Sewer blockage

If there is a blockage in the pipes, it means that the drain was used incorrectly. In the fight against such malfunctions, you have two options: call a specialist or try to do all the work yourself. The first option is easier, but can significantly hit the budget, the second is cheaper, but it takes more effort. Let's try to figure out how to conduct an independent elimination of blockage in the sewer.

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Why does blockage appear?

In order to perform quality work, it is necessary to understand how the sewer system works, for what reasons blockages appear in it.

If we are talking about an apartment in a high-rise building, the system will consist of drain pipes connected to the main riser of the highway. In a private house, pipes lead to a sewage collection system.

Any pipeline has bends of pipes in which the liquid slows down its movement, and it is these places that become the most vulnerable. We will deal with the reasons in more detail.


If the pipes are made of cast iron, over time they will necessarily overgrow with a coating on the inside, which does not allow the fluid to pass freely. This raid holds up the trash. Thus, there is more and more dirt inside, water passes worse, and blockage appears.

If the installation of the drainage system was carried out independently, consider this point, and keep all problem areas of the pipe free for access. For example, in a private house it is imperative to provide access to all sharp pipe turns, and to equip such wiring with hatches on the street.

Important! Cast iron pipes are more prone to clogging than plastic.


Also, the pipe may become clogged due to a large object falling into it. The object itself can block the flow of water, or eventually accumulate small debris on itself and clog the hole.


Another blockage option is the ingress of compounds that harden from cold temperatures into the pipe. For example, regular fat. It also gradually deposits on the walls, accumulates debris and eventually leads to blockage.

So, when the main reasons are sorted out, we can proceed to how to eliminate blockages in sewer pipes.

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How to remove a blockage?

There are many ways to eliminate the blockage, but not all are effective. We will analyze the best options.


The most difficult, but sometimes the most effective means is to sort out the entire drainage system again. This is a rather expensive method, and it will be useful to residents of private homes for frequent problems with a drain.

What else can be done to eliminate blockage in the sewage system is effective:

  • With external blockage, the drain well is cleaned. To do this, take a water pump and pump liquid out of the well.
  • Pipes can be cleaned with a cable.

We use chemistry

A less cardinal option, but also quite effective is to use special solutions for cleaning pipes. Such compounds destroy the internal plaque, so that the liquid passes through the pipe.

In stores today there are various types of pipe cleaners - from powders to gels and liquid products. You can choose the most effective with the help of a consultant and reviews on the network.

Perhaps one of the most famous cleaners is “Mole”, which contains caustic soda:

  • The tool is in the form of powder and liquid.
  • The drug acts on small debris and deposits inside the pipes, breaks down protein, fat, salts, other organic compounds, and allows water to go further along the highway.
  • After use, the drain is washed by running running water over it.

A great option would be a combination of “Mole” and mechanical cleaning with a plunger or cable.

Important! This method is not suitable for all types of pipes. Plastic products do an excellent job with alkali, but the metal may not stand up and let it leak.

When choosing a remedy to eliminate blockage in the sewage system, it should be remembered that the active substances can be based on alkali and acid.

Important! Never mix different formulations! This can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Be sure to pay attention to the instructions for the use of funds, if they are used incorrectly - active substances can damage not only the pipes, but also the skin of the hands or respiratory tract.

Mechanical way

There are also blockages that none of the chemicals will take. If any item obstructs the drain, mechanical removal from the pipe is the best option.


The easiest option, how to eliminate clogging in the sewer is to use a plunger. This device is made of rubber circle with a holder, which can be found today in almost every home.

The plunger’s way of working is simple: thanks to its device, it creates air pressure, and water that cannot be squeezed begins to move along the pipe.


  1. We fill the clogged sink with water.
  2. We install a plunger to the place of discharge.
  3. We move the device with swinging movements from top to bottom.
  4. We remove the plunger.
  5. Check how the water leaves.
  6. The process can be repeated.

Important! To fit the plunger tightly, the junction with the drain can be lubricated with petroleum jelly. You need to work softly, since very strong pressure can break the siphon.

But the plunger does not always help. When the sewerage branches, pressure will go along the easiest path, which will lead to the release of water and air in places connected by the system. But do not despair, because you can use one more mechanical device.kanalizacionnyj-zasor-5


This tool is not always found at home. However, it is popular, as is the plunger. The cable is:

  • A thick metal string with a handle at the top.
  • At the end of the cable, various nozzles are possible, but most often there are spirals and metal brushes.

Important! With the help of the device, you can both push through the blockage and extract its cause.

Mode of application:

  1. We insert the cable into the sewer pipe, after removing the siphon.
  2. Then, with one hand, the cable is pushed lower, turning the handle with his free hand, until it runs into a blockage.
  3. Further, the pollution is either pushed or pulled out.
  4. Periodically, the cable will have to be pulled out and cleaned of adhering dirt manually.
  5. After use, the tool is washed under hot water and wiped with oil.
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What else can be done?

The first thing to check if the water does not go into the drain is a siphon. This device does not allow sewage odors to get out, and also catches heavy dirt, which can be dangerous for pipes.


The siphon is easy to disassemble by unscrewing the thread. The main thing is not to forget to put a container under it, otherwise - all the water and dirt accumulated in it will be on the floor.

If during disassembly, the problem was found in the siphon, it is disassembled, cleaned and collected back.

A vacuum cleaner

If you have a clogged toilet - you can use a home-made device from a plunger and a washing vacuum cleaner. The procedure for this is quite simple:

  1. Remove the holder from the plunger.
  2. According to the dimensions of the vacuum cleaner pipe, we cut a hole in the rubber part.
  3. We fix the gum on the vacuum cleaner using electrical tape.
  4. We put the rubber part in the drain.
  5. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and pull out the blockage.

Important! When working with electrical appliances, you should be as careful as possible and comply with safety regulations.

Boiling water

  1. Take your time to buy various products, because sometimes you can do just hot water, especially if the cause is fat deposits on the pipes:
    First warm up the pipes by turning on hot water.
  2. After - gradually pour a few glasses of boiling water.
  3. If the water began to pass faster - the method can be repeated.

Important! To get hot water directly to the clogging place, you can use a hose. One end of it is lowered into the drain hole, and boiling water is poured into the second.

Soda and Vinegar

One of the most effective folk ways to eliminate blockage in the sewer:

  1. A pack of soda is poured into the sink, filled with a glass of acetic acid.
  2. Substances react and organic blockage breaks down.
  3. Be sure the drain hole is closed with a stopper, then the reaction will occur in the pipe, and not on the surface.
  4. After the foam begins to go into the drain, two glasses of boiling water are poured into it.

Important! Another home option is to use just baking soda. About ½ pack of soda per 8 liters of water is poured into the drain. Soda helps break plaque inside.

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Professional Ways

Professional services are equipped with special equipment that will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of clogging. Moreover, they operate by hydrodynamic, pneumodynamic and mechanical methods.

Important! Professional cleaning machines are electric and gasoline. Compact models of small size, light weight and simply fit in the apartment.

Hydrodynamic machines

Such devices create a lot of water pressure and pulsation, so that the drain is cleaned. Also, the machines are equipped with special mechanical nozzles that can remove dirt inside the pipe. Work with such a device lasts about an hour.

Important! In this way, it is convenient to eliminate sewage blockages in a private house.

Electromechanical devices

In fact, these are the same cables, only with a motor and a nozzle, making them very convenient to use and clean long pipes at a time.

Important! Pumping pumps can also be attributed to this type of special equipment.

Pneumodynamic devices

This option is similar to water hammer installations, but instead of water, air is used, which creates pressure in the pipe.

In order to prevent accidents, preventive measures should be taken in time.

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Preventative measures

Remember that there are certain rules for using the drain: do not throw large objects into the sewer, as well as liquids that can clog the pipes.

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Helpful hints:

  1. Experts recommend getting rid of plaque in pipes using special chemicals 3 times a year.
  2. Monitor the condition of the pipes, do not allow even small debris to get into the drain.
  3. To protect the drain, you can install a filter mesh, because it is very easy to clean it.
  4. To dissolve plaque on pipes, periodically pour a strong salt solution into the drain.
  5. After using the drain, pour a few glasses of boiling water into it.
  6. To prevent residual fat from entering the drain, a special grease trap can be installed.
  7. Do not use battery acid for cleaning - pipes may break from it.
  8. When choosing a plunger, pay attention to its design. The device must be equipped with a strong wooden handle, otherwise - its service may be short-lived. The rubber part should be heavy enough and fit snugly to the surface.
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If none of the methods helped or eliminating the blockage in the sewer turned out to be not as effective as you expected, do not hesitate. Get help from specialists!

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