Why iron bedding?

Our mothers and grandmothers did not hesitate, washed, boiled, starch, and ironed bedding. But times are changing, and with them the approach to household chores. Many today's housewives consider this occupation a waste of time and ask themselves the question: why iron the sheets, because the results of such a laborious process are practically not visible? It is necessary to spread the ironed sheet on the bed, straighten all the folds, and the next morning the difference is not visible. The existing opinions on this matter are completely opposite: someone believes that you can’t do without an iron after washing, while others, on the contrary, are sure that hot steam does only harm. Let's try to figure this out.
to contents ↑pros
While housewives around the world are arguing whether to iron or not, scientists and doctors cite their arguments in defense:
- The most significant argument is given by doctors. High temperature, which can destroy dangerous bacteria, microorganisms and tick larvae that often live on linen. They can be seen only under a microscope, but they can cause a lot of harm and disease to the human body.
- The second argument is made by the mistresses of perfectionists. Ironed linen, without a single fold, looks perfect in your bedroom, create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. In this bed I want to quickly go to bed and forget about sleep.
- If the laundry is washed with steam and high temperature after washing, the fabric fibers become stronger, respectively - the set will last you longer. A hot iron melts the fabric, the fibers do not split, and become resistant to external influences.
- Ironing makes both bedding and clothes softer. In contact with the skin you feel comfortable.
- Another plus is dictated by practicality. It is more convenient to fold ironed laundry, and it takes up much less space in the closet.
So, the list turned out to be quite large, however, today all these arguments are being successfully destroyed. Let's see what are the reasons why it is impossible to iron bed linen, opponents give.
to contents ↑Minuses:
- American scientists conducted more than one study and proved that while a person is sleeping, he is sweating. Stronger or less - it depends on the characteristics of the body. After ironing, linen is not able to absorb this moisture, because it becomes less hygroscopic. And this, in turn, affects the quality of sleep.
- Also, after ironing, the laundry accumulates static electricity, which, again, affects relaxation and brings discomfort.
- In view of the above two points, a person who sleeps on steamed laundry becomes more nervous. And part of the research proves that ironing is bad for even the intimate life of spouses. If you live together, then it is worth considering whether to iron clothes after washing.
- Another minus is a huge waste of time that goes into this process and an increase in energy consumption.
- The pleasant aroma that remains on the sheets and pillowcases after rinsing with the addition of conditioner becomes less noticeable after ironing.
- Well, the fifth point, which all housewives agree with, is the meaninglessness of the process. After one night of sleep, the clothes are wrinkled again, wrinkles and creases on it again, which means that all efforts were in vain.
Compulsory steam treatment
And yet, there are situations when you need to iron your sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases without fail. And not only after the purchase and first wash, but due to other circumstances.
When a small child appears in the apartment
Pediatricians almost every day try to convey this important and necessary information to their parents. For each baby, the umbilical cord incision site is the “Achilles heel” of the whole organism. The risk of infection through this wound is very high. Also, linen mite larvae can enter the body this way, which will cause not only allergies, but also more serious diseases. Therefore, the diaper and bedding of the baby need to be treated with high temperature without fail. Knowing this nuance, not a single mother wonders why it is not necessary to iron the sheets of her child.
Important! Of course, you can use special means to wash your baby’s things in very hot water and boil them. But it is better to play it safe and spend a little time ironing children's bedding. In addition, after steaming, they will become softer, which is very important for the delicate, easily vulnerable skin of the child.
When skin diseases are present
We can catch various skin diseases both in public transport, and the body in case of weakened immunity can fail. Therefore, if such a nuisance happened to you or to someone from your family, then the sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases and towels that the patient uses should be ironed without fail. At high water temperatures during washing, then at high heat treatment temperatures, many pathogens are destroyed.
Important! This applies to both dermatitis and fungal infections. In a serious illness, a person should have separate bedding.
When someone from the household is allergic
If there are people in the family who are allergic to dust mites, then after visiting doctors and an explanatory conversation, the question of why ironing bedding is resolved. In this case, when changing linen, it is necessary to process bedding - a blanket, pillow, mattress. This can be done using a steam generator.
Important! You can get rid of the larvae and the parasites themselves only by treatment with high temperatures. Normal washing will not do this.
When you have guests staying overnight
It often happens that close friends or relatives stay with you for the night. And to make a bed for them with wrinkled sheets and a duvet cover is completely inhospitable, and not ethical. Therefore, every self-respecting hostess should always have at least one guest suite for such an occasion. Then guests sleeping on perfectly ironed linen will surely be satisfied.
to contents ↑Ironing Rules
If processing with a hot iron cannot be avoided, then it is worth remembering several rules that will facilitate the process and make it not so time-consuming:
- Sheets are better not to dry out than to dry out. In this state, getting rid of folds and creases will turn out to be better and faster than even using steam or spraying with water.
- If you put a folded sheet on the ironing board and iron on it, then it is no longer necessary to process it separately.
- Be careful with delicate fabrics. Silk products should only be ironed in a special temperature mode. Silk sheets are best ironed while they are wet. Sprayed drops of water on dried fabric can leave marks. It is advisable to iron silk products from the wrong side.
- Cotton is not afraid of high temperature, so feel free to set the maximum temperature on the iron. To make wrinkles easier to smooth, use the steaming function or a spray with water. Cotton is ironed on the front side.
- Terry textiles need special treatment. Such sheets cannot be ironed. It is enough to even the damp cloth and wait for it to dry.During washing, do not forget to set the “Easy Ironing” mode - this reduces the number of wrinkles.
- Stacking hot stacks in a cupboard is not recommended. First let the fabric cool and ventilate.
How to iron clothes?
Underwear, pajamas and nightgowns require careful care and a special approach to the issue of cleanliness, because these things are in direct contact with our body. If everything is very clear in terms of washing, is it necessary to iron underwear after washing? There is no definite answer either, each mistress has her own rules. Some - generally exclude steam treatment, others - even iron socks for husbands, and do not consider this to be work. If you still decide that underwear should be heat treated, then you need to consider the following tips:
- If you decide to iron lace underwear, then you need to do this extremely carefully, from the wrong side, setting the temperature on the iron for synthetic fabrics. When ironing such a delicate fabric, it is very important not to leave a “burn” so as not to spoil it completely and irrevocably.
- Silk must be ironed on the wrong side while wet. If the silk pajamas are dry, and you decide to stroke it, wrap it in a damp towel for 10 minutes, and then proceed to ironing.
- Openwork from cotton threads ironed from the wrong side through a wet cloth.
- Synthetic lace will carry only a warm iron.
- It is easiest to iron cotton underwear by setting the required temperature - you can easily go with an iron, because there is no synthetics in the fabric, which means there is nothing to burn.
- An important condition for a comfortable sleep is comfortable clothing. To do this, it is necessary to smooth out all the seams in a quality manner so that they do not rub the skin, and avoid creasing.
- It is not necessary to put the laundry in the closet immediately after ironing, it is necessary to allow it to dry out a bit so that excess moisture evaporates.
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It is worth saying that the information in this article is purely informational in nature. Now you know all the pros and cons of this process. The choice - which “camp” to join - whether to iron after washing or not, is up to you.
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