DIY flower pots

Gardening of a summer residence plays an important role in its improvement, because even a small flowerbed with flowers is able to transform the site. There are many ways to decorate the territory, a huge selection of materials and technologies. In large areas you can find whole architectural green buildings. A variety of flowerpots made from improvised materials, for example, from tires or plastic bottles, decorate cottages, plots and even adjoining territories. Of course, you can buy ready-made samples from plastic, wood or metal. But very often it is difficult to choose exactly what you need for a summer house with any specific layout or for the corresponding landscape design. And having made street flowerpots with your own hands, you can get a container of any configuration and size. Using improvised materials, you can make not only flowerpots, but also original figures that can be used for certain purposes, for example, for planting flowers. So, from what and how to make flowerpots for the garden with your own hands?
to contents ↑The size and shape of the pot
First of all, you need to decide what size you need a flowerpot, and from what material you want to make it. The main criterion in determining the size is the place of its installation. There are tons of options:
- on the ground;
- in limbo;
- with fastening on a wall or a protection.
In addition, such a flowerpot should harmoniously fit into the overall style of the site. Somewhere geometric shapes look more succinctly, and somewhere elaborately made specimens with unusual, even extravagant shapes are more suitable.
Important! In large areas, small flowerpots look ridiculous, they are lost in a large space, and vice versa - it is difficult to fit a huge one into the design of a small area.
In terms of colors, one rule must be taken into account - the pot should not be brighter than the flowers planted in it. But the solid color emphasizes the style of the site.
to contents ↑Important! The most popular for outdoor flowerpots are colors such as: brown, white, gray and terracotta.
Flowerpots from a tree
Wood is a unique material suitable for any garden, the main advantage of which is its simple processing. The disadvantage of this material is that it is unstable to high humidity. But you can fight it. If you process a wooden product with special impregnation, and then varnish, it will become a real decoration of any site. It is from this material that you can make original flowerpots for flowers with your own hands of any shape and any configuration, and in several ways.
From the boards
By knocking together individual planks, you can make a flower pot of any size. This is a shield technology that allows you to get products of a mostly rectangular shape:
- You make four shields and connect them into a single box, which expands or narrows to the top.
- You can, of course, make a more complex design, but here you have to try.
Important! Most often, only a frame for a flowerpot is made of wood, and even an old holey bucket can carry out its base. Such a frame can be assembled very simply from the props laid flat.
From timber
You can collect a flowerpot according to the principle of a log cabin:
- Cut the bars of the right size.
- Cut from two edges on each of them to half the thickness of the bar.
- Connect as a constructor to each other using nails and screws.
Important! Of course, the bars must first be well sanded and coated with at least a stain.
From the stump
The stump can become a container for flowers, it can be transformed into a beautiful flowerpot. For work you need a chisel and a drill.
Getting started:
- First you need to drill holes on the surface of the stump, the closer they are to each other, the easier it will be to further process the tree.
- Using a chisel, carefully pull out the inner wood until the depth reaches the desired size.
Important! The dimensions of such a flowerpot also depend on the dimensions of the stump itself, and the more rotten the stump, the thicker the walls should be.
- Inside, it is best to insert a clay or plastic container of a suitable size.
- Now it remains only to fill the ground and plant flowers.
From sawn trees
Such a flower pot will look very original and beautiful. It is not worth planting flowers directly in the wood itself, with frequent watering, the tree can rot.
It is better to insert some pot or even a cut plastic bottle inside a cut wooden branch. The tree must be pre-treated with a special protective composition.
to contents ↑Clay flowerpots
Clay is a traditionally used natural material, characterized by high ductility. From it you can make a product of any shape, size and texture.
Important! Such containers are best suited for growing flowers; roots in plants in such a pot will not rot.
But the main difficulty in making clay products with your own hands is high-quality firing. For him, you will need to purchase a large-sized electric furnace, which, in addition, you also need to connect. Therefore, it is much easier to use clay containers of industrial production. They do not differ in large dimensions, but they are perfect for decorating a house or walls.
to contents ↑Flowerpots from metal
When choosing metal as the material for the manufacture of a street flowerpot with your own hands, you will have to do tinning or welding seams, since the pot should be airtight.
There are few people who want, and most importantly, skilled craftsmen to perform such work qualitatively. In addition to the difficulty in manufacturing, there is another drawback - the rapid heating of the material in the sun. This speeds up the process of evaporation of water, and flowers will have to be watered more often. It is undesirable to put metal products in sunny areas of the garden, and if no one lives in the country all the time, then there is a risk that the plants will die.
to contents ↑Important! If you still chose metal, it is best to use ready-made tanks for the pot, for example, barrels that can be cut to any size and decorate.
Flowerpot of stones
Such a flowerpot will perfectly fit into any landscape in a country house or garden plot, it is not afraid of either rain or snow, and it is notable for its natural beauty. There are two ways to make stone street flower vases with your own hands.
Stone plus solution turns a flowerpot
This is the easiest option, and if made from a simple stone that can be found anywhere, then also the cheapest. However, if you want to get a really beautiful and original copy, then it is better to buy material.
An excellent solution would be flat sandstone or limestone slabs. They can be cut into fragments of the desired size and shape and joined using frost-resistant tile adhesive.
This, in fact, is a wire mesh frame filled with stone. Its advantage is the absence of cement, which with its grayness spoils the appearance of the product. True, on the other hand, the appearance is spoiled by a metal mesh. But in general, gabions look good, the most important thing is to choose the right stone, and then the grid will recede into the background.
Features of creating a decorative pot:
- Any rigid mesh with a rectangular mesh, preferably stainless steel, will do.
- Formwork is prepared from it - a frame, which is then filled with stone.
- The greatest aesthetic effect can be achieved by laying stones according to the mosaic principle, creating a drawing during the laying process.
to contents ↑Important! If you spill the space between the stones with fertile soil, then the flowers can also be grown on the stones themselves.
Flowerpots from plastic bottles
There are many ways to make a vase from plastic bottles, although, of course, this is an option for an amateur.
Option 1
The easiest way is to cut off a two-liter bottle, and make a hole on the back to drain the water, tint it with paints, and decorate it to taste, for example, with shells or sea pebbles.
Everything is ready!
Option 2
If you need a large copy, then a twenty-liter bottle will do. For the pot to be stable, it will have to be made stationary:
- Dig a piece of reinforcement in the place where you plan to install the flowerpot.
- Cut the bottom of the bottle - this will be the bottom of the future vase.
- Drill a hole the size of the neck of a bottle in the bottom.
- Paint all surfaces with waterproof paint.
- When everything dries up, you can assemble the structure: we put the neck of the bottle on the fittings, and we put the “skirt” from the bottom on the neck.
Everything is ready! You can fill the ground and plant flowers.
to contents ↑Flowerpot from a tire
To decorate the infield, even such junk materials as car tires will be used. These flower pots with their own hands will emphasize the beauty of the plants planted in them. Make them easy, fast and almost free.
Important! You need to choose the right material for the right size. The best is winter studless tires, which are softer and thinner.
Getting started creating a decorative street pot:
- First, we mark the tires. In the circle of the entire tire, the desired pattern is applied, along which cutting will be performed. Inside there is a metal cord, which will serve as a natural border to which cuts should be made.
- When the drawing is applied, it is necessary to make incisions on it. They can be produced with a well-sharpened knife or jigsaw.
- After making the cuts, they must be turned inside out. The main thing is to turn out at least a third, further work will go easily.
- Now we need to transform our flowerpot: paint it in the desired color, add small decorative elements. Notched sections can be given a different shape, for example, oval or triangular.
- Before filling the container with soil and planting flowers, it is necessary to put agrotextile material on the bottom, which will provide water drainage and prevent weed germination.
There are other ways to create street flowerpots from tires. You can find various ideas on the Internet.
to contents ↑Flowerpots from concrete
Their only drawback is a lot of weight, but they are easy to make. A vase made of concrete will last a long time and does not require any maintenance.
We make:
- Take the container of the right size and the other a little smaller.
- Treat the inside of the large and the outside of the small container with vegetable oil.
- Take a plastic tube and make 4 equal lengths of it about 5 cm long. This will be our future drainage.
- If you want to make a colored flowerpot, you need to add dye to the mixture. The solution is done as follows: 2 parts of cement go 3 parts of sand and water.
- We fill a large container with a cement mortar with a layer of about 2 cm. We insert pipes for drainage there and wait until the mortar sets.
- Then we lower the small one into a large container, and fill the gap between the containers with the remaining solution.
- After about a day, the cement mortar will harden. It is necessary to slowly and accurately get a small container, and sprinkle cement with water. In a large capacity, you need to withstand the future flowerpot for about a week until completely solidified.In this case, you need to wrap everything with a film and regularly moisten the solution.
- Then the pot needs to be carefully pulled out of a large container, and you can fill it with earth, plant flowers.
Important! You can treat the finished product with a metal brush to remove all irregularities and make its surface smoother.
The weight of a concrete product can be reduced if it is made without a bottom, only to erect walls, and that’s all.
to contents ↑Flowerpots from old things
To create street flowerpots, you can use any old things, for example, various jugs, old buckets, shoes and beer bottles:
- Any old plate is suitable, you just need to hold it over the heater and, when the material heats up, you can give it any shape. The main thing is to be careful and not to burn yourself.
- Broken mugs, jugs, bowls will also do this job perfectly. If you give free rein to imagination, you can come up with very original solutions, for example, a beautifully painted and decorated pan can be put on a chair or a stand, which will serve as an excellent basis for a flower garden.
- You can organize a flower bed using a table from an old sewing machine and a box of plywood.
to contents ↑Important! As decorations, you can use broken glass, small pebbles, shells, nail polishes. The most difficult thing is to choose and arrange decorative elements correctly.
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In this article, you have found many ideas on how to make flower pots with your own hands, different in complexity. Start experimenting with the simplest options, improving your skills. Then soon your summer cottage will turn into a colorful and cozy islet of relaxation.
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