Do-it-yourself towel rail to the bathroom

Statistics show that people spend a lot of time in bed, in the kitchen, for some reason forgetting that enough time is spent in the bathroom too. In the morning, washing or showering, washing hands during the day, relaxing in the foam after a workout or working day in the evening, brushing your teeth before going to bed - all these everyday rituals take place there. Without detracting from the merits of the chamber of cleanliness and comfort, you need to remember that it can also be ennobled, add personality and practicality. And the original towel hanger will help in this - to make such a thing with your own hands will not be a problem if you approach the process with imagination and ingenuity. You will find some interesting ideas on this topic in this article.

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Types of hangers

The first thing that comes to mind is the horizontal bar with hooks. Such hangers are loved for their simplicity, practicality and ease of installation. However, the options today are more than enough. If desired, most of the design refinements can be implemented at home, using simple improvised means.

Overhead hangers

Often, especially in the middle of the last century, horned overhead hangers were a huge success. They had several rotating tiers, on which towels and napkins were placed. However, for modest-sized bathrooms of Khrushchev and Stalin, such a luxury was not permissible. The owners had every chance to get a forehead on such a design, or even seriously injure themselves. Nowadays, few people place hangers on the bathroom door, but if the choice falls on it, then these are classic hooks without any extra fancy.


Wall hangers

The most popular version of mounting a bathroom hanger is the wall one. What could be simpler and more convenient? The scope for imagination in execution, as well as the notorious ease of fastening, predetermines the favorite, in addition, a hanger in the bathroom, made by yourself, is most simply performed in this version.

Floor hangers

Floor hangers can be found not only in the corridors of lovers of vintage gizmos, such, often also multifunctional designs, are also found in bathrooms. They can combine whatnots on the lower tier and a multi-level drying system at the top. The lateral placement of hooks is often performed. Many options are limited only by the preferences and tastes of the owners and designers.

To make a storage system for towels at home is quite simple, and any of the types presented. It will take only time, some improvised materials, attention and patience.

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Spartan bar

This is one of the budget options for placing towels in the bathroom. To make the hanger you will need:

  • a few sticks or thin metal-plastic pipes, depending on how many hangers are needed;
  • old leather belt;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • “Liquid nails” or epoxy glue.

The beauty of this model of a hanger is the simplicity of its design:

  1. Two segments of a belt of the same length, 10 centimeters are enough, it is folded in half and fixed on the wall with free ends using self-tapping screws.
  2. The second fastener is placed strictly at the same level, but at a distance of 8-10 centimeters less than the length of the prepared crossbar.
  3. After mounting the loop, a stick, pipe or any other workpiece is threaded through them.To make the installation more reliable and the design does not fall out, you can drip some “liquid nails” or glue into the loop.
  4. For best results, you can hang the load and leave to dry for several hours.

Important! Such hangers can be placed both staggered and parallel to each other. The best option is to install 3 crossbars under each other.

You can also create a kind of ladder, looping long sections of the belt. Putting on the edges of the crossbar a couple more loops, below you can place another one, and behind it - more. So it will be possible to place textiles in tiers, which is quite aesthetically pleasing and convenient.

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Stylish ring

A fashionable ring towel rack for the bathroom is simply made by yourself. For the appearance of such a functional accessory in the house, you will need:

  • a piece of leather belt;
  • wire;
  • large wooden or acrylic beads.

The installation principle is the same as in the previous case:

  1. The belt loop is attached to the wall. She needs one to place one towel.
  2. Beads are strung on the wire, and after that the wire is fixed in a loop in the form of a ring.
  3. The ends of the wire are bent by hand or pliers, depending on the thickness.

Important! A napkin or other bath textiles will be threaded into the hole of the bead ring.

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Classic hooks

For those who do not want to be particularly original, but plan to hang textiles, a universal method is suitable, how to quickly make hooks for towels with your own hands with an extremely limited budget. For modern baths, it is not very useful, but for baths or a shower in the country - the best solution. Surely, after changing the risers or other plumbing installation works, a piece of plastic pipe remained in the house. He can find a good use.

For work you need:

  • scissors for metal or jigsaw;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening;
  • pencil for marking.

The task in the manufacture of such a towel rack is to cut a longitudinal section from the pipe:

  1. The pipe slice should take the shape of the letter C.
  2. To get hooks, it is necessary to make notches at a distance of 5-7 centimeters and cut gaps, thereby leaving impromptu hooks. As a result - something like a rake should turn out.
  3. If the upper part C does not bend well for further installation, then it should be trimmed a little more without affecting the teeth.
  4. Such a towel hanger can be varnished or painted, and if decoration is not required, you can immediately start operation.

Important! Do not take a pipe of large diameter - it will be bulky and sloppy. And so that the trimmed parts do not have any “burrs” and irregularities, it is necessary to walk along the cut with a lighter or hold it over any other controlled source of flame.

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Creative fixation

Several bright clothespins can be an excellent decoration and a functional tool for placing bathrobes, kilts and other bath accessories like washcloths. It will take several tight clothespins, screws or “liquid nails” for installation. Nothing is simpler: clothespins are attached to the door or wall in one of the selected ways.

Important! Placement can be either systemic - in a row, or chaotic. Such holders should be fastened with the “bite” side down, then napkins, turbans and so on can be fastened in the usual way for clothespins, and heavy textiles - using the hook formed in the upper part.

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Stock footage

To show your individuality, while saving - it’s not difficult at all. Such a handmade can not only please the result, but also captivate the process of adults and children. Moreover, such hangers are useful not only in the bathroom, they will find a place in the bathhouse and in the summer shower in the country. The implementation of original ideas requires only a little time and imagination.


