The smell of shoes - how to get rid of?

Stylish shoes look good, but the appearance does not always reflect its quality. At present, a lot of shoes have appeared, which, with their outwardly pleasant appearance, are completely unsuitable for constant wear. And of course, the impression of the most beautiful shoes can be completely ruined by the unpleasant smell coming from them. Such a fragrant couple can put their owner in an uncomfortable position. How to get rid of a strong smell in shoes? There are many ways to solve such a problem, but before considering them, let's find out the reasons for this behavior of shoes and shoes. A detailed overview of the problem: the smell of shoes - how to get rid of it is already ready for you in this article.
to contents ↑Causes of shoe odor
There are several reasons why our sneakers or shoes begin to exude an unpleasant odor and put us in an awkward position.
The most common cause of odor is sweating in the wearer of these shoes or shoes. This is often associated with poor foot hygiene.
Important! In some cases, increased sweating is the result of a disease, such as a foot fungus, hyperhidrosis, or diabetes mellitus.
The following factors can affect the smell of sweat:
- Heatwave.
- Socks made of artificial materials.
- Strong physical activity.
- Smoking and drinking.
- Eating a large number of spices.
Improper shoe care
Another reason that leads your shoes to such a deplorable state is improper maintenance. Everyone knows that a humid and dirty environment is the most suitable place for breeding microorganisms and mold. That is, if you do not dry your favorite pair of shoes in a timely manner, do not remove stains from the surface, the problem of fetid amber is more likely to affect you.
Poor material for tailoring
Shoes made from low-quality and synthetic materials and glued with bad glue can smell bad, even if they are brand new.
to contents ↑Important! Such sneakers or boots are dangerous not only because it is difficult to get rid of such a smell, but also because their constant wearing can lead to the development of fungal diseases.
Ways to get rid of bad breath from shoes
How to get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes at home? There are some simple ways to solve this problem with available tools.
The easiest way to get rid of the smell, and along with the dirt, is to wash the product. Many sports shoes can be washed in a washing machine. In extreme cases, they can be washed manually using laundry soap and a brush.
Vodka or ammonia
You can remove the smell with an alcohol-containing substance, for example, with vodka, ethyl alcohol or ammonia:
- Dampen a cotton swab liberally in the liquid and treat the boot inside.
- Then you can pour the product into the sprayer and spray it on the outer surface.
- After this, the shoes need to be well dried and ventilated.
Green tea or coffee
How to get rid of an unpleasant smell in boots? Place a bag of green tea between the insole and the sole or sprinkle ground coffee. After a while, the smell will disappear.
Hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate
One of the ways to get rid of the smell in shoes is to use an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate:
- Dissolve 2 grams of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water.
- With this solution, treat the inside of the boot.
Important! This method will save you not only from the smell, but also from the microorganisms that settled in the shoes. But it is better to use on models made of dark material, since staining is possible.
You can re-process, but with hydrogen peroxide, and, it can not be diluted in water.
Important! If the problem could not be solved, you can go to extreme measures: pour hydrogen peroxide into the shoes, leave for a few minutes, then pour and dry the product. But it is better to do this with a light shade model, since peroxide has a decolorizing property.
Activated carbon
Another simple but effective odor control agent is coal. Crush a few tablets into powder, put the shoes overnight, and shake the shoes in the morning. Even better, if you have several bags of loose material - pour the powder into it and leave for a day. Coal absorbs all unpleasant odors.
Vinegar will help you from the unpleasant smell in your shoes. Wipe with a piece of cloth dipped in vinegar sneakers inside and out. True, then you will have to think about how to remove the smell of vinegar from shoes. But this is solved very simply - take them to the balcony or to the street for ventilation.
Low temperature
How to get rid of the smell in winter shoes? The easiest way is to take them out in the cold:
- Turn your winter boots out with your shafts, leave it overnight on the street or on the balcony - by morning the smell will disappear.
- Alternatively, you can put the shoes in the freezer, after packing it in a plastic bag.
Important! If the shoes are made of genuine leather, they may crack due to too low a temperature.
You can do simply - fill the shoes with salt and leave for several days.
Baking soda
In every house there is such a universal remedy as baking soda. There are several simple ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the shoes with this miracle powder:
- Pour soda into boots, leave it there for 5 hours. After that, the shoes need to be shaken out and wiped with a damp cloth.
- Sew a few bags, add soda to it and leave for several hours.
Important! This method is especially relevant for shoes from suede, since suede does not like soda and can be cracked upon direct contact.
- To care for shoes, you can make yourself aromatic balls of soda. To make them you need to mix soda, flour and white clay in equal proportions. Add a few drops of aromatic oil to this mixture and mold the balls. They need to be placed in gauze bags and put in shoes overnight.
Balls to eliminate odor in shoes
When we open the box with new shoes, there are always special balls in small bags. Their task is to absorb moisture and prevent the appearance of bacteria, which means odor. These balls do not need to be thrown away. If there is a smell, put them in socks and leave for a day inside the smelling shoes.
to contents ↑How to get rid of the smell of mold?
In a damp room, shoes quickly become moldy. To get rid of it, you need to do the following:
- Wash shoes with warm, soapy water. The inner surface must be treated with a chlorine solution.
- With a solution of ammonia and vodka, wipe the inside and outside of the shoe. If neither one nor the other was found in the house, a solution of vinegar essence will help.
- Put the shoes to dry.
How to clean shoes from cat tracks?
Cats are considered one of the most popular pets.These cute fluffy lumps can not only relieve stress and cheer up, but even alleviate the symptoms of some diseases. They are so charming that the owners are ready to endure all their antics. It often happened when, putting on slippers or boots, we indignantly found a puddle there.
The smell of cat urine is quite persistent, and you need to sweat to get rid of it. Cloth shoes, like slippers or sneakers, are fairly easy to clean. It is necessary to rinse with laundry soap as soon as possible and send to the laundry, if allowed by the manufacturers. Drying is better on the street.
It will be harder if the shoes are leather:
- The first thing you need to wash your shoes, and then dry dry.
- After that, you need to wipe the shoes with a gauze swab dipped in vinegar, citric acid or potassium permanganate, from all sides.
- Then the shoes should be put on the balcony.
This usually helps to cope with the smell. If this procedure does not help, you should buy a special spray in the store and do the same with it.
to contents ↑Important! To protect your shoes from the next pet intervention, use the “Anti-snub”.
How to get rid of the specific smell of new shoes?
If when buying shoes you feel some specific smell, it is better to refuse such a pair. As a rule, this means that low-quality materials or low-quality glue were used. But if you have already bought such shoes, sneakers or gym shoes, then you will have to think about how to get rid of the corrosive aroma.
The following methods will help you:
- Open the zippers, unfasten the shoes or sneakers and ventilate well.
- Put green tea bags under the insoles.
- Wipe the inside with vinegar.
- You can also pour coal, soda or salt inside.
How to remove skin odor?
Many people prefer to wear leather shoes; their feet do not sweat in it, even in summer. But not everyone likes the specific smell of the skin. You can get rid of it very simply:
- Stuff your leather shoes or shoes with old newspapers. They perfectly absorb all the aromas and moisture.
- Leave for two days in a cardboard box.
to contents ↑Important! You can stock up on dried herbs, such as mint, oregano, put them in special bags and leave them inside the boots for the night.
Shoe odor prevention
In order not to think every time how to get rid of the nasty smell, you need to follow a number of simple rules:
- If possible, you need to purchase not one, but at least two pairs of shoes for the season, so that you can change shoes or boots.
- In winter, it is useful to expose the shoes to frost - you will immediately get rid of the smell and bacteria that cause this unpleasant odor.
- Change often the insoles - it is best to use disposable ones, which are not a pity to throw away after a couple of days.
- Do not leave leather, suede or nubuck raw. It can be moldy. Arriving home, brush it and dry thoroughly.
- Follow the rules of personal hygiene.
- Treat your shoes with a water repellent during rains.
- Use socks made of natural fabrics, change them every day.
- Treat shoes with special deodorant compounds. This will help prevent odors.
- If you work all day in the office or other enclosed space, consider changing shoes.
- Try to buy good quality shoes from trusted manufacturers. Make sure it is comfortable.
- Ultraviolet shoe dryers have proven themselves well. They will save your favorite shoes or shoes from excess moisture, smell, bacteria and fungus.
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For your favorite shoes to serve you for a long time, you need to properly care for them. And now you know how to do this, thanks to our advice from this article.
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