Installation of the attic stairs

All private and suburban homes have lofts, and to make it convenient to climb there, people use a variety of devices - this can be steps, ladders or improvised means. But to be honest, such lifting methods cannot be called safe and convenient. That is why manufacturers have developed special staircases for attics, which are distinguished by their reliability, compactness, practicality, they have a small weight and an insulated manhole cover. Since almost all models are supplied assembled, attic stairs are not difficult to install. Today we will tell you how to choose such a structure and install it correctly at the place of operation.
to contents ↑The main criteria for choosing attic stairs
Before installing the attic stairs with your own hands, you need to determine its final dimensions. If you are planning a folding structure, then it is imperative to take into account its dimensions when unfolded. It is quite realistic to independently design and install such a staircase, the main thing is to approach this issue responsibly, using useful information and recommendations of specialists.
Important! Attic stairs can be folding or sliding, more often made of solid wood or metal.
The design should be carried out taking into account these recommendations:
- In the case of choosing a wooden staircase, it is not recommended to paint it until the interior is created, because it should be in harmony with the environment.
- For the manufacture of metal products, it is better to use a galvanized coating, because it will prevent the occurrence of rust and its spread throughout the structure for many years.
- The shape of your design decision should be as convenient as possible, be sure to match the area. So, in small rooms folding stairs look good. If the size of the room allows, then you can install an ordinary design.
- To ensure a high level of safety of movement, such products must necessarily be built with handrails and railings.
What design should the attic staircase have?
The main requirements that are imposed on the design of such products being built independently are based more on ensuring the highest level of safety for the people who will use them.
The following points can be attributed to them:
- To ensure easy access, they must have handrails, railings, anti-slip recesses and linings.
- An important role is played by structural strength.
- Attention must be paid to fire safety, in particular when it comes to a wooden staircase.
- The product should have a compact size, ergonomic shape, be as comfortable and convenient to use as possible.
Preparing for the installation of the attic stairs
When choosing a model, it is necessary to take into account that the dimensions of the existing opening in the attic should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the box itself. The height of the room, directly designed for the design, is also taken into account. As a rule, all these parameters are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.
Do-it-yourself attic stairs are installed using the following tools:
- Electric drill.
- Hacksaw.
- Screwdriver.
- Hammer.
- Spanner 10 or 13 mm.
- Building level.
- Ladder.
- Corner and tape measure.
In addition, you will also need the following materials:
- Wooden struts.
- Four wedges.
- Two not too thick bars.
- Twine.
- Mounting kit.
Now we will describe in detail how to install an attic staircase consisting of wooden marches independently.
You will need to perform certain manipulations in a clear sequence:
- Since the installation will be made from the attic side, it is necessary to fix two bars with twine on the staircase so that the so-called temporary supports are obtained.
Important! Remember that this must be done until the stairs are lowered into the opening.
- Then enter the staircase into the opening. To adjust the depth of its lowering, it is recommended to put special wedges under the ends of the supporting bars. In this case, the lower edge of the box should match the level of the ceiling. Then, using the level, you should check the horizontal position of the structure, adjust, if necessary, the height - this is done very simply, it is enough to shift the wedges in the right direction.
- Wooden spacers must be inserted between the walls of the opening and the box. Check with a tape measure and a corner the squareness of each corner of the box and the equality of all its diagonals. Then make holes 3 mm in size at the locations of the spacers, fasten the box with nails or screws.
- Next, you have to remove the supporting bars, lay out the stairs. Fill the gap between the walls and the duct with heat-insulating material.
- On the side mounts of the march to the manhole cover, loosen the bolts, push the ladder all the way, tighten the bolts.
- Adjust the height of the stairs, because for its correct and convenient operation after unfolding, all of its elements must form a strictly straight line. To do this, measure the distance from the floor to the lower corners of the penultimate part of the march. Then put off these distances on the last segment, mark the line drank. If suddenly this line gets to the step, then the desired offset can be obtained in another way, use the height control on the side joints of the march.
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After the installation is complete, you can additionally install handrails on it. If you carefully figure out how to install an attic staircase with your own hands, you can equip your country house or cottage with such a convenient and safe fixture.
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