The smell of water from a boiler - how to eliminate?

In modern life, there are cases of lack of central hot water: it can be system failures due to an accident or preventive measures. In such cases, a boiler comes to our aid. This is a device consisting of a heating element and a tank. The boiler provides heating of water and maintaining it at a certain temperature for some time. But when using equipment, there are times when the water starts to smell like hydrogen sulfide. Many consumers believe that this is due to poor water in the water supply, while the reason often lies in the heater. Consider, if there was a specific smell of water from the boiler - how to eliminate it, and is it necessary to do something at all in such a situation?

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Causes of the unpleasant ambre

As a rule, the smell of hydrogen sulfide is formed - a gas having the smell of rotten eggs. It is a waste product of certain types of bacteria. If, when using a boiler, water comes in with an unpleasant, pronounced aroma, it means that these same bacteria actively multiply inside the tank.

The reasons for this may be different:

  • Poor water quality from the water supply. Bacteria enter the walls of the tank and begin to actively multiply there.
  • Poor quality pipes through which water is supplied to the unit. Cheap plastic pipes smell like chemistry, transmitting this smell to water. And in old pipes on the inner surface over time, a precipitate forms, which gives an unpleasant amber.
  • Formation of a colony of microorganisms inside the tank. When operating on the internal elements, a layer of deposits, mucus and scale appears. This leads to the appearance of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms, which, growing, emit a large amount of hydrogen sulfide, which leads to the smell from the boiler.
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The stink of hot water

It also happens that the smell appears in the hot water coming from the boiler. That is, cold - goes in its usual form, and hot - it smells of hydrogen sulfide. Here, your unit is definitely to blame. Using home filters does not always help, because over time, bacteria form a film that simply clogs the device. And washing the biofilm can not be removed.

Many make a very common mistake - they begin to use the equipment in a gentle mode, that is, they do not heat it above 60 degrees. This only contributes to even greater reproduction of bacteria. As a result - the smell is getting stronger and stronger, and in the end the boiler simply fails.

Important! For prevention, it is necessary to heat the water in the tank to a maximum temperature, at least once a month.

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How to fight bacteria?

If you have a smell of water from a boiler, how to eliminate it? There are different ways to deal with harmful bacteria:

Filter setting

Install a special filter that absorbs gaseous volatile ethers.

Important! You can install such filters under each tap.

Complaint to the relevant authorities

Report to the sanitary-epidemiological service for poor water quality. There is a chance that over time this problem will be eliminated.

Boiler cleaning

If the problem is in the unit itself, then it is necessary to take more effective measures:

  1. First you need to drain all the liquid from the unit and fill it clean.
  2. Then we turn on the heater at full power and let it work in this mode for a long time.
  3. Then again completely drain the water.
  4. Now you can fill the unit with water and use it normally.
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Preventive measures

To extend the life of the water heater and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the boiler and observe preventive measures:

  • Do not leave water in the unit, which does not work for a long time. If you do not plan to use the boiler in the near future, then the best way out is to drain the water from it.
  • Descale the machine periodically. If you find it difficult to do this yourself, call the wizard.
  • Do not save on filters. A good filter is a guarantee of improving the quality of water. This will extend the life of your water heater.
  • Control the quality of the water, in which case - do not hesitate to seek help from a sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Check the functionality of the thermostats.
  • Replace the anode if necessary. Mud deposits accumulate on it. This leads to an unpleasant odor and breakdown of the unit.
  • Make the replacement of the heater in a timely manner.
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If preventive measures are not followed, then the boiler can quickly fail and the cost of fixing it will be decent. Therefore, do not ignore them, but if there is a smell of water from the boiler or other non-standard phenomena in its operation, urgently solve problems.

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