They are based on chemical and biological agents.

Important! The destruction of flies provides for the full processing of the premises, as well as their breeding sites - garbage containers and garbage chutes.

Means of struggle

At home, you can use the following tools to kill flies:

  1. Adhesive tape, which is popularly known as Velcro. You just need to hang traps in your own apartment or at home and after a few hours you can enthusiastically count the number of flies caught on the bait. The secret of these tapes is to impregnate the material with the help of pheromones, which attract insects to themselves. But not everyone likes to personally fall for such garlands, which is almost impossible to avoid.
  2. Physical exposure is one of the least effective methods. Its essence lies in the manual capture and killing of flies with the help of a fly swatter or a newspaper folded in the form of a pipe. A beneficial plus is regular charging and the ability to throw a couple of extra pounds.
  3. Intimidating methods. Due to the well-developed sense of smell, flies avoid the premises where there are unpleasant odors for them. Put in your home a bouquet of tansy flowers and flies will leave the room.

Important! Tansy essential oils have a paralyzing effect on insects. Spray the room and crowded areas with this substance and observe the effect. True paralyzed flies still have to be destroyed manually and disposed of.

  1. Mixtures for killing flies can be used at insect breeding sites. The most common are an aqueous emulsion of malathion or a suspension of bleach. Also, sometimes a soap-kerosene mixture is used, which almost every seeker can save on flies.

Important! These tools are used to treat cesspools, compost heaps, and landfills. After all, it is in these accumulations of garbage and feces that harmful insects reproduce.

  1. Also effective means is ammonia water or ammonia. The maximum allowable amount of ammonia is 0.1%, the solution of ammonia contains 1 ml of active substance in 5 liters of water.
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Preventive measures

Destroying flies is much more difficult than preventing them from appearing in your home. Therefore, maintain cleanliness in the house and try to avoid the formation of places of accumulation and breeding of insects on your housing territory.If you live in the private sector and cesspools can not be avoided, then it is best to process them using specialized disinsection tools.

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If the situation with the population of flies is out of your control, then the most practical and effective method of control will be to contact specialized insect killing services. SES companies use highly efficient equipment, as well as special preparations for killing flies. This treatment of the room is particularly careful and guaranteed result. At the same time, these measures will not cause harm to your health, but they will remain calm for all households.

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