Installation of luminaires in a suspended ceiling

Stretch ceilings are very popular today. Perhaps, there simply does not exist other materials on the modern market that could make worthy designs worthy of competition. However, in this article we will not talk about the stretch ceilings themselves, but about the correct installation of fixtures in the stretch ceiling, because you can not install all the fixtures, but only those that meet certain requirements regarding power, appearance, etc.

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Features of stretch ceiling lighting

In the process of planning the lighting, you, of course, want it to turn out uniform, so that the light is not very bright, does not cut eyes, does not distort colors and does not interfere with perceiving everything that surrounds you. Is it worth reminding that Ilyich’s well-known bulb, which is hung under the ceiling on a carbolite cartridge, does not meet all the desired requirements. Along with this, even the most beautiful and spectacular chandelier does not give good lighting - it only attracts too much attention, and it still does not work to avoid dark corners in the room.

All of the above problems can be eliminated by installing spotlights in suspended ceilings. High-quality and even illumination of the working area in the kitchen, soft and pacifying light in the lounge area, the absence of darkness and a pleasant environment for the eyes - all this can be fully achieved with this kind of fixtures.

Important! Highlighting suspended ceilings using recessed spotlights is done according to one specific principle. The supporting structure is initially attached to the base ceiling, which is also called the stand, on which the built-in elements will subsequently be held. And only after the stretching of the canvas is made, holes are cut through it, which are fixed with reinforcing rings. After that, if necessary, stick a heat-insulating ring and install a spotlight.

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Types of luminaires for suspended ceilings

As the popularity of spotlights grows continuously, their diversity is becoming wider every day. Most of the lamps that are used to illuminate traditional ceilings and room lighting are also suitable for stretch linens. According to the method of mounting, fixtures for suspended ceilings come in two varieties - with an external and internal arrangement of the bulb.

Lighting options

In the external placement, the bulb is located below the level of the stretch ceiling and is separated from it by the platform. Overhead lamps have the same mounting method as the traditional chandelier, and they are more preferable, since the bulb is not located in an enclosed space and cools quickly enough.

Lamps of this kind do not affect the life of the ceiling, they lighten brighter and better, because they have a wide scattering angle and “eat” less than the ceiling height due to the external placement of the bulb.

Important! Among the minuses of overhead lamps, the following can be distinguished: the lamp housing does not cover the protective thermal ring, and this slightly spoils the aesthetic appearance.

With an internal arrangement, the bulb hides above the level of the stretch web and practically does not protrude beyond its level. Installation of luminaires in suspended ceilings is done in such a way that the housing together with the bulb is built into the suspended ceiling, and only a small visible part of the housing, which is called the decorative ring or the protective glass of the ceiling, is visible from the outside of the canvas.

Important! Lamps in which the bulb is located inside are less recommended for installation. Since the light bulb is located inside the ceiling, this affects the cooling; moreover, both the thermal ring itself and the ceiling overheat.

The spotlight has a narrow beam of light that does not allow to illuminate a large area. If the installation is carried out incorrectly, then irreparable changes in the characteristics, appearance and properties of the tension web are quite possible.

But in most cases, they are nevertheless chosen, agreeing to fulfill several strict restrictions, for example, the use of cast lamps is unacceptable - only stamped ones. And it’s such lamps that are chosen because the point direction of the light can change the usual drop of shadows in the room and create a rather interesting exposure of lighting. Here the thermal rings are hidden by the side of the lamp.


What kind of lamps are there?

Overhead and mortise lamps can have incandescent, halogen, LED and energy-saving fluorescent lamps.

Important! The main type of luminaires for a stretch ceiling are considered MR16 with a halogen lamp, as well as R63 with an ordinary incandescent lamp.

Fluorescent energy-saving lamps quite rarely used with stretch ceilings, because light bulbs of this kind are large. Accordingly - a luminaire with this lamp during installation in suspended ceilings needs a significant distance between the suspended and the base ceiling.

A rather interesting solution for installing a spotlight in a suspended ceiling is recessed luminaires with LED bulbs. But they can not be used as the main working lighting of the room due to limited power, but for decorative lighting they are perfect.

Important! In addition to traditional lamps, you can make your choice in favor of the LED strip, which is installed with the canvas. Using it, soft illumination of certain functional comfort zones is created, for example, around the perimeter of a room or in another part of it.

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Spotlight Requirements

Far from any fixtures can be built into stretch ceilings, regardless of the desire of the owner. Recessed luminaires for suspended ceilings must meet certain characteristics.


First of all, for the installation of luminaires in suspended ceilings, you can use only round lighting fixtures. Moreover, to a greater extent this relates to the landing hole, which is necessary for installing the lamp in the suspended ceiling.

Important! It happens that a square or other shape lamp inside has a round landing site. Such a lamp is also suitable.

The housing of each of the fixtures on the inside should have a landing flange. When choosing a lamp, pay attention to the difference between the outer and inner diameters of its body. This indicator should have at least 10 mm.

Important! So it is necessary that the installed lamp covers the insulating ring, which is glued to the ceiling. Otherwise, the tread ring will protrude beyond the edge of the lamp, and it will be too noticeable.

It is desirable that the bulbs be coated with a special opaque paint in order to prevent light from penetrating the ceiling. If you use other lamps for luminaires, then the stretch ceiling can shine through, and also a small halo of light can be created around the luminaire on it.


In the process of choosing lighting devices in order to install a spotlight in a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions on the power of the lamps and the restrictions that relate to the distances between the lamps and the surface of the stretch ceiling. This is important, since a PVC film can melt and deform during heating above 60 degrees. Therefore, the installation of double thermal rings is desirable.

In order to prevent damage to the tension web from too much heating in the place where the lamp comes into contact with it, you should choose:

  • incandescent lamps with a power of less than 60 watts;
  • halogen lamps whose power does not exceed 35 watts.

Important! With additional thermal insulation, you can use lamps with more power.

If overhead lamps have an upper part that is not too prominent from the level of the stretch ceiling, where a strong lamp is located, then power restrictions can be neglected. In some cases, they are no more than 70 watts. An alternative is an almost unheated energy-saving light bulb.



The distance from the stretch fabric with the internal placement of the luminaires to the base surface “takes” about 6-7 cm for halogen lamps and 9-12 cm for incandescent lamps. The distance from the stretch fabric to overhead lamps should be at least 15 cm, but it is better if this indicator is 20-40 cm.

The contact of a spotlight and the case of a stretch ceiling is unacceptable, otherwise - the canvas will be pressed through. On stretch ceilings there is a gap between the side of the lamp and the canvas. On the other hand, it is permissible to cut the maximum hole diameter for mounting fixtures in suspended ceilings up to 15 cm.

Important! In a room where there is this type of fixtures, it is recommended to install dimmers - dimmers.

When choosing spotlights for installation in the kitchen, bathroom and a room with a pool, it is advisable to take special lights with their protection against moisture and dust. Often, such products are marked IP65 on the packaging if the manufacturer uses European marking standards.

Important! In spotlights, halogen bulbs can be on 12V or 220V, only for the first option you should definitely use a transformer, which has more power than the connected lamps. Each individual luminaire is best connected from a position of subsequent use to a 60 W transformer.

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Installation of spotlights

Before installing a spotlight in a stretch ceiling, you should determine the installation location.

Important! Determine the location for fasteners before installing the film coating. The wiring should be done after mounting the frame.

Basic rules


  • Install the frame and mark the plane of the ceiling.
  • Choose a location for the lighting connection point. For this, the connection point must be equipped with a junction box. This point should be freely accessible after the installation of the ceiling.
  • Calculate the cross-section of the wiring. You should not take it close to it - it is better to give preference to a cable, the power reserve in which is 20% more than required.
  • Make channels to the connection points. For a concrete surface, use a grinder with a circle on concrete. It will save your time. It is better to place the cable in the corrugation - carry out the channel width with this in mind.
  • Connect the cable to the junction box, route through the channels.
  • Fasten the wire to the ceiling surface.

Important! Avoid twisting while connecting - this is a very unreliable connection. It is better to use special terminal blocks, with the help of which a reliable fastening and a safe connection are ensured.

  • At the places of installation of the fixtures, release the cable for the connection. Make the wire length 10% longer than required.
  • On the main ceiling, mount the racks that are needed to install the lighting fixtures.
  • Attach the brackets, for which use a hammer drill.
  • Connect the lights temporarily and look at the operation of the entire wiring, as well as the correct lighting of the room. This must be done necessarily, since after fixing the film coating it will be too late to fix something.

Important! Remember that using ordinary lamps in a room, the plane of the tension web will drop by 10 cm, and the power of the lighting fixture will be limited to 40 watts. Using energy-saving lighting devices, the ceiling can only drop by 4 cm, and there may be no power restrictions at all, because they heat up slightly.

After the wiring is done, put the canvas stretch ceiling.

Important! Before starting work, it is necessary to disconnect the line of wires, where the work will be carried out, from the power supply, and also note the places of fastening of the lamps.



  1. On the film coating, along the installation contour of the lighting fixture, attach a plastic ring, which you need to purchase or make from plastic, 1 mm thick. This will help to further protect the canvas from tearing. It is necessary to apply glue on the surface and stick to the film.
  2. Pass the wires into the hole.
  3. Make the connection of the contacts to the terminals of the lamp. Then press the spring clip onto the housing.
  4. Adjust the luminaire and set it to the ceiling level. In this case, the springs return to their original position, which is what they provide for reliable mounting.
  5. By the same principle, connect all other lighting fixtures.

Important! Do wire feed to each lamp. Do not mount on the same line. If the lamp burns out, in this case the light goes out throughout the branch.

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Fixing the chandelier to the stretch ceiling

Many, choosing chandeliers, want to install them on a stretch ceiling. Today in stores there are many types of similar designs. However, not everyone is suitable for a stretch ceiling. Such an element must immediately be selected correctly.

Chandelier Selection

Almost any of the lighting fixtures can be attached to the suspended ceiling, but sometimes difficulties can arise during further operation. Therefore, you must adhere to certain rules when choosing the right items:

  • Choosing a chandelier, it is undesirable to buy a design like a plate. As a rule, in these chandeliers, the base is made of rather thin metal, which during heating can become too hot.
  • You should pay attention to the elements with a lampshade and with a lamp inside. During operation of such a design, there will be no spots on the ceiling.
  • If you still decide to use the design without a ceiling, then try to choose the direction of the lamps to the sides or down. In addition, it is desirable that there is a light reflector in the chandelier.
  • Give preference to devices in which you can use energy-saving lamps.
  • Do not buy models that are too complex - the simpler the better.
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Chandelier Mount

After the chandelier is selected, it is necessary to correctly mount the chandelier to the suspended ceiling. For this, there are several types of performance of this work.

Ceiling hook

Perhaps this is the most famous and used version of the connection. It is reliable enough, because it is rigidly connected to the surface. During the mounting process in the stretch ceiling, no additional materials are needed. An anchor type hook is best for mounting.


  1. Make a hole in the ceiling with a hammer drill and attach the hook.
  2. Make it should be slightly higher than the ceiling plane - this is done by adjustment.

Important! It is necessary that the glass rests on the canvas without too visible gaps.

Mounting plate

A similar design can be found in newly installed pendant lights.


  • Try the chandelier to the ceiling.
  • If there is an old hook in the place where you are going to install the chandelier, then you need to bend it - it is undesirable to cut it off, because it is still unknown what kind of chandelier you will have in the future.
  • Attach the mounting plate to the plane and mark the locations of the fasteners.

Important! To mark on the ceiling, first make it in the mounting rail. Once attached to the plane, mark with a drill. If you make the attachment points on the ceiling and plank separately, then they may not coincide - you will need to redo all the work.

  • Make holes with a punch and install a wall plug.
  • Attach the bar. The bar is installed either on the ceiling level, or slightly higher.

Important! Even for fastening, a two-piece bar can be used, which connects to the surface in the same way as the previous principle. From each other, they differ only in appearance. It is also installed using the platform.

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Stock footage

You can always try to independently install the fixtures in suspended ceilings. This is not an easy task, but the pleasure received from the result will be necessary. If you take into account all the features of the interior of the room when choosing lighting fixtures, choosing shades of light, be puzzled by a careful study of all the nuances, the room will definitely be transformed, which you cannot help but notice.

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