Refrigerator accumulates water under drawers

In the refrigerator, water accumulates under the drawers - what to do in this situation? Do not panic, it is likely that you might just not tightly close the refrigerator. If it is closed tightly, then carefully read this article, in which we described all the possible causes of the appearance of water inside the refrigerator, and how to eliminate this problem.

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Reasons why the refrigerator is flowing

As soon as you notice that your refrigerator is leaking and water is collecting in it, you should not immediately contact a repair specialist. The main thing and the first thing you should do is to examine the device yourself to find out the source of the leak.

If water flows exclusively from under the bottom, there are several main reasons.

There are malfunctions in the drain system

It is likely that the drain pipe was just disconnected or the water collection tank had broken. You can detect this malfunction yourself, simply by moving the unit and looking at its rear wall.

You can easily put the drainage tube that is back on its own. And to change the capacity for collecting water, you will be forced to seek help from a specialist.

Important! As a rule, such breakdowns occur after any transportation of the equipment or its movement from place to place, during which the drainage tube and storage tank are randomly touched.

The problem lies in the freezer of the No Frost refrigerator

You can detect the presence of this breakdown visually, carefully examining all the walls of the freezer. If they are covered with a thick layer of ice, the No Frost refrigerator flows because the evaporative heater is out of order. In this case, you will have to call the master and change the failed part.

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For what reasons can water be in the refrigerator?

When water accumulates in the refrigerator not only from below, but also inside, the reason may lie in the following.

Door seal worn

In this case, the unit door does not close tight enough, and warm air continuously seeps in, as a result of which the equipment begins to function with increased load. This is the cause of the formation of ice, which melts under the influence of warm air.

As a result, water surplus forms inside, which partially flows through a specialized drainage hole, and partially remains inside the refrigerator compartment.

Important! You can stop this process by simply replacing the old rubber seal on the device.

A more complex reason is the failure of the thermostat

In this case, the compressor stops its work, but at the same time the indicator lamp blinks, water melts, fills the refrigerator. You must pull out the products lying in them from the chambers, wipe the water dry and call the master, who should quickly and easily replace the thermostat.

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Clogged drain hole

This is another reason why the refrigerator accumulates water under the drawers. You can also cope with its cleaning on your own. In order to avoid clogging of this drain, you should avoid contact of the packaging material and products with the elements of the “crying” evaporator.Then you will not be forced to ask what to do when water accumulates in the refrigerator.

How to clean the drain of the refrigerator?

If your refrigerator is a two-chamber, it is equipped with a “crying” evaporator, and you notice that water accumulates under the fruit and vegetable boxes, most likely the reason for this is a clogged drain.

You can fix this defect in 90% yourself. For this:

  1. Take a small rubber bulb.
  2. Draw warm water into it, then squeeze it under high pressure into the drain hole, which is located inside the refrigerator compartment.

That's all, your problem is solved!

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Some recommendations

In the event that you could not find a solution to this problem yourself, then you will have to call the wizard. Always remember that from the water that flows out or accumulates on the surface of the rear wall at the bottom of the unit, very important details of the refrigerator break down:

  • Particular troubles can be caused by rusting the pipes through which the refrigerant passes. At that moment, when the rust “eats” the pipe, the substance of the refrigerator will instantly begin to creep out, which will lead to an immediate and final breakdown of the refrigeration device.
  • Regular moisture can begin the process of rusting a metal casing, which is also capable of rapidly deteriorating.
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That is why do not ignore the problem if it accumulates in the refrigerator under the drawers. At the slightest suspicion of unexpected pools in any compartment of the refrigerator, you should urgently find out and eliminate the problem. This will allow you to significantly extend the life of your refrigeration equipment.


