Are the mirrors in the bedroom good or bad?

Each person in the arrangement of the bedroom, as a rule, is guided by their desires and feelings. But often the question arises, are the mirrors in the bedroom good or bad, and if good, where exactly can they be hung in this room? Opinions on this score differ, and if some are sure that this piece of furniture is simply a necessary thing in the room, then the other argue that it is precisely in the bedroom that mirror surfaces are definitely not in place. We will analyze all the pros and cons so that you can make a decision for yourself on this issue.
to contents ↑Is the mirror in the bedroom good or bad?
In ancient times, mirrors were used for various fortune-telling and magic rituals. People believed that reflective surfaces are portals to other worlds, mysterious and uniquely dangerous. Ancient signs contain echoes of such a perception of this mysterious object.
The following signs are:
- They say that it is undesirable to bring babies to mirror surfaces.
- There is a belief that you should not eat, seeing your reflection.
- In connection with the deceased, there are a number of restrictions that are associated with mirrors.
- Sleeping in front of the mirrors is also not worth it.
Important! If you believe in signs, but still would like to have a dressing table, a closet with a mirror surface or just a mirror in the bedroom, then arrange them so that your body does not reflect in it during sleep.
You can also equip the accessory with a decorative curtain, which can be closed at night.
to contents ↑Feng Shui Mirror Locations
Is it possible to hang a mirror in the bedroom? Explains the ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui. It was in China that glass was first given importance as an “energy vampire.”
Chinese sages are sure that the sleeping person is freed from negative thoughts and emotions, but when the mirror surface is in front of the bed and the person is reflected in it, everything comes back and causes nightmares, restless sleep. For this reason, it is necessary to place this accessory with extreme caution.
Important! Making a room for children, this piece of furniture is better to hang so that it reflects the toys of the child. As for very young children, following Feng Shui, it is believed that they can look in the mirror only after one year old. It is from this age that little people actively study themselves and are able to consciously see their reflection.
Reflections have long been endowed with a mysterious, magical meaning. Mirror surfaces are advised to be set exclusively when there are some pair of symbols in front of them. Such elements are able to give the couple strength and craving for each other.
to contents ↑Important! As far as possible, try to frame the mirrors in the frames - this will save its positive energy for a long time.
The opinion of psychologists
Not only the wise men from China, but also modern psychologists formed an opinion about whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the bed in the bedroom. So, psychologists believe that it can bring people psychological discomfort.
The inconvenience experienced by a person is connected with the fact that he constantly sees his reflection, and married couples sometimes experience the feeling that someone is spying on them all the time, especially when they are in bed.
In addition, it has already been proven that mirrored ceilings also bring little joy to the person who sleeps in such a room. When even the most balanced and calm person sees before and after sleep interior items, a bed, pillows and himself in the mirror, he quickly becomes nervous and irritated.
to contents ↑Where and how to hang a mirror?
Of course, any opinion as to whether the mirrors in the bedroom is good or bad has the right to life. And although many people are opposed to decorating the bedroom with reflective surfaces, no one will deny the fact that it is here that we often dress up and make marafet. Therefore, it will not be possible to categorically reject their presence - it is important to understand that it should be placed correctly.
In addition, mirrors can be built into the closet, which is simply necessary for storing clothes and bedding. What to do, because a cabinet is not just a mirror that can always be outweighed, but a necessary piece of furniture?
For example, if there is a cosmetic table with a mirror in the room, then you can put it so that natural light falls on it, but at the same time the sleeping place does not fall into the mirror reflection.
Important! Also a fairly common option for the location of reflective surfaces is to place them in a bedroom above the bed. In this case, you can choose one large accessory or several small ones around the perimeter of the entire wall. With this arrangement of these objects, the room will significantly increase visually, and there will be no negative sensation from their presence in the room.
When designing a bedroom with mirrors, you should be guided exclusively by your desires and sensations. And even if you do not arrange the mirrors according to the rules of Feng Shui, you do not feel the slightest discomfort, you are completely satisfied with everything, it is better to leave everything as it is.
to contents ↑Why is it undesirable to sleep in front of mirrors?
Many are convinced that the mirror is a kind of portal that connects our world with the other world. To believe in this sign or not is solely your choice. But for a very long time, it has been believed that a person should not be reflected in the mirror during sleep, and there are a number of reasons for this. Now we will try to explain why it is undesirable to hang mirrors so that sleeping people are reflected in them:
- Following the first theory, each person has his own astral soul, which leaves the body during sleep. And if a mirror surface is located in the room opposite the berth, then the soul can be tightened by it. As a result, after awakening, the soul can be locked forever in this subject, as if in a cage.
- The following theory says that reflecting surfaces can absorb human energy and, like a vampire, suck energy from defenseless sleeping people. Lethargy and constant insomnia, irritability and bad mood can be the result of precisely the loss of energy. That is why, even if a person is not superstitious, it is still better to look around and pay attention to this moment.
to contents ↑Important! It is not necessary to be a fan of the whole mystical and ardent fan of the version about other worlds. Just as an experiment and for a comfortable sleep, try curtaining the night with something, because there is still some inconvenience when there is always a reflection of something in front of you.
Room Mirror Features
You do not need to think only about whether it is possible to hang mirrors in the bedroom opposite the bed. Also, do not forget that in addition to the magical properties, this interior item has certain functions that it copes with wonderfully.
The functions performed by mirrors are very important. So, for example, using mirrors:
- Visually increases the area of the room.
- The ceiling visually removes the oppression and bulkiness of the room.
- A built-in wardrobe with a mirrored surface will hide the corners of the room and relieve crowding.
- Also, using a mirror, you can hide a not very good layout.
- Irregularities and minor defects of the wall will be less visible under a good and beautiful mirror suitable for the interior.
- You can mirror part of the ceiling with a mirror coating - this will visually divide the room into zones, while your berth will not be reflected.
- Using reflective surfaces, you can make the room brighter - just place the mirror in front of the window.
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The mysticism of mirrors is a very common occurrence, and many people are of the opinion that the objects are destructive. However, I would like people to correctly assess the necessity and functional benefit of reflective surfaces when choosing and installing in a room. Follow the tips and create your own design of the bedroom with mirrors that will appeal to you.
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