Why iron things newborn?

Has a baby appeared in your family? Or are you just waiting for him? You have to learn a lot about bathing, changing clothes and swaddling, feeding, washing and ironing. And here a lot of questions arise, for example, why iron the clothes of a newborn? There are very different opinions, but which of them is true, because it can affect the health of the crumbs? Consider why you need to do this.

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Ironing baby things

Our mothers and grandmothers are convinced that ironing is a necessary process, since this way you can kill germs. But if you ask modern mothers, then not all of them are sure of this. So still, why iron things?

Here are a few reasons:

  • Until the umbilical cord has healed, it is a very vulnerable spot. And if you put on an ironed vest, it can cause infection if it comes into contact with the wound. Of course, if washed in a car at a temperature of 90 degrees, harmful microorganisms will be destroyed, but it is unlikely that this regime will be used to wash children's things. Most often they use gentle mode with a temperature of 40 degrees. That is, if the baby’s skin has scratches and inflammation, ironing is required to prevent infection.
  • Is it necessary to iron children's things if the umbilical wound has already healed? Many women have already seen that after processing with a hot iron, the fabric and seams soften. Thanks to this baby will be much more comfortable in his clothes, because his skin is very delicate. That is, if you think that the child is uncomfortable, then you can calmly iron things as much as necessary.
  • After all, ironed laundry looks more neat. Here everyone makes a choice for themselves.

Important! When using a dryer, you don’t have to worry about disinfection, since the laundry is processed at a high temperature and all harmful microorganisms are destroyed.

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Ironing Rules

Before ironing clothes for newborns, you should choose the right equipment. Do not spare money - it’s better to invest in a high-quality steamer and ironing board, but then the process will be much easier.

Important! It is best if the board will adjust the height, as this way the arms and back will get tired less. A steamer helps significantly reduce time.

If everything is ready, you can safely proceed to the process itself. There are several nuances that will make it easier and more correct:

  • Things must be wet. Thus, all bacteria that could get on clothes are killed. No additional processing is required. In addition, time is greatly saved, because it is much more difficult to iron over-dried items.
  • Until two months of age, it is better to iron things on both sides. It will take a little more time, but the baby will definitely be protected.

Important! It is possible to iron children's things immediately after washing, but only if after washing the spin is performed at high speeds.


How to wash and iron children's clothes?

  1. We sort things, while taking into account the different temperature conditions that are used for washing and ironing.
  2. We do the washing, after which we spin things at high speeds.
  3. Clothing is laid out on an ironing board.
  4. At the beginning of the process, the heating temperature of the iron should be low, after - it should be gradually increased.

Important! For wetting, you can use clean water or water with air conditioning, which is simply poured into a spray bottle.

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How old are you ironing things?

You already know how to iron clothes for newborns, but how long will this process continue, because it takes a lot of time and energy?

If the baby is completely healthy and the umbilical wound has already healed, you can not iron out absolutely all of his underwear. It will be quite enough if the clothes change often enough. You need to do this, even if visually it seems clean.

Important! If BCG was vaccinated in the hospital, then in the second month of the child's life, inflammation will begin. In this case, you need to start ironing all the laundry again, otherwise, an infection can get into the wound.

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Yes, hardly anyone likes to stand near an ironing board. But try to combine this process with something pleasant. For example, you can listen to music or watch an interesting movie. In addition, you can listen to audio books or improve your knowledge in foreign languages. And one more plus, very pleasant for young mothers: it is enough to spend half an hour with an iron in your hands, as four hundred kilocalories will be spent. And this, you see, is not so little!

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