Spring facial skin care

Each of the seasons has its own imprint on the condition of our facial skin. Negative factors affect not only its appearance, but also affect the internal structure. Therefore, in order to eliminate the consequences of negative factors, careful and regular skin care is required. Spring facial skin care has a number of features. They will be discussed in this article.

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Facial skin condition in the spring

Strange as it may seem, but in the spring, when nature begins to come to life, the skin of the face experiences far from the best of times:

  • After a cold and gloomy winter, when the sun is practically absent, it becomes inanimate and dull. In addition, her sensitivity increases, as a result of which the first sun's rays become a real blow for her, because of which small cracks appear on her.
  • After the winter, an ugly greasy shine often appears, because the skin was not properly cleaned, the pores in it were clogged. Because of this, inflammation, dryness and a tired look can also occur.
  • Even a slight impact of the spring wind can aggravate the situation, causing irritation and peeling.

Important! It should be remembered that in the winter, the face, like no other part of the body, was exposed to temperature changes (from home to the street, and vice versa), and this is very serious stress.

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The main stages of facial care

The spring season, like any other period, requires us to have proper and regular skin care. To properly care for skin in the spring, you should divide everything into 4 stages:

  1. Cleansing.
  2. Moisturizing.
  3. Food.
  4. Protection.

For each of these stages, you can choose not only the most suitable product in terms of effect and price, but also ways of leaving.

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First step. Skin cleansing

The first stage is the most important process, especially in the spring, and this is due to the fact that after the winter cold, depleted, rough, dry skin tissues should be cleaned of the layer of dead cells. Only after the cleaning procedure can you begin the following steps for skin care in the spring. Return the skin tenderness, smoothness and velvety will help the following methods of exposure.

Deep cleaning

Carrying out spring facial skin care, choose means for deep cleansing in accordance with the type of your skin, as well as its condition. In cosmetic clinics or beauty salons you can offer two types of cleaning:

  • Ultrasonic, including skin resurfacing - it is carried out for surface cleaning.
  • Mechanical, aimed at a deeper effect - it removes acne and subcutaneous comedones.

At home, you can do:

  • Peeling - helps restore skin by removing dead skin cells and the contents of skin pores. Peeling can be different: often girls resort to the procedure using fruit acids. The duration of such a session is usually 20 minutes. After the procedure, a cream with a high coefficient of protection is applied to the skin. It is recommended to carry it out until the active sun (until mid-March).
  • Scrub - in order to avoid injury to the epidermis, scrubs must be selected very carefully.Owners of dry or normal skin can apply scrubs only after applying a nourishing and moisturizing mask. Ideally, everything should be like this: a nourishing mask in the evening - cleaning in the morning.

Important! To establish the correct spring facial skin care, use a scrub should be no more often than a couple of times a week.

  • Gommage - this procedure helps to remove the upper layer of the skin to improve the appearance and structure of the tissue. This is one of the types of peeling, but since the gommage does not contain solid particles, it treats the epidermis much more carefully, but exposes it to chemical attack. Cleaning is carried out due to the constituent chemicals (fruit acids). This treatment is ideal in the spring for sensitive, thin, aging and dry skin. Frequency of use: for dry and normal skin - no more than a couple of times a week, for oily and combination skin - 3 times a week.

Important! Any of the procedures for cleaning the upper layer of the epidermis leads to the restoration of intracellular tissue processes. If you have dry skin, it is recommended to exfoliate twice a month, and with combined, normal and oily - every week.


Cleaning in the morning and before bedtime

In the morning, wash your face preferably with boiled water or pre-prepared infusions and decoctions of herbs. Such infusions or decoctions can be prepared from parsley, chamomile, mint. You can also use ice cubes, which are made from the same decoctions. Wipe your face with cubes with massage movements.

In the morning, turn on toning in spring facial skin care. Tonics should not contain alcohol. In the evening, be sure to remove makeup using cleansing products that also exclude alcohol.

For owners of dry skin, it is recommended to use cosmetic milk for cleansing, and after each wash, apply a nourishing cream. If you have combination skin, then use foam or cleansing gels to cleanse it.

Important! The cleansing stage in the spring should be especially delicate, since skin of any type, even oily, is very sensitive during this period. Therefore, it is better to give preference to non-aggressive, natural cosmetics. Home cosmetics has proved to be quite good, which we will talk about a bit below.

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Second phase. Moisturizing

To properly care for facial skin in spring, you should change the dense winter cream to light moisturizing cosmetic products. These products should be in the form of a gel containing minerals, vitamins, proteins, as well as fruit acids. Along with purchased creams, include homemade masks.

Important! Moisturizer for oily skin should be water-based, and for dry - on oily.

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The third stage. Food

At this stage, it is desirable to use homemade fruit, vegetable, honey, sour milk face masks. If you apply such cosmetics regularly, then the skin will quickly fill up with nutrients and recover from the inside.

Important! Use these masks in the evening, after deep cleansing of the skin to increase the permeability and concentration of beneficial nutrients in the skin.

For the skin to glow with health during the day, at night it needs peace and good nutrition. Therefore, choosing a night cream, be sure to carefully study its composition and applicability specifically to your skin type. For example:

  • A night cream for dry skin type should have vegetable oils in its composition: jojoba, avocado, apricot, almond.
  • For the oily type, night-time products should contain a minimum amount of fat, so it is better to use gels that include soothing ingredients, such as allantoin, bisabolol, calendula.
  • For a normal type, pick up liquid moisturizers.
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The fourth stage. Recovery and Protection

The first spring sunshine can provoke rashes, cracks in the skin, therefore, for proper care it is necessary to use cosmetic products that contain ascorbic and nicotinic acids, vitamin C. And in order to protect a tender face from exposure to ultraviolet rays, cosmetics must be selected that has high sunscreens with an index of at least 25.

Important! If the sun has already left “marks” on your face, then to wipe your face, use cosmetics prepared with lemon, birch or cucumber juice. Then you can quickly get rid of unwanted pigmentation.

Protecting and restoring the epidermis includes not only superficial hydration and nutrition, but also the restoration of your entire body from the inside. It is achieved by a balanced diet, as well as a properly calculated drinking regime. The diet should definitely include:

  • A lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Nuts, greens.
  • Natural vegetable oils and dairy products.

In the spring, it is very good to take a vitamin complex, while it is advisable to reduce the use of sweet, fatty and floury.

Important! Follow the correct drinking regimen: during the day, try to drink at least two liters of liquid. Only in this way will you manage to establish the correct spring facial skin care, as well as improve the body in general.

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Homemade cosmetics

The modern store assortment of cosmetics is very rich, but, unfortunately, not always purchased cosmetics consist of only natural ingredients. Therefore, in the spring, for especially sensitive skin, it is better to care using home cosmetics, which usually consists of proven products that are safe for unprotected skin. We offer you some simple and effective recipes.

Exfoliating Vitamin Mask

You will need:

  • ½ pulp of grapefruit.
  • 20 ml of olive oil.

Mode of application:

  1. Beat the ingredients with a blender until a homogeneous gruel is formed.
  2. Apply mass on face skin.
  3. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash off the mask with massaging movements using room temperature water.

Gommage for sensitive and dry skin

You will need:

  • Kefir.
  • Sour cream.

Important! Products should be used in equal proportions - the fatter the better.

Mode of application:

  1. Beat kefir and sour cream until smooth.
  2. Apply the mask on the face evenly.
  3. Let it dry.
  4. Rinse the gommage with massaging movements.

Mask for oily skin

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 10 g of white cosmetic clay.
  • 10 g of chamomile flowers.
  • A solution of hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1: 3.

Mode of application:

  1. Grind oatmeal into large crumbs.
  2. Combine chopped cereal with chamomile and clay.
  3. Pour the mixture with the prepared hydrogen peroxide solution, mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply the mask to your face.
  5. Leave the mask for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Wash off the product from the face with massaging movements.

Whitening mask

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of potato starch.
  • ½ pulp of medium-sized lemon.

Mix the components, apply the product on the skin for 10 minutes. Then wash off the product, apply a moisturizer on the face.

Mask for skin nutrition and whitening freckles

You will need:

  • ½ fresh banana.
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh milk.
  • 4 drops of lemon juice.

Mode of application:

  1. Mash a half of a banana.
  2. Mix mashed banana with milk.
  3. Add lemon juice to the mixture.
  4. Apply the mask to the face, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Wash the mixture off your face with warm water.

Important! Spring facial skin care can mean dealing with freckles. Suitable for these purposes: lemon juice, parsley juice, as well as a mask made from egg white, carrot juice and cucumber.You can cook parsley broth (pour 1 bunch of boiling water, and strain it after 30 minutes), then wipe face skin once a day with an ice cube from the broth or simply chilled broth.

Nourishing mask

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of fat cottage cheese.
  • 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.

Mode of application:

  1. Combine warm milk with cottage cheese.
  2. Add honey to the mixture, mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply on face, leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash with warm boiled or filtered water.

Universal nourishing mask

You will need:

  • Honey.
  • Olive oil.
  • Ground oatmeal.
  • Lemon juice.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous slurry is formed.
  2. Apply the mask for 15 minutes on the face.
  3. Rinse with filtered or boiled warm water.

Mask for problem and inflamed skin

You will need:

  • Egg white.
  • 1 tablespoon of spinach leaves.

Mode of application:

  1. Grind the spinach leaves in a blender.
  2. Grind the spinach with beaten egg white.
  3. Apply the mask for 15 minutes on the face.
  4. Rinse with cool water.


Nettle masks

Nettle is used not only to strengthen and grow hair. Also, using nettles, you can carry out spring facial skin care, making masks from it.

Important! Nettle is an excellent multivitamin, because there are two times more ascorbic acid than in blackcurrant and even lemon. In addition, this herb contains vitamins (K, E, B) and trace elements (iron, calcium, copper, magnesium).

To care for the skin in the spring, using nettles, select one of the options presented:

  • Option No. 1: Pound fresh nettle leaves into a pulp, mix them with liquid honey. Apply the mask on the face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  • Option number 2: Shredded nettle leaves need to be poured with warm milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, add: for dry skin type - the floor of the mixed yolk, for oily - protein. Mix everything well and apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with boiled warm water.
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Useful Tips:

  • To avoid the appearance of freckles, you should get used to the sun gradually, starting in 15-20 minutes. From the bright spring sun, cover your face with a wide-brimmed hat or umbrella.
  • To prevent the occurrence of freckles, you can drink half a glass of freshly squeezed, slightly sweetened cabbage juice daily. If you do not want to squeeze the juice, then you can eat 2-3 tablespoons of sauerkraut on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening.
  • To invigorate your skin in the morning, wipe it with an ice cube made from mineral water. Do not make this procedure long. And after the procedure, do not wipe your face with a towel, but pat it lightly.
  • The skin around the eyes also requires attention. To eliminate swelling and bags under the eyes, make compresses from tea bags.
  • The best beautician is a healthy sleep. Allow time for sleep, and your skin will look much better.
  • To protect your eyes from the early appearance of wrinkles, and the delicate skin around the eyes from pigmentation, try to wear sunglasses as soon as the summer bright sunlight begins to appear.
  • Do not forget about the anti-aging and restoring properties of the bath. Camping in a Russian wood-fired bathhouse is a wonderful way to cleanse and restore the whole body.
  • Cleansing, nutrition, and hydration are necessary procedures not only for the face, but also for the whole body in general. Body care should be comprehensive.
  • Do not forget to pay attention to the rough skin of the heels, elbows, as well as the condition of the hands.
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As you probably noticed, caring for your skin in spring is not so simple. This takes a lot of time and effort. But this care is necessary in order to maintain good skin condition, thereby taking care of its future, prolonging its health and attractiveness. Therefore, do not neglect facial skin care.Carry out daily care, and then she will be not only beautiful, but also truly healthy.

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