Helpless water from lice

Lice infestation is always a very unpleasant problem. If these attacked you, then naturally, I want to get rid of these vile insects as quickly as possible, and preferably with the safest possible means. Helpless water from lice is one of the most popular means today for the effective fight against such enemies. Helmeted water from lice, reviews of which are mostly positive, is one of the options for relatively safe folk remedies, although you can buy it at any pharmacy. What are its features, why it helps to quickly solve the problem of combating parasites on the hair and how to use it correctly - all this you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑What is hellebore water?
Before poisoning lice with hellebore water, or wondering if hellebore water kills nits, you need to know what the drug is, what its composition is, what its benefits and harms are.
According to the official instructions for this tool, hellebore water used from lice contains:
- tincture of roots and rhizomes on alcohol;
- water.
Important! The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.
The active substance is natural alkaloids, which are present in high concentration in tincture.
Important! These substances are very toxic, so this fact must be taken into account before poisoning lice with hellebore! They are detrimental to all types of bacteria, fungi, insects, and even to humans. In folk medicine, hellebore is considered a poisonous herb. The ingestion of the pure juice of this plant into the human body can lead to his death!
Helpless water from lice - reviews
“I never thought that I would encounter such a problem as lice. I watch myself very carefully and still cannot understand where I got them from in my 25 years. At first I couldn’t understand why my head was scratching so much, but when I saw IT! crawling through my hair, right scared. I was urgently looking for a remedy that would relieve me of this abomination in 1-2 days. Hellebore water helped! And the first time. I advise everyone! ”
to contents ↑Operating principle
The main active ingredients of this agent poison unwanted insects. The alcohol contained in the tincture promotes faster absorption of hellebore into their organisms, its flowing into the spiracles and internal tissues of lice. According to the instructions, the answer to the question: is helical water kills nits, positive, since a negative effect occurs on the entire population. But according to reviews, some individuals can survive.
Helmeted water from lice - reviews
“What can I say, I went to relax at sea, but in the end I came with lice. And the living conditions were normal, and did not go anywhere, but it happened. Until I got to the pharmacy and chose the remedy, nits appeared already. From lice hellebore water helped immediately - after half an hour there were only dead bodies. But the nits had to be removed manually. But there seems to be no means by which to get rid of them. So in general I am satisfied with the result. No more lice! ”
to contents ↑Use of helper water from lice
The method of application is similar to treatment with other drugs. First of all, before you poison the lice with hellebore, thoroughly wash your hair as usual with shampoo. Then proceed as follows:
- Apply the drug to the scalp and locks of hair. It is convenient to do this with a sponge or cotton pad.
- Make sure that the liquid is evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls.
- Pay special attention to the back of the head, the skin on the temples and behind the ears.
- Put a plastic bag on your hair.
- Wind up with a scarf.
- Leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
- Remove the bag and scarf, but no later than half an hour later!
- Rinse your head well with plain water.
- Wash your hair with shampoo.
- Squeeze hair lightly and dry with a towel.
- Arm with a comb with very frequent teeth.
- Comb all the strands, removing dead insects and part of the nits.
Important! If after the first application you managed to remove most of the parasites, but did not manage to completely overcome them, do not rush to treat the hair with the product again. Remember that chemeric water from lice is a toxic drug and it can not be used often and in large doses!
to contents ↑Wait 1-2 weeks and only then repeat all the manipulations again. During this period, regularly comb the strands with a special comb to eliminate the risk of a repeated increase in the population on your head.
Contraindications chemerichnoy water
Hellebore water from lice and nits is very effective, but during the procedure carefully watch the reaction of your own body and adhere to the necessary safety measures:
- Follow the reaction of the skin - if itching, burning, extreme heat, rinse immediately.
- Apply carefully so that the discharged water from the lice does not get on the mucous membranes - in the mouth, nose or eyes.
- Do not use this product if you have any damage on your scalp - scratches, acne, wounds.
- Do not use chemeric water from lice if you are breast-feeding or in position.
- Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
Useful Tips:
- Follow the rules for the use of this tool - do not exceed the exposure time of the drug after application and volume.
- If you have problems with hair and scalp - dandruff, excessive oily hair, slow growth of strands, hair loss, try using hellebore water in these cases. It helps to cleanse microflora and increases blood circulation. Just act act strictly according to recipes.
Helmeted water from lice - reviews
“The daughter left her granddaughter for the weekend, and then said that she had lice. We went for a walk to the entertainment center, there were many other children, apparently someone presented a “gift”. I immediately broke down, bought various funds at the pharmacy, took my daughters and we began to fight lice together. All the promises of manufacturers that after the first application will not remain parasites hopes are not met. I called a friend, so I advised it was hellebore water and tar soap. And lo and behold! She really helped. Soap was also used so that the skin did not dry out much. After washing the hair, the granddaughters combed out all the lice and nits with a comb well. Now only with a smile we recall all our experiences. ”
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you know all the pros and cons of the helical water from lice. Decide on your own whether to use it or not, but the effectiveness of this tool is beyond doubt. Just remember that hellebore is poison! Use it very carefully!
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