Mosquitoes protection

When summer comes, you rejoice - finally, you can warm yourself from the winter cold, open windows and balconies and sleep without covering, go to nature or to the country house and swim in the river, cook kebabs and sit with relatives and friends in the open air. And here a problem arises that cannot be ignored - protection against mosquitoes. These insects are absolutely everywhere, especially where there is high humidity - near rivers and other bodies of water, they fly above the table, not allowing to enjoy the evening, talking with loved ones and barbecue, buzzing over the ear, not letting sleep. To put up with it and constantly walk with red dots on the body is simply impossible, the question arises - what kind of protection against mosquitoes will be most effective?

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Remedies for mosquitoes outdoors in the summer

Being angry at flying small bloodsuckers, getting annoyed is simply stupid and useless, because these are just insects that live by instincts. Therefore, you can soberly and without unnecessary emotions choose for yourself the most suitable remedies for mosquitoes in nature:

  • Insect repellent devices. These are flashlights, ultrasonic and thermal traps, lamps, ultrasonic charms, bracelets, electric shredders.
  • Smoldering spirals with a specific smell.
  • Ointments, creams.
  • Special clothing protecting against insects outdoors.
  • Alternative methods - both preventive and for quick removal of bites.

7991c35af2cb0a9c15cdda1968bd5c2bWhat is the difference between all these means? Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, it is important to choose the most suitable for you mosquito repellent in nature or in the country.

Special clothes

It covers the entire surface of the body, providing excellent protection against bites. However, being in the fresh air, when the weather whispers, it’s warm, good, I don’t feel like sweating under a layer of fabric. This is at least extremely uncomfortable.

But if you are planning fishing, hunting or a long rest in the forest, such protection against mosquitoes will be just right.

Ointments and creams

Ointments and creams are very good as a remedy for mosquitoes in the country, but not for everyone. They are not suitable for people with allergies. They also have a specific smell that not everyone likes.

Important! Such ointments and creams are generally better not to use for children under two years of age.


Smoldering spirals are very good, as an effective remedy for mosquitoes in nature. However, for a very small area, for example, for a company sitting at a table. When you get up from the table, go somewhere, you are immediately attacked by hordes of bloodsuckers.

Mosquito devices

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country in the most radical and effective way? There are already many different devices that capture a large area at work, why they do not allow mosquitoes to get to your body. Consider each device from mosquitoes separately:

  • Ultrasonic key rings for outdoor use. They mimic the mosquito sound of anxiety. Valid in a radius of 10 square meters.
  • Bracelets to repel mosquitoes, also imitating their alarm sound. The territory covers 6-8 square meters. m
  • An effective mosquito repellent is a compact ultrasonic repeller that mimics the alarm sound of these insects. Valid in a radius of 50 square meters. m. Work silently.
  • Instruments from mosquitoes, also ultrasonic, emitting the sound of a male mosquito. The action on the territory of 50 square meters. m
  • Autonomous destroyers that do not require replacement of batteries.In the daytime they are charged from the solar battery (recharging from USB is also possible). They attract blood-sucking “fighters” with the help of ultraviolet radiation, and then kill them with an electric discharge.

Important! The “Octenol” attractant can be used as bait - in this case, the area of ​​action will increase by 2 times, and the efficiency of insect killing - by 3-4 times.

  • Mosquito killing lights - such devices are suitable for lighting a garden, porch, yard (in design they look exactly like garden lamps). Effective on an area of ​​50 square meters. m (with Octenol bait up to 100 sq. m). They can work in any weather, they are powered by a battery. Eco-friendly, harmless to others (including children, pregnant women). Work without noise and smell.
  • Strongest traps (electronic mosquito repellent). They have four functions of the bait: imitation of temperature, respiration, body odor, ultraviolet radiation, which sucks the insect. Inside, it dies from dehydration. Cover an area of ​​150 square meters. m
  • Biological preparations consisting of bacterial spores, without chemistry. Quickly destroy the bloodsucker larvae, while not causing any harm to fish, plants, animals, beneficial insects. Simple to use - get divorced from water and sprayed to places where mosquitoes and midges can be larvae (cellars, pools, ponds).

Important! Manufacturers claim that there is no effect of addiction to these funds, therefore, it is possible to process sources of reproduction of annoying bloodsuckers repeatedly. Will be a great addition to the device against mosquitoes in the country. The consumption of the drug is small, the death of the larvae occurs within 4-24 hours after treatment. Eco-friendly - do not pollute the environment. The effect lasts up to 30 days.

Judging by the breadth of the product range, today there is effective protection against mosquitoes in nature, and this cannot but rejoice.

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Indoor mosquito protection

For many decades, people have been using mosquito nets on windows. This is the simplest, most affordable, but at the same time effective protection against mosquitoes at home. It seems that you can’t say anything new here - for home, utility rooms, other mosquito repellents - spirals, mosquito pills that are heated in a special device, mosquito repellent, and aerosols remain equally relevant.

Important! Do not use all these products indoors indoors - they will not protect you from insects, you will only waste your money and efforts.

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Folk remedies for mosquitoes

Mosquitoes, flies, like almost any insects, are extremely sensitive to odors. Therefore, the protection at the cottage is very simple to organize - you just need to green the territory with suitable crops.

mosquito-squareThe following options will be effective:

  1. Tomatoes The tops of this useful crop are an excellent repeller of not only mosquitoes, but flies, aphids and other pests. Therefore, you can combine business with pleasure - enjoy the delicious fruits of a tomato grown by yourself, while protecting yourself from annoying, buzzing bloodsuckers.
  2. Caucasian camomile. This plant also creates a reliable mosquito barrier. At the same time as protection against bloodsuckers, you can decorate the adjacent area and diversify the design of the landscape zone, making it attractive to the eye.
  3. Equalipt, cloves, anise - the oils of these miraculous plants protect well from mosquitoes. To apply, you can grease open areas of the body or hang a napkin moistened with an aqueous solution of any of these products in front of the door.
  4. The smell of cedar oil makes not only mosquitoes not come close to you, but even cockroaches to run away. So if you are planning a comprehensive fight against insects, take note of this miracle remedy.
  5. If bloodsuckers are a whole cloud, it is better to arm yourself with carbolic acid or a decoction of wheatgrass roots. Solutions are not applied to the body - they are wetted with napkins and hung over window and doorways.
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