Bedbug Conspiracy

People at all times used various rituals to solve their problems. The plot from bedbugs remains relevant for many. When all known methods have already been tried and nothing helps, then only one thing remains - the help of higher powers. In this article, you will learn what effective conspiracies from these harmful insects exist.
to contents ↑How to get rid of bedbugs using a conspiracy?
If you can’t solve the problem of getting rid of bed bugs, a conspiracy may be the only option in this situation. Knowledgeable people recommend conducting all such rituals to expel parasites on a waning moon. The procedure must be taken very seriously. If you don’t believe what you are doing, don’t start at all.
Powerful plot to expel bedbugs
Perform the ritual early in the morning as soon as you wake up. Do not get out of bed loudly say such words of a conspiracy from bugs:
“Klopovnitsa, you are a morovitsa, you leave the house of the slave (a) of God (th) (Name), go far, run away quickly. From all corners and walls, from ceilings and floors. Thy teeth, bedrock, soft, and the body and members of the slave (a) of God (th) (name) are stone. Do not damage you my body, but do not bite my skin. My flesh is for you, bedbugs cannot be exuded, my bones cannot be eaten, my eyes cannot be withered. Yes, what I said - will come true. Amen".
to contents ↑Strong plot on Semenov day
In the morning, open all the windows. In each room and room light a candle. Stand in the middle of the house and loudly say such a plot from bugs:
“Simon, the long-awaited traveler, will be my friend at home. May he bring out from my home all the biting bugs, all the reptiles smelly. Let all the bastards and parasites be removed, let them burn with a fiery flame, let them be exalted. I will hand the key to the guard of my house, but I will hand the lock to him. He will block my house on all sides, not a single parasite will run past, close all entrances and turns to all bedbugs, and protect all windows from bedbugs. All paths for evil spirits are closed, all windows for bloodsuckers are covered with shutters, forever the road back is closed. May that be said come true. Amen".
Important! After the words spoken, leave the candles to burn out. Do your own thing yourself.
As soon as the last candle dies out, close the windows and at each closed leaf pronounce another conspiracy from bedbugs:
“I cut off the bug by the road, closes them all Semyon otlog. He expelled all the reptiles, he damned my house with a damask castle, drove away the parasites, and protected my hearth. So be it Amen. ”
to contents ↑Bedbug Rite
To conduct this ceremony, follow this instruction:
- Catch an insect.
- Tie it to a long thread.
- Grab the other end of the thread and drag the parasite away from home.
- When dragging, pronounce these words: “Bedbugs, bedbugs, go to the rafts. On the way distant, overseas water. I’m taking you home, I’m pointing the way, I order the way back. ”
- At the end of the ceremony, throw the thread with the bug into the river or at the intersection.
Bedbug ritual
Conduct magical actions on this plot from bedbugs at midnight and follow this instruction:
- Take an empty saucer and place it on the table.
- Arrange 6 candles around the circle and light them.
- Put a dead insect in a saucer.
- Take a mirror in your left hand and turn it with a reflective surface to the plate.
- With your right hand, take a comb and draw a cross over the mirror.
- Speak the following words: “Hear my words raven and black, flap your wing, take away real bloodsuckers, take them to the dead.”
- Collect the melted wax and throw it away from home.
to contents ↑Important! Perform this ritual for three days in a row.
Useful Tips:
- Do not perform magical actions as a preventive measure.
- If you smoke or drink, do not conspire. Ask someone who leads a healthy lifestyle.
- Make sure that the words are pronounced clearly, loudly, without stumbling. Do not rearrange words and do not confuse them.
- Before any rituals, you need to tune in. You can’t laugh, joke and doubt.
- After the ritual, take a bath, clean the apartment and sprinkle the corners of the premises with blessed or salt water.
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We hope that such a last hope as a conspiracy from bedbugs, has become a dream come true. Be careful when performing any magic rituals so as not to harm yourself.
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