Cast-iron bathtubs - which ones are better to take?

Choosing a bathtub for a bathroom is quite an important and difficult question, because this is the very place where we visit regularly and cannot imagine our existence without it. Each person takes a daily shower in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, and sometimes a relaxing hot bath. The bath is not often replaced by a new one, respectively - it is selected for more than a dozen years. It must be of high quality, strong and durable. Among all the types of bathtubs on the market, special attention should be paid to cast-iron baths, because it was not for nothing that they existed more than a hundred years ago, and are still manufactured despite the appearance of newer and more modern types, such as steel and acrylic bathtubs. Today we will surely understand what are cast-iron bathtubs, which ones are better to take in quality, what characteristics are worth paying attention to, we will consider the rating of their manufacturers.
to contents ↑What is a cast-iron bath?
For the production of these products, cast iron is used, it is poured into the necessary form, then processed properly so that the surface is even and smooth. After this, the final stage begins - enameling, in which the iron is covered with a protective layer of enamel. The durability and strength of the finished product depends on the quality and thickness of the enamel.
Cast iron bathtubs differ from their competitors in a number of characteristics. First, pay attention to their advantages:
- Strength is one of the most significant advantages of products from this metal. Since bathtubs are made of cast iron, they are not subject to deformation, because cast iron is an incredibly strong metal. Such a design will steadily serve you for several decades, absolutely without changing its shape.
- Durability. If you purchased a quality product, took into account all the nuances when buying and consciously approached the choice, then you can be sure that you are guaranteed a long service life. Cast-iron bathtubs are rightfully considered the most durable.
- Excellent heat capacity. A font made of cast iron keeps heat perfectly, the water in it will keep the temperature for a long time.
- High soundproofing. If it gets to the bottom of the product, the water will not make noise, hitting the surface.
In addition to the indisputable advantages, cast iron has some disadvantages:
- Cast iron products are incredibly heavy, which greatly complicates the transportation and installation. Their weight on average is 100 kilograms, so consider this point before installation, consider the possibility of bringing the product into the room.
- Uniformity of forms. Since the manufacturing process of cast-iron bathtubs is rather complicated, these products are not particularly diverse in shape, as a rule, they are oval and rectangular.
Key selection criteria
If you are puzzled by the question which cast-iron bathtubs are better to take, then, first of all, you need to know what parameters it is necessary to choose, what criteria are important when buying. Let's look at them all in order.
Shape and size selection
Before purchasing a cast-iron bath, it is worth considering the dimensions of the room in which it will be installed. Based on this, it is worth choosing the optimal length and width of the bath. As for the forms, the most common are rectangular and oval baths.Based on the visual preferences and capabilities of the room, you can easily choose the best cast-iron bathtub for yourself.
Important! Small bathtubs include products with a length of 120-130 centimeters, bathtubs with a length of 150-170 centimeters are considered medium, and if they are 170-185 centimeters long, they are referred to as large bathtubs. Regarding the width, it is almost always standard and amounts to 70 centimeters, in rare cases there are products with a width of 85 centimeters.
type of instalation
On sale you can find built-in and freestanding cast-iron bathtubs. If the room of your bathroom is spacious and the design involves the installation of a bathtub as an element of decor, then you should pay attention to the products on the legs. They, as a rule, self-sufficient in design, can be installed in the center of the room or in any other place, decorating the interior.
If you want to opt for the classic version or if you don’t have a too large room area, then you should take a closer look at the built-in bathtubs.
Enamel coating quality
This criterion is determined visually, so to speak “by eye”. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Since cast iron is very difficult to make as smooth as possible, due to its structure, high-quality enamel will cover all these bumps.
If the surface seems rough and uneven - this indicates a low quality enamel. When choosing a bath, you need to compare several options - high-quality is always easy to distinguish among low-quality products, their surface will be smooth, glossy and pleasant to the touch.
For a decent choice, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of cast-iron bathtubs by manufacturers, determine for yourself who to give preference to - domestic brands or imported ones:
- Domestic cast-iron bathtubs are not very different in design and variety, but more affordable.
- Imported ones have a wider assortment and often they are deeper than domestic ones.
Important! In any situation, choose a trusted and reputable manufacturer.
The size, shape, quality of enamel and the presence of additional characteristics, such as a non-slip coating, the presence of a headrest, handles, and hydromassage, affect the cost of goods. Also, the price depends on the popularity of the manufacturer. Remember that you should not save on such an important acquisition, because this is not a purchase for a couple of years, it will serve you for a long time. Let the operation process be not only long, but also pleasant, and this very much depends on the price.
to contents ↑Popular manufacturers of cast iron bathtubs
The market has a huge number of manufacturers of bathtubs, both domestic and foreign. When buying a future font, never stop your choice without collecting information about the manufacturer, moreover, do not buy the product if there is absolutely no information about the brand. There are a lot of reviews on the Internet regarding the rating of cast-iron bathtubs in terms of quality; there are reviews on specific models and the manufacturer in general.
Local manufacturers produce affordable bathtubs, among them there are decent quality models, but their range is small. The thickness of the cast-iron walls of the products is much thicker than that of imported competitors, respectively - such bathtubs are characterized by a higher weight.
Foreign manufacturers make baths with thinner walls - this is achieved thanks to advanced casting technology. Their products are lighter, but not inferior in quality. Often, foreign bathtubs have adjustable legs, which is much more convenient from the point of view of installation and piping. Many of them have anti-slip coating.
Important! It is known that the highest quality cast-iron baths are produced in Spain, France and Germany. Since acrylic bathtubs make up the majority of the assortment on the foreign market, it should be noted that cast-iron products are referred to the premium segment there.
Let's get acquainted with the companies that produce cast iron bathtubs closer. Here are the best cast iron bathtub manufacturers:
- Company Roca. Perhaps the leader among manufacturers of bathtubs, according to a rating compiled by customer reviews. This is a Spanish company that produces mid-range models, as well as an elite segment. Their products are characterized by an optimal ratio of price and quality, have a large volume, anti-slip coating, equipped with comfortable head restraints and armrests, their surface is incredibly high-quality and durable.
- The French company Jacob Delafon produces incredibly stylish and interesting design cast-iron bathtubs, while their products have decent durability. Fonts of this manufacturer are superior to others in terms of design and are not inferior in terms of convenience.
Important! There are very deep models with a comfortable headrest.
- The young, not so long ago founded Spanish company Novial, which has become a worthy competitor to companies that have long established themselves in the market. She is actively and rapidly increasing her position in the ranking. A distinctive feature of the company is a special technology for bath enameling - the enamel is made on the basis of titanium, which makes its surface incredibly strong.
Important! The manufacturer has models with a flat anti-slip bottom that does not have beveled edges. This virtually eliminates the possibility of slipping, and also increases the usable area.
- The French company Oxame has established itself as a company that cares about the environment and introduces modern eco-technologies.
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Having familiarized yourself with the information on what cast-iron bathtubs are, what characteristics you should pay attention to, knowing the criteria by which you should choose them, you can easily make the right purchase. Remember that in this case, you should give preference to quality products, even if you have to spend a little more money on such a purchase. It is better to buy a quality product that will delight you for more than a dozen years and not think about replacing a bath than to save money, thereby earning yourself additional chores for the future. Approach the choice consciously, and then you will be happy with the purchase even after many years.
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