The smell in the refrigerator than to remove 🥝 reasons, elimination

After installing refrigeration equipment or air conditioning, many users notice an admixture of an unusual smell coming from the cooling system. Many owners believe that this is the smell of freon, and begin to panic, worry about something else and look for a gas leak. Of course, the situation may seem alarming, especially if you are experiencing the technique for the first time. Today we will try to reassure consumers of technology and tell us what Freon smells like and how to determine its leak.
to contents ↑What smells like freon from an air conditioner?
Freon is a chemical compound based on methane or ethane.
Important! The substance is a colorless gas and has no smell. Therefore, we hasten to reassure you - the smell of freon is not perceptible to us, or more precisely, it does not exist at all.
If in doubt and want to determine if a refrigerant leak has occurred, this can only be done by monitoring the pressure level. If the air conditioner began to produce less cold, then contact the after-sales service, let the specialists check the leak. In other cases, you can smell the substances that were used to control the tightness of the climate system or the smell of plastic, but again, not the smell of freon.
Important! Of course, to be absolutely accurate, then every substance has its own smell, but it all depends on the concentration. For example, if you open a cylinder of Freon gas, you may feel a slight sweet smell. But in the event of a leak from the channel of the climate system, you cannot smell this smell.
In the first hours of operation of any equipment there is always a specific smell, since many substances used in the manufacture of devices can evaporate and exude an unpleasant odor. Do not worry, it will not harm your health, it can only cause some temporary inconvenience.
to contents ↑Important! Over time, the smell of a new product will disappear, and you will calmly enjoy the comfort that technology will give you.
If the smell is still there and does not go away for a long time
If the unpleasant odor does not go away after a long time, then there may be several reasons:
- Violations in the air conditioner.
- The drainage system is clogged.
- Incorrect installation of the air conditioner.
Important! To find out the causes of odor in the air conditioner, consult a specialist to rule out any problems that may arise.
Experts identify three main causes of the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the climate system:
- Accumulation in filters of surrounding aromas. Many air conditioners do not use air from the street, but cool the one that is in the room. As a result, odors accumulate and are given back in a concentrated form. For example, if your new furniture contains a large amount of formaldehyde resins, of course, the cooled air will contain them.
Important! Culprits of the smell can also be materials such as plastic and synthetics.
- Mold and bacteria. If the device has not been turned on for a long time, it is possible that microorganisms have accumulated inside, because the device for them has an ideal environment for reproduction - it is warm and damp.
- Drainage without siphon.If the installation did not use a siphon, while the moisture from the air conditioner is not removed to the street, but to the sewer, then the whole smell of sewage can escape and fill your apartment.
How to deal with the smell of air conditioning?
To combat the problem of smell, it is necessary to clean the air conditioner. All cleaning methods come down to the following steps:
- Wash off all dirt and mold.
- Disinfect all parts.
- Dry all elements of the climate system thoroughly.
to contents ↑Important! To disinfect the air conditioner, purchase special products. Usually they need to be sprayed where the device takes air for cooling. Drops of solution along with a stream of air penetrate the drainage system, destroy the fungus and bacteria. Sometimes this is enough to completely get rid of the smell from the air conditioner.
The smell of freon in the refrigerator
In the refrigerator, freon is placed in the evaporator and performs the function of cooling the refrigerator compartment. In modern units, Freon R600a and R134a are used.
Important! To find out which freon your device is running on, expand the refrigerator and read the sticker on the motor. It should indicate the type of refrigerant.
Any specialist will tell you that you will never hear the smell of freon in the refrigerator, since the gas has no smell.
Important! The only exception to the rule is Freon R12, which has a sweetish smell similar to the smell of chloroform. But at present, this gas is not used in domestic refrigeration devices. Moreover, since 2010, the production of devices with this type of freon is prohibited. Therefore, such a refrigerant can only be found in old Soviet models, unless of course they still work.
Since the smell of freon in the refrigerator is not noticeable, its leak can be determined by the following signs:
- The temperature in the refrigerator is elevated.
- Perishable products have lost their presentation.
- A pool of water under the refrigerator.
to contents ↑Important! You cannot repair the unit yourself, so contact a specialist for help.
What can it smell like in the refrigerator?
We found out that your fears about the smell of Freon are groundless, which means that you need to look for the cause elsewhere.
Causes of smell in the refrigerator:
- The smell of plastic in the new unit.
- Stale or improperly stored foods.
- Dirt and bacteria.
- Blockage in the drainage system.
- Dirty deodorizer. In modern models of devices, a bio-deodorizer is provided, which absorbs odors and can have antibacterial properties. Perhaps this element does not cope with its function, since it needs cleaning. Read how to carry out this procedure in the instructions for the device.
How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator?
To remove a “darling” from the device:
- Disconnect the device from the power supply.
- Free the refrigerator from food.
- Remove all shelves and drawers.
- Thaw the unit completely.
- Wash the refrigerator thoroughly.
- Wipe and dry all parts of the unit.
- Leave the unit to ventilate.
- Put a special odor absorber or activated carbon in the refrigerator.
Important! Very often, during defrosting, products such as beef, pork, meat, fish or poultry can drain blood and get into corners, crevices and various channels of the refrigerator. Therefore, regularly rinse the walls of the refrigerator with warm water, otherwise - the smell of food can remain in the plastic for a long time.
In order to thoroughly wash all the elements of the device and get rid of the “darling”, you can use special solutions:
- Hydrogen peroxide. Spray the drug solution on the inside of the device using a spray gun. After 2-3 minutes, wipe the surface of the device dry.
Important! Hydrogen peroxide can quickly eliminate almost all odors.
- Aqueous solution of vinegar. Prepare a solution: 1 part vinegar, 8 parts water.Thoroughly wipe with a solution all the inside of the refrigerator. Repeat if necessary.
Important! If folk remedies did not help, then use special household preparations. There are many devices that will quickly rid the device of stench. Small in size (placed on the palm of your hand) drugs are placed inside the refrigerator. Absorbers-liquidators absorb odors for several months. After that, their replacement is required.
In order to eliminate the appearance of “darling” in the unit, use odor absorbers for preventive purposes. The principle of their action is absorption: “foul-smelling” molecules are bound by the active substance and neutralized.
The simplest and most effective adsorbents can be found in every home:
- Brown bread crusts. Leave the product inside the refrigerator until the stench is completely removed.
- Activated carbon. Put a glass of coal on the shelves of the refrigerator - it absorbs all the smells from the products.
- Black coffee. Place a glass with black coffee grains in the machine - after a while there will be no trace of stench.
- A slice of raw potato or half an apple. Leave the product overnight and discard in the morning so as not to create another source of unpleasant “spirit”.
- Citrus. Slices of orange, lemon or mandarin will absorb stench and leave a pleasant aroma. In a day, throw away the fruit so that mold does not appear on them. You can use citrus peel.
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Keep household appliances in order and then, no extraneous odors will bother you. And if you have any doubts about a gas leak from refrigeration equipment or an air conditioner, then consult a specialist. Take care of home helpers, and they will thank you with comfort.
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