Universal stone - natural detergent

Only a couple of decades have passed since the time when different manufacturers began to literally overwhelm store shelves with household chemicals, and it no longer causes such a trembling delight. Almost every second housewife was convinced that despite the high efficiency and relatively high cleaning speed, creams, gels and powders are by no means unsafe. That is why “Universal Stone” - a natural detergent, is gaining more and more popularity not only in European countries, but is also in demand in the domestic market. What is the secret of this product and is it really possible to save, easily wash and clean your home, but not saturate it with destructive chemistry?

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Composition of Universal Stone detergent

This product is manufactured by the German company Zelinsky Universal-Stein. Until recently, it was widely popular only in Europe, but today it is freely available in our country.

One of the reasons why the universal detergent “Universal Stone” is in great demand in comparison with clearly chemical products is its natural composition. It includes 5 components:

  • soap flakes;
  • essential oils;
  • vegetable glycerin;
  • green soap;
  • white clay.

Now about each of this substance in more detail.

Soap flakes

data-kategorii-upakovka-dly-dlya-bitovoi-himii-tara-dlya-chistyaschih-sredstv-flakon-chistyaschie-12-500x500Soap flakes, which are part of the Universal Stone detergent, are made from high-quality, well-dried soap. In combination with coconut oil and sodium hydroxide, it causes an excellent foaming effect, due to which the product is economical in consumption and perfectly copes with pollution.

Essential oils

The manufacturer of natural detergent Universal Stone took care not only of the high efficiency of its products, but also of protecting the skin.

Citronella oil has a gentle effect on tissues, preventing dry hands, aging and accelerates skin regeneration. Based on this, we can conclude that the natural detergent “Universal Stone” is not only an excellent cleaning agent, but also safe.

Washed surfaces with the universal tool “Universal Stone”, reviews confirm this, they will lose not only the unpleasant smell, but will also be disinfected. And all this - with minimal effort.

Vegetable glycerin

Glycerin for the manufacture of its products, the German company produces mainly from palm and coconut oil. This substance has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect - not only for cleaned items, but also on the skin of your hands.

Important! Glycerin is also a natural moisturizer, which eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin, even after you washed a mountain of dishes and tear off all surfaces in the kitchen, in the bathroom. Moisturizing properties also affect the rate of dissolution of dirt on the surface being cleaned - this happens as quickly as when using aggressive chemicals, only safely.

White clay

White clay is a unique substance that has such a mild cleansing effect that it is widely used in cosmetology.

The basis of white clay is particles of silicon, aluminum, mineral salts and trace elements, which are so necessary for maintaining human health, but no less important for dissolving various types of dirt.

White clay grains are not abrasive. Therefore, when using the natural detergent “Universal Stone”, you can get an excellent result on the polished, shiny and clean surface of dishes or any other item.

Green soap

Green soap is extracted from wood, such as olive, oils. It gives an excellent cleaning effect, but at the same time provides protection to the skin. Such a component allows you to create a rich foam, quickly, but gently, dissolve contamination.

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The component composition of the natural detergent “Universal Stone”, of course, is impressive and leaves no doubt about the effectiveness of this product. But even more striking is the range of possible applications. Having bought one type of cleaner, you can remove dirt from any item - plumbing in the kitchen or bathroom, dishes, clothes, shoes and even a car or bicycle.

This also means a universal detergent.

05-sostav_1-500x5001If you doubt in any case whether these products are suitable for a particular material, be aware that the application is allowed on surfaces of:

  • metal;
  • acrylic;
  • plastic;
  • a tree;
  • ceramics;
  • skin
  • suede;
  • marble;
  • glass;
  • granite.
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Method of use

It is very easy to apply the universal remedy on a natural basis “Universal Stone”:

  1. Open a bottle or jar.
  2. Apply a small amount directly to the sponge, foam a little by squeezing it.
  3. Clean the desired surface with foam, rubbing it easily.
  4. Rinse under running water.

Important! In the bathroom and other plumbing items, you can apply the substance directly to the surface, but in very small quantities. This expense is due to good foaming, cleansing properties. Increasing the dosage simply does not make sense.

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  1. It is not necessary to use personal protective equipment - a respirator, gloves, as the universal natural remedy “Universal Stone” does not emit toxic substances, does not have an unpleasant odor, and vice versa - it most favorably affects the condition of the skin.
  2. Economical consumption - one can, subject to the amount of substance used, can replace up to 50 liters of your usual means.
  3. Absolute safety + environmental friendliness. The composition is completely absent, even in a small amount of harmful surfactants, phosphates, perfumes, other chemical elements.
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Now you know everything about the wonder stone Universal Stone. We hope to be convinced that the best alternative to cleaning your own home is not to be found. Of course, you can independently prepare gels and detergents from laundry soap, soda, mustard, but all this is time, energy. Here you are offered a finished product at an affordable price, completely harmless - why not take advantage?

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