Do-it-yourself water-repellent shoe polish

Very often, wet shoes are the cause of colds, because in spring, autumn and even winter, it is so damp and wet that even very high-quality shoes or boots cope poorly with protective functions. Even if the shoes do not get wet, but in the morning white stains remain on them, which means that they need additional impregnation, it is better to lubricate immediately than to suffer and save the wet shoes later. In addition, water-repellent treatment significantly increases the life of your shoes. You can use industrial products that will enhance the protective properties of your favorite pair of shoes, but do-it-yourself water-repellent impregnation for shoes will be equally effective and cheaper. How to make such a remedy for getting wet suede shoes and clothes at home and use it to achieve the best result, you will learn from this article.

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To start

How to protect shoes from water in bad weather? Before you process and apply any product - whether it is finished or made by yourself, you need to thoroughly clean and dry your shoes. Impregnation of dirty or wet shoes will be ineffective, since dust and moisture do not allow any means to get inside.

Important! The easiest option is the treatment with petroleum jelly, which can be bought at any pharmacy or cosmetic department. Just rub the surface of the boots well, let the vaseline soak.

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Folk remedies for skin impregnation

There are many ways to do soak for shoes with your own hands. Let's consider some of them.

Recipe 1

One of the most popular recipes is a mixture in equal parts of flaxseed and lamb fat. To combine the ingredients well:

  • the mixture is heated in a water bath and mixed thoroughly;
  • sometimes add a little turpentine or paraffin.

Important! You can apply the product with a flannel or woolen cloth.

Recipe 2:

  1. 200 g of drying oil and 100 g of rubber glue are added to heated paraffin (50 grams).
  2. The mass should be warm, so it is best to put the mixture in a steam bath.
  3. Add 100 g of castor oil and turpentine to the warm mixture.
  4. All components must be thoroughly mixed and the finished mixture soaked not only the top of the boots, but also the sole.

Important! Shoes need to be dried for several days. But then for a long time your favorite shoes will be waterproof.


Recipe 3

  1. Mix the wax and linseed oil in a ratio of 3 to 1, place in a water bath and heat until the wax is completely dissolved.
  2. Apply a warm mixture to the skin and rub with a flannel cloth.

Recipe 4

Another simple proven way: -

  • Take a wax candle and rub it over the entire surface of the shoe.

Important! A candle is better to take without dyes, sparkles, etc.

  • Then turn on the hair dryer at maximum power and blow them boots or boots.
  • The wax will melt under the influence of hot air and soak into the surface of the skin. Then you need to take a strip of soft cloth and rub it with shoes.

Important! For the best effect, two to three coats of wax can be applied.

Recipe 5

This recipe is suitable not only for the skin, but also for other surfaces, for example, for wood:

  1. We take beeswax, natural linseed oil and turpentine.
  2. We rub the wax on a grater and melt in a water bath, after complete dissolution, remove from heat, pour in our drying oil.
  3. You can simply mix wax and drying oil in a ratio of 1 to 1, or you can add turpentine there.Then we need 2 parts of wax, one part of drying oil and one part of turpentine.
  4. After the mixture has cooled, you can rub it into the skin.

Important! Such a water-repellent impregnation for shoes with your own hands, if without turpentine, is very dense, does not melt in your hands. A mixture with turpentine paste-like consistency: if you take a little impregnation in your hand, it slowly begins to melt, spreading the smell of resin.

Recipe 6

In the campaign it is very important that the shoes do not slip, breathe well, do not get wet for a long time. Wet shoes lead to calluses, contributes to freezing of the feet. The following method is no longer suitable for urban shoes, namely for hiking boots.nubuk2

For leather hiking boots, the following remedy is perfect:

  • Prepare: castor oil - 120 g, linseed oil - 12 g, turpentine - 12 g, wax - 12 g.

Important! Castor, linseed oil can easily be bought at any pharmacy, turpentine - in the household or construction department. Well, wax can be bought either from beekeepers or in special stores. Such an impregnation for shoes with your own hands will cost you inexpensively, but it will last for a long time.

  • We mix all the ingredients, put them on a steam bath, heat until the wax has completely melted.

This mixture must be applied preheated on warm shoes. I.e:

  1. Before each use, it must be heated in a water bath.
  2. Shoes can be heated with a hairdryer or just kept near a heat source. Just do not bring it very close so that the metal parts of the boots, if any, do not melt.
  3. Warm the leather material evenly before application, and then with a thick layer, coat all the leather sections of the boots, as well as the joints of the seams, the sole with the shoe. Warm impregnation flows, fills small holes, and when it hardens, it hardens and clogs them.
  4. It is recommended to apply it in two to three layers.

Important! Such a tool is not suitable for urban shoes, since after soaking the shoes darken.

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Please note that water-repellent impregnations for leather shoes are not suitable for boots made of suede. Fats, oils, which are part of the product negatively affect suede villi. This spoils the look of the boots. For suede you need to buy special products. Water repellents are often released as a spray. This allows you to more easily, efficiently apply them. Remember, a correctly selected product will allow you to save both shoes and health.

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