Do-it-yourself Japanese curtains

In modern interiors, objects that are primarily practical are increasingly being used. A high pace of life excludes daily cleaning - both the entire space and individual items. Therefore, recently, Japanese curtains begin to occupy a leading position in the design of window openings.

They are suitable for almost any interior, allow you to express individuality and taste. They fell in love with the mistresses for their minimalism, conciseness, and, of course, practicality, because they do not require special care. Doing Japanese curtains with your own hands is not a big deal. It is available even to a beginner who is just learning to sew.

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Japanese curtains

Japanese curtains are somewhat similar to vertical blinds, only with very wide slats:

  • They represent both one canvas and a whole composition of fabric panels in the form of rectangles.
  • The minimum width of the Japanese curtain is 40 cm.
  • The maximum width of this window design is 1 meter.
  • Each panel moves freely along the ledge in a straightened form, without creating wrinkles.
  • Rigidity is provided by the strips fixed from above and below.

Important! Such curtains can be located linearly on a single bar, and can use a special multi-layer cornice. In this case, they can be arranged in any order or layered, hiding one curtain after another in full or in part, depending on the lighting or decorative tasks.

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Benefits of Japanese Curtains

The Japanese curtain does not contain any assemblies, additional accessories - such as clamps or clamps. Only strict cut lines. That is what makes them so convenient and versatile. Their advantages:

  • They take up little space in the room and are suitable for any window width.
  • Successfully emphasize the style of almost any interior.
  • They are easy to care for, they are rarely washed, more often they are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Universal in the style of the room.
  • Multifunctional in terms of zoning space.
  • Anyone who knows the basics of working with a sewing machine can sew Japanese curtains with their own hands.
  • Even the most budget fabrics are suitable for them.
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Fabrics for Japanese curtains

Before you learn how to sew Japanese curtains with your own hands, you need to find out what materials it is worth doing:

  • For classic Japanese curtains, narrow canvases made from natural fabrics, for example, linen, cotton, silk or traditional bamboo fiber canvases, are selected.
  • Original samples are obtained from reeds, bamboo, jute, rice paper.
  • Panels suitable for the budget option can be made of colored plastic.
  • Modern styles allow us to use for the manufacture of Japanese curtains both rigid, dense materials, and weightless and transparent, the main thing is that they are natural.
  • If you intend to use 4-6 paintings, then you can combine dense curtain fabrics with a light organza.
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Consumption and cutting fabric

In order to sew Japanese curtains, you need to measure the width and height of the window. Based on these data, we calculate the required number of curtains. Depending on the width of the window, it can be 2 or 6 paintings:

  • For example, we will calculate the fabric for a window 3 m wide and 2.5 m high. The window will be completely covered with curtains, each part will be butt-to-face.
  • We take the average panel width as a basis - 60 cm. Divide 3 meters by 60 cm and get 5 parts. It turns out that this window will consist of 5 curtains.
  • Now let's move on to the length. Everything is simple here. The length of the part is equal to the measurement from the cornice to the floor plus allowances for the seams. Window height - 2.5 m + 10 cm for top hem. We get 2.6 m per curtain. Multiply this value by 5 and get 13 m.

Here are some more useful cutting tips:

  • Many fabrics now have a width of 150 cm. This means that when cutting it is possible to fit 2 panels of the future curtain into one width of the fabric. That is, for this example, we need about 8 meters of fabric.
  • When cutting fabric canvases, do not forget about allowances for seams, usually 1 cm is added from each side to be worked.
  • Also, before cutting it is worthwhile to carry out wet-heat treatment so that the fabric shrinks, and only after that start cutting.
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Do-it-yourself Japanese curtains - workshop

We advise you to start with all operations on one canvas, and only then start working on others. After cutting, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Treat side seams and smooth them
  2. Hem the lower edge of the fabric so that a drawstring is obtained in which a special weighting agent will be installed.
  3. Fold the fabric panel with the top edge onto itself, face up. Lay one part of Velcro (Velcro) face up on the fabric allowance and secure with pins or sweep. Flash these materials in the proper place. Then you need to bend the velcro to the inside of the curtain, again fasten with pins or bast, and then sew on the front side of the sewing machine in the right places. The second part of the Velcro will leave for the cornice.
  4. Again, wet-heat treatment of the product.

Do-it-yourself Japanese curtains are ready!

Important! The weighting agent is better to be inserted into the drawstring when the curtain is already hanging on the window.

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Installation of a cornice

To install a curtain rod for Japanese curtains with your own hands, you can use a ceiling double-row plastic curtain rod. Its installation is quite quick and does not require the use of special equipment. You will also need:

  1. The most common slats for the width of your paintings, multiplied by two. One rail to the top of the curtain, the second to the bottom, as a weighting agent. If the length of your curtain is 60 cm, and there are 5 paintings in total, then you will need a total of 6 meters of staff (0.6 * 5 * 2).
  2. Velcro - Velcro tape (it consists of two parts, one has already been sewn to the curtain).
  3. Curtain braid - it is better to take a narrow one up to 3 cm. Buy it immediately 10 meters.
  4. Glue "Moment" universal transparent.

Next, you will need to saw the rail into the necessary parts, that is, 60 cm each. They should turn out 10 pieces. 5 - immediately postponed, these are weighting agents. Next, follow the instructions:

  1. The remaining slats were glued to the “Moment” on the one hand the hard part of the Velcro, and on the other - the curtain tape, having previously pulled the thread from it for assembly.
  2. It is better to burn the sections of the tape with a lighter so that it does not open and the threads do not stick out.
  3. We put hooks on the cornice, with their help we fix the rails. The side with the braid should look at the window, the side with Velcro should look at the room.
  4. We attach the panels to the finished cornice. We put down weighting agents.

Such a curtain rod for Japanese curtains with your own hands will look no worse than a store one, but it will save your budget several times.

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Japanese curtains in the interior:

  • Such panels are ideal for a small apartment - the absence of unnecessary details and multi-layer drapery will only benefit. Lightweight panels create a feeling of spaciousness, in addition, visually extend the windows.
  • If your apartment has a large and spacious living room, you are lucky. Be sure to consider buying or sewing Japanese curtains. They allow you to control the lighting of the room. And if you choose the right colors, the canvases bring freshness and style to the interior and space.

Important! Such curtains will look best in the living room in the styles of Minimalism, Contemporary, as well as modern.

  • The bedroom is a place where each of us comes to relax and gain strength before a new day. Therefore, laconic curtains that do not distract attention will look very appropriate here. Designers advise choosing calm colors. In space, the canvas takes up quite a bit of space, and bright, juicy shades in such a quiet room will not look quite appropriate. The fabric for placing the bedroom must be natural - based on cotton or linen, and dense so that bright sunlight does not wake you up in the morning.

Important! Properly selected panels will fit perfectly even in Country or Chalet styles.

  • For the kitchen, it is better to choose Japanese curtains with your own hands, sewn from light materials, because in this room an abundance of light is required. Printed translucent curtains are the perfect solution. For the window decoration of the kitchen, it is worth choosing a material that easily tolerates wet cleaning or washing, because any material has the ability to absorb odors and moisture, which are abundant in this room.
  • Despite the simplicity and conciseness of the design, these curtains are also suitable for children. With their help, you can separate the playing part from the sleeping area or organize a workplace for the student. In this room you can choose any bright prints, even the image of cartoon characters on Japanese curtains in this case will fall into place. Another important advantage of such curtains in this case is easy care, which, you see, is important for children.
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As you already understood, such curtains can perfectly complement any interior. Sewing Japanese curtains with your own hands is now also not difficult. The original simple cut, a variety of prints and fabrics make it possible to create this important part of the living space on your own for very little money.

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