Do-it-yourself glass replacement in the interior door

In modern living quarters, a door does not just divide rooms - it is considered part of the interior. Broken or old glass of the interior door is a very unpleasant phenomenon, as a result of which the interior loses its original harmony, in addition, leaving the glass in the door broken can harm the inhabitants of the home. You will learn how to replace glass in the interior door with your own hands from this article.

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We study the material

Before you begin the procedure for replacing the insert, you need to understand what kind of glass you are dealing with.

Decorative glass insert

This door insert is the most expensive, and by no means all manufacturers use it. Such glass can directly be called an ideal option, because it does not require any modification. The only drawback of this design is that it will not be so easy to find an insert with the same decorative elements.

Important! Very often, door owners do not find inserts with the same design, and as a result replace windows in all their interior doors, spending not a small sum of money on this replacement.

Ordinary glass tab

Such a material is an ideal alternative to an expensive decorative insert, however, this material entails additional refinement, which implies its pasting with special films for decor. You can buy a glass tab in almost every hardware store.

Important! If you compare this glass with the above, the price will be about half as much.



Both types of tabs described above have one serious drawback - fragility. If you neglect this material, it can easily break even before you fix the glass to the door. Plexiglas (monolithic polycarbonate) does not have such a drawback. Simply put, this is an ordinary transparent plastic that is very easy to scratch.

Important! Just like ordinary glass, monolithic polycarbonate will need additional refinement to give a decorative look - it needs to be covered with a special decorative film, which, at the same time, will also serve as protection against small scratches, subsequent clouding of plexiglass.

Plywood or fiberboard

This option is the most budget. Broken or darkened glass can be replaced by folding the fiberboard in half with the back sides to each other. Another option for using such a material is to cover with an opaque film on a laminated fiberboard.

Important! This option cannot be called durable and attractive, but it is he who is the cheapest.

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Glass replacement

You have broken glass in the interior door, what should I do? After you have dealt with the material, you can safely pull out the insert and proceed to replace it.

How to pull out the old glass?

If your glass is broken, it is better to wear shoes with a thick sole before work - this will protect you from splinters in your leg.

You can remove the old glass by following this algorithm:

  • Learn how to fix glass to the interior door leaf. Each manufacturer has his own.
  • Wear gloves and loosen using a chisel and hammer.

Important! For greater safety, it is better to loosen the upper glazing beads first.

  • Carefully remove the glass.

Important! If the glass is broken, first it is better to get rid of large fragments, and only then - from small ones.For greater security, it is better to put them in a tight bag so that others do not get hurt. If, in addition to glass, the rubber lining is damaged, you will have to purchase a rubberized tape.


Standard insertion option

This option involves the use of quarters, which users often confuse with glazing beads, but this is not entirely correct. So, if you have exactly this door leaf, then you can immediately say that you are very lucky, because the process of replacing the insert in this case is very simple.

Install the glass in the door as follows:

  • Remove old glass.

Important! If the old glass tab was broken, after removing it, you need to carefully sweep all the fragments from the floor so as not to step on them during operation.

  • Perform all necessary measurements and purchase a new decorative or regular insert in the store.
  • If it is decorative, inserting it is quite simple. To do this, insert it where the old glass stood and fix the glazing beads.
  • If the insert is ordinary, first you need to paste it with a special self-adhesive film. Next, you need to insert this glass in the same way as decorative.

Important! Before sticking the film, you need to familiarize yourself with two rules:

  • Before proceeding to glue it, the glass surface should be moistened with a little soapy water.
  • During gluing, the film must be ironed carefully and get rid of air bubbles - a spatula can do this job perfectly.

Non-standard option

Unfortunately, not all doors have such a simple design, as described above. There are also such models where glazing beads are simply not used. In this case, you have to disassemble the door completely, into separate parts. This technology for replacing glass in the interior door with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Examine the ends of the door leaf for self-tapping screws and confirmations.
  2. Remove the door itself and lay it on the floor.
  3. Get rid of plugs and fasteners.
  4. Remove the long side of the door, and then remove the glass insert itself.
  5. Install a new glass and assemble everything as it was, observing the reverse order of the algorithm.

Important! Any decor that was on the old glass insert can be glued to the new one using liquid nails.

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In this article, you learned how to replace an old glass insert in a door leaf without contacting a professional and significantly saving money. Do everything slowly, carefully, and then no problems - neither technical nor aesthetic, will arise.

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