The smell in the freezer - how to get rid of?

Even in the most modern and reliable freezer, products can spoil from time to time. There is an unpleasant odor, which sometimes causes aversion even to fresh products. Therefore, the question always arises: the smell in the freezer - how to get rid? You will find the simplest and quickest solutions in this article.

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Where to begin?

watermarked - 37-oh-ERF4161AOWFirst remove the source of the trouble. You should always remember that even frozen foods have an expiration date.

Important! It is not recommended to store food frozen for more than three months.

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Where does the bad smell come from?

The causes of an unpleasant odor can be:

  • improper and leaky storage of products;
  • storage of products with a specific, not particularly pleasant aroma;
  • power outages for a long time.
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Cleanliness Prevention

To prevent unpleasant “aromas” in your household appliance, you must adhere to some rules.

  1. Store food in special plastic containers with lockable lids or use plastic bags designed to freeze food.
  2. Do not store food for a long time. Use them for 3-4 months.
  3. Wash and thaw the freezer more often.
  4. After washing, before freezing, use all kinds of air flavors and odor absorbers.

Important! Unpleasant odors cannot occur in a completely clean refrigerator. Therefore, advice: carry out the “general” cleaning of your refrigerator, and with it the freezer, at least 1 time per month.

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Clear-out of the freezer

Before removing the smell from the freezer of the refrigerator, disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply, free the refrigerator from food.

When cleaning, pay special attention to various inaccessible places where foul-smelling residues could get:

  1. Sealing gum on the door. When defrosting a household appliance, liquid could leak into slots and grooves near the rubber band. It needs to be removed.
  2. Pallet. During defrosting, water drips onto it, so be sure to rinse it thoroughly when cleaning.

Important! Be sure to rinse the freezer with clean water to wash off all used products. Dry with a towel after that. Turn it on and after half an hour you can load the products back.

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How to get rid of the smell in the freezer - tools

For washing, take delicate detergents or solutions prepared at home.

Method 1

Soda is used as follows:

  1. Method of preparation of the solution: dilute 2 tbsp. l soda with one liter of water.
  2. Wipe the walls and shelves of the refrigerator with this fluid.
  3. Work hardest on places where there was an unpleasant smell.
  4. Wipe off with a dry cloth and let the appliance settle.

Important! For very lazy housewives we recommend this method: dissolve soda with water and pour into a glass. Place a glass of liquid for a month inside. The smell will be eliminated.

Method 2

To get rid of the smell in the freezer, use ammonia:

  1. Dilute it with water, the proportion is 1: 1.
  2. Wipe the inside walls of the appliance thoroughly with the resulting solution.

Important! This method is guaranteed to remove odors from the camera. But after the procedure, do not immediately rush to turn it on - leave the freezer open for a while so that the aroma of ammonia itself disappears. When processing with this agent, note that a very pungent odor of ammonia itself will be released.

Method 3

watermarked - imageexternal_4_0Well remove odors and natural absorbents: coal and coffee, citruses:

  1. Leave inside the freezer for the time of freshly ground coffee, you can thicken, previously dried.
  2. If you decide to get rid of the smell in the freezer with charcoal or activated carbon, spread it out for a couple of days.
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What else can you remove the smell from the freezer?

If the question is: the smell in the freezer - how to get rid is still relevant for you, try the following methods and tools. You will find it useful:

  • bread;
  • rice;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • spices (turmeric, thyme, cloves, basil. celery);
  • coffee;
  • tea.


Use only rye bread. Cut it into pieces and place on several small plates. Put the dishes in the empty included freezer for the night.


Rice grains will help to absorb an unpleasant odor. Fill a small container with them and leave them inside the freezer for several days.

Salt and sugar

Mix salt and sugar, leave in an open container for several days in the included unit. The bigger question is, how to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator’s freezer, will not bother you.


Citrus fruits can be called a bestseller among the most fragrant natural air fresheners. Apply lemon, orange skins. Just put them on the shelves. Use orange dummies made as follows: gently remove the pulp from a whole orange and fill the middle with baking soda. Lay the resulting dummies on shelves.

More ways to get rid of the smell in the freezer with citrus fruits:

  1. Treat the walls and surface of the chamber with lemon juice after defrosting and washing.
  2. Leave a slice or peel of citrus fruit inside the appliance.
  3. You can use juice for the same purpose. Just put it in any container inside for several days.


Put in a linen bag a small amount of spices - any that you have available. If there is no bag, just tie a pinch of spices into a handkerchief. With these simple steps you can get rid of the unpleasant odor in the freezer.


Tea removes odors well. To remove “aromas”, use disposable tea bags by putting them in the camera. It’s better to use the cheapest one, since tea bags are often used when packing bags, which will help you remove all odors in the freezer.

Synthetic odor eliminators

In household chemical stores, there are a lot of odor control products. Usually these are special tablets or bags with absorbents that need to be placed in the inside of the refrigerator.

Such products effectively ozonize the inside of household appliances, while eliminating any unpleasant odors. They need to be exchanged for new ones approximately every three months. As an example - a jelly-like antibacterial absorber for the freezer. Its composition includes charcoal and bamboo powder. Using the tool is quite simple:

  1. Remove the top cover from the bath.
  2. Remove the foil.
  3. Return the cover to its original position.
  4. Set in the freezer.
  5. If the absorber volume decreases significantly, replace it with a new one.
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Stock footage

The freezer is an indispensable tool for storing products prepared for future use. Use the appliance correctly; follow cleanliness tips and odors will never bother you.

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