Knit rugs with your own hands from rags

Previously, the houses of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were often decorated with unusual rugs knitted from shreds. The technique of such weaving was handed down from generation to generation, while each woman tried to bring something of her own to the manufactured products in order to give them personality. They turned out incredibly beautiful and bright. Any craftswoman can learn this, because today many try to knit rugs with their own hands from rags, shreds of unnecessary fabric and even yarn. In this article, we will tell you how to make such wonderful decorative elements for your home yourself.
to contents ↑Features of weaving rugs from shreds
Knitting circles on the floor from old rags for beginners may seem complicated at first glance, but in fact, everything is easy. Today there are several options for weaving such rugs, you can use a hook for this or do without it. But the most important thing is to decide before you start what kind of knitted rug you need in size, what design and color it will have.
Wicker products consisting of multi-colored braids are very simple to do:
- voluminous, they are obtained due to the partial attachment of tissue patches to the base;
- the loose ends give them a magnificent look.
to contents ↑Important! Do-it-yourself rug rugs can be made of any shape, and round, and oval, and even rectangular.
Making crochet rugs without using a hook
To weave such a rug, you will need:
- threads
- needle;
- patchwork fabric;
- a large number of pins.
Mugs are made by means of a pigtail twisted in the form of a spiral, which is made of three shreds of fabric in different colors.
Important! The stiffness of the product itself directly depends on how tightly the braid is woven.
Features of work:
- Before weaving, it is necessary to cut the tape of the desired width.
- You should also solve the problem, if the flap ends, and the nodes will not be imposed, then how to weave. Everything is very simple here, on the ends of the ribbons it is necessary to make small incisions and cut through the others to match the shape of the loops. Due to this stroke, the pigtail will turn out the desired length.
- In the center of the weave, you need to carefully and loosely lay the tape in a spiral, while intercepting in two parts with a thread to achieve the desired diameter.
The most popular techniques for weaving rugs without a hook
Doormats with do-it-yourself rags are woven using the two simplest techniques, namely:
- "Web". To weave a rug using this technique, you need to connect approximately 8-12 ribbons in the form of a snowflake. Then fasten them on a round cardboard base. You need to start from the center, and in a circle weave the basics of ribbons and strips between the threads. All elements must be pressed together as tightly as possible. Then you should twist the braids to make a rug. It can be fastened around the edge with an original decorative strip.
- "Chess". This technique involves the interweaving of fabric strips in a checkerboard pattern, and not in the same way as in the previous version, in a circle. For the manufacture of such a rug, dense material is more suitable.
Useful tips from masters on weaving rugs from shreds
For the first time deciding to weave rugs from rags with your own hands with or without a crochet, it is better to familiarize yourself with the recommendations and tips of experienced craftswomen so that you do not have problems during the work:
- If you are worried that your product will sit down after the first wash, then take appropriate preventative measures. For example, if you make shreds from a new fabric, you can wash and steam them before starting work so that they immediately sit down, and then you will not have any problems with the finished rug.
- Using pieces of fabric from different things, you need to steam them and starch them even before weaving begins.
- If you plan on the active use of products, then you need to pre-patch the flaps on a pad of synthetic winterizer.
- To make the elements used the same, it is better to use ready-made cardboard templates for work. In this case, the product is high quality.
- Do not rush to throw away your old clothes, because from it you can create an original and beautiful doormat with your own hands. In any home, it will look stylish and unusual. Moreover, hand-made things are very popular today.
How to crochet a shred rug?
Now let's take a closer look at how to knit a rug of shreds of fabric using a hook.
Materials for work
You will need:
- piece of fabric;
- special narrow ribbons;
- knitting hook number 10.
Important! Naturally, buying a fabric is not necessary at all, for sure there are a lot of unnecessary things in your house. You can even cut strips from an old T-shirt or shirt. The thinner you pick up the fabric, the wider the ribbons should be. And by the way, it is recommended to cut them in a spiral so that they look longer.
Master Class
So, we begin work:
- First, stretch the fabric that you will cut in different directions. Be sure to pay attention to the direction in which the fabric is twisted when stretched.
- Cut the strips, collect them in balls and arrange by color.
- Hook so many air loops so that their number matches the width of the strip. Continue to knit columns and constantly check the number of loops so that they are the same in all rows.
- Connect the ends of the ribbons with stitches, knit the rug to the desired length.
- Align it around the perimeter so that it takes on an aesthetic and neat appearance.
- Do not double-crochet while knitting, but simply add 2-3 light loops at each corner. Due to this, the strips will last much longer, and will not curl.
It turns out the rug is quite bright, homely and warm.
to contents ↑Weaving a simple rug from yarn
In this section, we will learn how to weave a rug from knitted yarn with our own hands. A pretty pretty rug can be made if you make only a few rows of the same color, and then change the shade, and again return to the first. It all depends on the imagination of the craftswoman and the availability of material in different colors.
A step-by-step instruction for weaving a knitted rug looks like this:
- To make such a rug, you will need an unnecessary photo frame, or you can independently make a 30 by 45 cm frame and stuff it with cloves with small smooth hats on the long sides. The distance between the nails should not exceed 2.5 cm.
- Threads need to be pulled in pairs on the carnations. And the base itself can be any color. If you tightly tighten the rows, then it will completely disappear behind them.
- Take a working thread in your hand, slowly pass it first under the warp thread, and then above it.
- As soon as the first row is over, the thread will need to be drawn through the last thread of the warp and directed in the opposite direction. The number of rows can be, whatever you like, you need to do at your discretion.
- When changing the color of the working thread, it must be cut off and tied to the end of the thread of a different shade.
- From time to time, pull the already woven rows towards the first row so that the weaving comes out tight.
- Hide all seams and knots on the wrong side and remove the finished product from the frame.
The mat is ready!
to contents ↑Stock footage
We looked at just a few examples of how to weave a rug from shreds with your hands or with a hook. In fact, there are plenty of options, and each of them is entertaining and original in its own way. It is possible to engage in the manufacture of such products even with children, believe me, the process will be very exciting for everyone!
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