Earth fly - fight

Growing vegetables, berries, fruits with your own hands is not just the right attitude to your own health, because as a result you can get a plentiful harvest from environmentally friendly fruits. For many, farming is also a kind of hobby, a pleasant and interesting vacation. The only thing that can sadden the owners of cottages and gardens is the appearance of pests, for example, such as an earthen fly, the fight against which is a lot of trouble. Such an insect can be of different species, which prefer to eat various crops. You will learn about what they are and how to deal effectively with them from this article.

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Types of earthen flies

Earth fly - fightDepending on what plants this enemy likes to eat, the following types of earthen flies are distinguished:

  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • cabbage.

Important! Each of them needs a special approach. So, if it is a carrot earthen fly, the fight against it will be different from flower or any other. About what are effective ways to destroy these pests and how to properly use certain drugs in the fight against earthen fly, see below.

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Carrot Earthen Fly - Fight

Carrot fly is one of the worst enemies of this healthy and tasty culture. What is characteristic is that in one year you can see only a few individuals in your area, and the next - it will be a whole invasion of insects. What exactly is the reason for such a clear difference in population is still unknown.

Important! Such an insect has a black body 5-7 mm long and transparent wings. The carrots fly larvae lays deep in the root crops themselves, which, with a large yield, are stored together with healthy vegetables. In spring, the larvae wake up, gnaw a course from the vegetable and begin to spoil your crop and actively multiply. Given these factors, it is easy to understand that the earthen fly is a malicious enemy, the fight against which should be quite fierce and effective.

How to identify a carrot fly?

Signs that your garden was attacked by an earthen fly, the fight with which must be started immediately, are such changes in plants:

  • leaves acquire a bronze hue, then red-violet, yellow;
  • the plant withers and dies, despite the fact that you provided him with full care;
  • the fruits are thoroughly eaten up and have a bitter taste.

Important! Such pests appear on the site in early May. Moreover, during the summer period he manages to lay multiple eggs several times.

Carrot earthen fly - fight, preparations

The modern chemical industry is making great strides in controlling various types of pests. Earth fly - was no exception. If you prefer to get rid of any unwanted “guests” in your garden as quickly as possible and are ready to use special preparations for this, you will be suitable:

  • Ziper, CE;
  • Decis Profi, EDC;
  • Shar Pei, ME
  • Arrivo, CE; Vega, CE;
  • Inta-Vir, GRP;
  • Aklellik, CE;
  • Fitoverm.

Important! Perform spraying only when the average daily temperature is not lower than 20 ° C, only in the morning or in the evening. The concentration of each drug varies, so carefully read the manufacturer's instructions carefully before use.

Folk measures to combat the carrot fly

If you decide to refuse from chemicals to fight the earthen fly, take the following folk methods for yourself:

  1. Sprinkle dry mustard or tobacco dust between the beds.
  2. Plant wormwood, yarrow nearby, lay out the tops of tomatoes.
  3. Spray the green top with one of the following solutions:
    • Garlic or onion tincture. To do this, you need 200g of vegetable and 2 liters of warm water. Pour finely chopped garlic or onion with water, leave for 1 day, strain, mix with 8 l of water. If desired, you can add a little liquid soap.
    • Coniferous tincture. Buy the extract of any needles in an amount of 200 g and dilute it with 10 liters of water.
    • Decoction of tomato tops. To do this, you will need about 4 kg of raw materials and 10 liters of water. Boil the tops in water for about half an hour after boiling and leave for 3 hours. The resulting broth is mixed before spraying with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

Prevention of the appearance of an earthen carrot fly

Earth fly - fightIn order not to seduce these pests, grow carrots correctly, following these rules:

  1. Do not add fresh manure to the beds.
  2. Alternate beds of carrots and onions - the aroma of the second plant is extremely unpleasant for this fly.
  3. Sow the crop very early so that the seedlings have time to grow stronger.
  4. Remove all thinned plants away from the beds with growing carrots - the aroma of such shoots is very attractive to females of this foe.
  5. Use peat as a mulch.
  6. Water the soil sparingly, and in the period from late July to mid-August, save your time and abandon this procedure.

Important! Adhering to these rules you will no longer be bothered by the carrot earthen fly - the fight against it will be successful!

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Earth onion fly - control methods

Onion fly annoys gardeners no less than carrot, but it looks in ashen gray tones, and in size - about 1 cm.It starts flying already in May and actively lays its larvae under the top scales of the vegetable, on the ground next to plants, between leaves. The larvae gnaw their own passages inside and literally eat the inside of the bulb, turning into new large and adult flies.

How to identify an onion fly?

Closely monitor how plants develop. If you notice the following symptoms, then an earthen fly eats your vegetables - the fight must be urgent:

  • seedlings develop more slowly;
  • leaves become yellow-gray;
  • leaves dry out and fade;
  • the bulbs are soft, rot, a fetid odor emanates from them.

Onion earthen fly - fight, preparations

In the case when you prefer to get rid of pests with modern chemicals, a remedy called “Bazudin” is suitable for you. It is used in the last 10 days of May.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix 30 g of granules with sawdust in an amount of 0.5 l.
  2. Add some sand.
  3. Spread this mixture on a plot of 20 m2.

Popular measures to combat the onion fly

No less effective, but at the same time sparing for your garden, methods of combating an earthen fly of this type are as follows:

  1. Follow the rules of crop rotation - the alternation of planting crops from year to year.
  2. Plant onions and carrots nearby - there will be a double benefit, since a fly, a loving carrot, does not tolerate onion aroma, and vice versa.
  3. Pour onion with saline prepared in a ratio of 200g / 10l. Perform this procedure when the feathers grow to a length of 8 cm.
  4. Powder the plants during the summer of the pest with a mixture of wood ash (200 g), ground pepper (1 tsp), tobacco dust (1 tsp).
  5. Destroy the larvae with tobacco solution by spraying it on the ground and the plants themselves. For cooking, you will need 200g of tobacco dust or shag and 3 liters of hot water. After this mixture is infused for 3 days, add another 1 tbsp. liquid soap and 1 tsp ground pepper (black, red).
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Cabbage earthen fly - fight

Cabbage fly is a doubly unpleasant pest in the garden. If individuals of the previous 2 species are very selective in their diet, then this insect eats not only red, white and cauliflower. He also does not disdain radish, turnips, radishes.She lays her larvae not only in May - there are later flies that develop their destructive activity only in July.

Important! White worms hatch from the eggs, which eat not only the lower part of the stem to grow, but also the roots of the plants. If you ignore such “guests” in the garden, an earthen fly will destroy your entire crop.

Cabbage earthen fly - fight, preparations

To destroy such an enemy, proceed as follows:

  1. Plant all crops as early as possible.
  2. Do high hilling plants.
  3. Sprinkle the beds with a deterrent mixture: in equal proportions, wood ash and tobacco dust (standard 100 g each), ground pepper (1 tsp).
  4. Spray with tobacco solution - the same as in the fight against onion fly earthen.

Important! An effective chemical drug to combat the earthen fly is Fosbetsid. It is dissolved in a proportion of 5 ml per 10 l of water and used in an amount of 100 ml per 1 m2. Use this tool in May or early June.

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Take care of your landings, treat each culture with love and act quickly if you are attacked by pests. Using our advice, nothing will threaten your crop and you will enjoy the result of your work in the form of large, juicy and tasty fruits!

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