Patterns of children's dresses for beginners - simple patterns with their own hands

In any children's store you will find many dresses for little women of fashion whether it is festive or knitted. Leading model houses also do not deprive the attention of their youngest clients. But quite often, children's things cost so much that mom thinks three hundred times before taking out her wallet. Do you want to dress a child or teenager, but finances do not allow? You can do a lot yourself, if you try hard. Where to get patterns of children's dresses for beginners? It’s not difficult to make simple patterns with your own hands for free, we’ll talk about some methods.

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Big secret for inventive mom

Not everyone knows about it, but to sew a dress for a girl, a pattern is not necessary at all! Without a pattern, you can sew:

  • outfit in folk style;
  • ball gown;
  • summer sundress.

Have you thought about where to start? Let’s do sundress then - this is the easiest way. But first, you need to take some measurements - it’s best to write them down if you are not going to limit yourself to just one product.


  • the growth of your little daughter;
  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference
  • hip girth;
  • shoulder length;
  • sleeve length (you don’t need it for a sundress, but if you’ve already taken measurements, it’s useful to do everything right away);
  • estimated product length.

Important! For a sundress on the straps, measure the length of the product from the armpit to the estimated bottom line.

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Choose fabric

In general, sewing on small children is a pleasure. The seams are short, the fabric needs little, no tucks and complex parts. The simpler the style, the better. It is enough to choose a beautiful fabric, and even the most elementary, but neatly sewn dress will look like a princess.

Important! You can use the patches left over from your new mother’s dress, or you can change something your daughter wants — good, but you’ve got enough of it.

If you choose material for a summer sarafan, it is better to choose one that drapes well:

  • crepe de chine;
  • chiffon;
  • thin chintz;
  • satin;
  • poplin;
  • gauze.

Important! Chintz fits just perfectly - inexpensive, very hygienic, bright, suitable for a New Year's dress. And it’s okay that he quickly fades - all the same, by the next summer, the daughter will grow out of this dress.

Still, to sew a children's, light dress with your own hands, you need:

  • linen gum;
  • Ribbon to match fabric - for strapless and fringing.
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We sew a sarafan

Perhaps this model with elastic and straps is the simplest dress for a girl with her own hands. If you sew it from an opaque fabric, it will be single-layer. It is better to fold the gauze in two layers or make a cover. Below are photo sketches.

Operating procedure:

  1. Spread the fabric upside down in one layer.
  2. Draw a topline perpendicular to the edges.
  3. From this line, lay down the length of the product, plus allowances for the drawstring at the top and for processing the bottom - you can immediately draw the drawstring line.
  4. Through this mark, draw another perpendicular to the edges.
  5. Along the line that goes along the lobar, set aside a section equal to the circumference of the chest, multiplied by 1.5 or 2 (depending on how well the fabric is draped: if it is gauze, it is better to make lush assemblies, if chintz or satin are more modest )
  6. Cut out the part.


Sundress assembly

How to sew a baby dress with your own hands? Very simple. This model has only one seam, plus bottom processing, plus drawstring:

  1. Start with the drawstring - iron the top cut to the wrong side, then fold the fold by 0.5 cm and sew it all up (it is better to make a decorative stitch on the front side).
  2. On the seamy side, stitch the back seam, leave the area near the drawstring uncovered so that you can insert the elastic.
  3. Insert the rubber band.
  4. Try the blank on your daughter.
  5. Schedule strapless spots.
  6. Cut 2 pieces of braid, sew on the straps.
  7. Cut the bottom - hem it manually or stitch it up.
  8. The hem can be used to sew the same braid from which the straps are made.

Important! The straps of such a sundress can be made tied.

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Sundress on the yoke

If you need a dress for a girl, you can sew it with your own hands from two different fabrics. For example, for a coquette, take satin, and for the bottom - crepe de chine. But nothing prevents the construction of such a thing from the same material.

This summer dress on a yoke is also made like a sundress, only the straps are best made wide and from the same fabric as the yoke, and this model has no drawstring.

Important! It is better to carve the yoke first on paper - it looks like a strip 5-6 cm wide and a length equal to half the circumference of the chest. There will be 4 parts - two for the front and one for the back. Here are such simple patterns of children's dresses for beginners can be used.

Operating procedure:

  1. Fold the fabric along the lobar (you can immediately in two layers).
  2. Cut 4 strips of the specified size from it (do not forget to add allowances for all sections) - the shared thread coincides with the short side.
  3. Cut out the hem - for this, subtract the width of the yoke from the total length of the product (as with the previous model, it is measured from the armpit to the bottom).
  4. Cut out 2 straps - these are also strips 5-6 cm wide, but, unlike the coquette, when cutting the shared thread coincides with the long side.


Start building this model with strapless training:

  1. Fold the strips in half with the sides facing out.
  2. Put long allowances in.
  3. Iron them.
  4. Stitch the seam and stitch the straps around the perimeter.



To sew a baby dress with your own hands quickly, connect the yoke with straps, and then sew the bottom:

  1. Sweep strips in pairs: one for the outside, the other for the inside.
  2. Sweep each into a ring.
  3. We try on one of them on the model.
  4. We plan places for strapless - and on that part of the coquette that will be outside, and on that inside.
  5. Carefully unzip the basting, straighten the rings.
  6. Fold the strips designed for the front, with the sides facing each other.
  7. Between them we put straps.
  8. We cut the top seam.
  9. We twist the yoke - the long parts of the strapless should be on the front side.
  10. Iron the seam.
  11. We do the same with the backs - after you sew them, the straps should be sewn.
  12. We concentrate the side seams of the coquette - the allowances should be inside.

Putting on a summer dress

The yoke with straps is ready for you. It remains to grind the hem, but first you need to prepare it:

  1. Sew the back seam.
  2. Flatten the side allowances.
  3. Sew along the sewing line to the yoke with a basting seam and make assemblies.
  4. Insert the upper edge of the main part between the parts of the yoke and sweep.
  5. Stitch the main part to the yoke.

The dress is almost ready, it remains to cut the bottom.

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Dress pattern

You can sew a children's dress with your own hands and according to the pattern. Clothing for young children is also good because many things can be sewn on the same patterns. For example, on a T-shirt or T-shirt. To do this, it is not at all necessary to rip apart a thing - you can simply circle it. It’s better to do this on paper first so that you can model the cutout:

  1. Circle the shirt.
  2. For the back of a straight dress, simply extend the side lines down to the desired length.
  3. For the shelf, also continue the lines down to the same length.
  4. Find the middle of the cutout.
  5. Draw a line down from this point.
  6. Set aside 2 cm.
  7. Connect this new point to the beginnings of the shoulder seams.

Next, a simple straight sleeveless dress is sewn like this:

  1. Cut out 2 details - in front and back.
  2. Cut out the linings for the neck and the armhole - just circle them first along the contour of the pattern, and then make a parallel stroke at a distance of 2.5-3 cm (you need to circle, aligning the front side of the part with the inside of the facing).
  3. Sew the shoulder and side seams of the main parts, while the allowances are ironed to the sides.
  4. Sew neck parts over the shoulder seams.
  5. Flatten the allowances.
  6. Turn the main dress inside out.
  7. Sew the stitches so that their front sides are on the wrong side of the dress.
  8. Sew on the cuts.
  9. Bend the free edges by 0.5 cm and stitch - better with a finishing stitch on the front side.
  10. After that, you just have to cut the bottom.
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Elegant dress for the girl with her own hands

Thinking about how to dress a princess for a matinee, but there is almost no time left? Nothing complicated. Now we will talk about how to sew a children's dress with a full skirt - this is the best option, and you can make it in a couple of hours.

You will need:

  • material for the top (if there is a beautiful swimsuit or body, it will be very good - the upper part can also be made from these items);
  • tulle or guipure for a skirt;
  • wide elastic for a belt;
  • large compass;
  • long ruler.


The top is the same as for a simple dress without sleeves - that is, a T-shirt is encircled, but only to the waist. Cutout modeled.

If you sew a dress from a swimsuit, simply cut (cut) the lower part or turn the swimsuit into a body by cutting it between your legs and sewing an inconspicuous button there. Why do I need a clasp? Then, so that your little princess does not feel any inconvenience or puzzles over what to do if she needs to go to the toilet.

We begin assembly from the top - we just sew the parts in the same way as in the manufacture of any other clothes. You can immediately process the top and armholes, if, of course, you are not going to sew in a zipper.


Make a skirt

The skirt-sun on a little girl looks just perfect. It can be on the floor or very short, in the style of dude. Only two measurements are needed - the waist circumference and the length of the skirt itself.

Important! What to sew? A brilliant invention of designers - tulle. It keeps its shape perfectly - no need to starch. You can cut as you like, it costs nothing to cut several layers at once.

The template is best done in advance:

  1. Calculate the construction, the radius of the notch - divide the waist circumference by 6.28.
  2. Draw a circle with such a radius on the sheet.
  3. Add to the radius the length of the product.
  4. Draw a second circle from the same center - you get a ring.
  5. Cut out several layers of tulle - they can be the same, but you can make frills of different lengths.

Your further actions depend on what the top is made of:

  • Materials such as supplex or knitwear stretch perfectly, so you can simply sew the skirt first to the elastic, and then this whole structure. - to the bodice.
  • If the material is not so remarkably stretched, you can’t do without lightning. It is best to sew it in the middle of the back, from the top to the skirt. In this case, the neck is processed after the zipper takes its place.
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Stock footage

In a word, there are a lot of models for little girls from 2 months old, and many can be sewn according to the most primitive patterns. The most important thing is to carefully process all the details. The slightest negligence on children's clothes is visible much better than on an adult, and can significantly spoil the look.

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