Liquid wallpaper design combinations and interesting ideas

Liquid wallpaper, the design of possible combinations and drawings - this is what interests us in the repair process. A lot of new products appeared on the building materials market, which not only facilitate the work of the craftsmen during the repair, but also make it possible to create splendor and chic in the house. A large number of people who may have heard about liquid wallpaper are still old-fashioned still gluing wallpaper on the walls in rolls, afraid to try something new. Some people think that liquid wallpaper is expensive, others say that the process of applying it is an unrealistically difficult task, and someone considers it inappropriate for ordinary apartments. Designing walls with liquid wallpaper may not be the cheapest option, but not particularly expensive. The average family can easily afford such a repair, in addition, such wallpapers are fraught with advantages. We will talk about them later.
to contents ↑What is a liquid wallpaper?
Many people confuse liquid wallpaper with decorative plaster:
- The similarity is that plaster and wallpaper are mixtures that are applied to the walls, creating fancy patterns.
- The difference is that the stucco contains sand, while the liquid wallpaper does not. They are based on glue, dye and various additives that create a relief: cellulose fibers, silk, wood shavings, algae particles, mica, quartz chips and so on.
Important! The budget version usually contains cellulose, and in more expensive copies - the other listed components. A diverse composition results in interesting patterns, colors and textures.
Liquid wallpapers are sold in large packages, which indicate the composition and their subsequent appearance after application. Before use, they only need to be diluted with water according to the instructions and wait for the swelling.
to contents ↑Important! In the building materials market, you can find liquid wallpapers from different manufacturers. It can be France, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Poland, Moldova and even Thailand. They are also produced in Russia.
Design of walls with liquid wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages
This type of wall covering has gained popularity due to so many advantages, which significantly prevail over the negative sides. Consider the main and most important of them.
- Unlike rolled wallpaper, liquid ones do not fade in the sun. They can be easily glued in the southern rooms, without fear that in a year one wall will be different from another.
Important! Silk wallpapers are especially resistant to ultraviolet.
- This type of coating does not respond to cold and temperature changes, so that it can be used not only in a residential building, but also in utility rooms that are not heated.
- They do not contain harmful impurities and toxic substances, are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, do not accumulate dust, insects, including dust mites, do not start in them. Therefore, liquid wallpaper is recommended for children's rooms and rooms where allergy sufferers live.
- Such a coating is breathable, not creating a “greenhouse effect”. But at the same time, it is an additional noise and heat insulation.
- A very important argument in favor of the design of walls with liquid wallpaper is fire safety.
- This type of wallpaper is easy to apply and remove, soiled places are easily restored in any volume.
- Thanks to its application technology, this type of coating is easy to use in non-standard as well as inaccessible places (corners, arches, niches, places around outlets and hatches).
- When applying liquid wallpaper, you will not encounter problems such as bubbles, skewing, joining joints and so on, which constantly occurs when using roll wallpaper.
- They are applied to any surface and help hide small imperfections - cracks, chips, dents. They can be used even in public places.
Important! If you plan to apply liquid wallpaper on a hardboard, then you need to treat the walls with a layer of moisture-resistant primer before it, otherwise it can swell, possibly deform.
- Repair using liquid wallpaper is a great option for new buildings. When the house gradually shrinks, they do not lose their appearance.
- Another important advantage of such wallpapers is that they look original, have a large selection of textures and a wide color gamut. Therefore, the design of a room with liquid wallpaper easily fits into any interior, both in style and color.
- Although liquid wallpaper is not afraid of splashing water and humidity in the room, but if water gets on the walls, the coating is easy to deform. For this reason, they are not recommended for bathrooms, although sometimes they are still used.
- For this type of coating, based on the foregoing, only dry cleaning is permissible. Therefore, in places where there will always be contaminants that need to be washed, it is better not to glue them. The kitchen is washed most of all, so there, too, use a different type of wall coverings.
Important! Some experts advise simply coating the liquid wallpaper with a layer of varnish. In this case, the walls can be washed, but at the same time air permeability is lost.
- If there are significant defects on the walls (cracks, crevices), then masking with liquid wallpaper will not save you. Before applying them, the wall will have to be level and putty.
How to apply liquid wallpaper on the walls?
The technology for wall decoration with such a coating is not particularly difficult. First you need to cook the necessary tool.
Inventory for work:
- A large basin or bucket of suitable volume for stirring the mixture.
- Water in the right amount of room temperature.
Important! The volume of water for each type of liquid wall material is necessarily indicated on the packaging of the goods.
- A wide spatula (plastering plaster), preferably transparent. You can also stock up on small for inaccessible places.
The order of applying liquid wallpaper:
- First of all, you need to prepare the walls, and for this, remove the old wallpaper, smooth out all the defects, cover the cracks.
- The surface of the walls is recommended to be pre-coated with a soil moisture insulator. It is desirable to do this in two layers. Apply the first coat horizontally and the second vertically.
- Wait until the soil has completely dried, and after that, start applying liquid wallpaper.
Important! If there is a heterogeneity in the color of the wall, it is worth covering it with white water-based paint so that unnecessary spots are not visible through the wallpaper.
- To knead the composition in a bucket of water, pour the necessary ingredients in the order indicated in the instructions (for example, glitter is placed first).
Important! Typically, a mix package is designed for 3.3 square meters. Therefore, consider how many packages you need to use for one wall, so that its parts do not differ in shade, that is, one batch for one wall.
- After you have poured the contents of the package into the water, carefully mix the composition with your hands until it becomes homogeneous, without lumps and resembles a dough for fritters.
- When done, put the mixture back in the bag and let it swell for 12 hours. During this time, you must prepare the room: get rid of the remnants of dust and dirt, cover with masking tape and skirting film, the floor and other surfaces that need to be protected.
Important! It happens that preparing wallpapers takes less time. Follow the instructions in this question.
- After the necessary time has passed, we begin to apply the mixture to the walls with a spatula. Keep the spatula at a slight angle (10-15 degrees).
Important! The larger the angle, the thinner the layer. It is recommended to apply a layer of 1.5-2 mm, although it can be thicker, up to 1 cm.
- The pressure on the spatula must be the same so that the wallpaper has a uniform thickness. When applying the mixture to the walls or ceiling, move from the middle to the edges.
Important! If you come across unmixed pieces or large particles, remove them immediately, without waiting for the wallpaper to dry.
- When kneading for the next wall, add what is left of the previous one to it. This will smooth out the difference in shades, if any.
- When you have designed the room, walk with a lamp or a lantern, revealing irregularities (stripes, scratches, pits) using directional light. Smooth blemishes with a trowel dipped in water.
- After applying liquid wallpaper to the walls, give them 2-3 days to dry completely.
Important! Unlike rolled wall-paper, liquid are not afraid of drafts when drying, so you can safely leave windows in the airing mode.
- Put the rest of the mixture in a sealed bag or container with a tight-fitting lid, put in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator. They can then be used for minor repairs.
How to make a minor repair of liquid wallpaper?
For this type of wall covering, only dry cleaning is recommended, therefore sponges, rags and brushes cannot be used. But what if the child drew “some little things” on the wallpaper in the nursery? Has the cat decided to sharpen its claws? Dirty footprints from children's bicycle wheels “decorate” the corridor? Everything is fixable, and without much difficulty.
- As we already wrote, such wallpapers are easily removable. To do this, moisten the damaged area from the spray gun with warm water, wait a few minutes until the wallpaper softens and remove them with a spatula or knife.
- The mixture that you probably have left after the repair is applied carefully to this place and leveled with a spatula.
- After drying, the repaired area will not differ from the rest of the wall.
to contents ↑Important! If there are no spots on the wall, but scratches and bumps, then there is no need to completely change the area. Just moisten it with water, wait for the layer to soften and smooth the surface with a spatula.
Design of liquid wallpaper in the interior
Repair using liquid wallpaper is a wide scope for the implementation of the most daring ideas. They are in composition:
- Cellulose.
- Universal.
- Silk.
Important! Everyone can choose an option to taste and wallet. The mixture can be ready-made - it only remains to dilute it with water. And there is a white powder in which you add pigments and textured particles at your discretion, that is, you completely create the design of liquid wallpaper.
How to choose the design of liquid wallpaper for different rooms:
- For the children's room, you can choose bright colors and interesting textures.
Important! By the way, you can attract the younger generation not only to the process of choosing wallpapers, but also to kneading them, and maybe even applying them.
- With the help of different shades, you can not only make the interior original, but also zon the room, for example, to separate the playing part from the recreation area or the training space.
Important! An interesting idea for a child’s room would be the use of sparkles and fluorescent dye. Then the walls will flicker beautifully in the evening.
- With the help of different color and texture mixes, you can even create drawings on the walls. It can be a geometric ornament, waves, flowers, abstraction. To do this, sketch the drawing with a pencil and carefully apply the mixture, rubbing it with a small spatula, without leaving the contours.
Important! For drawings with small details, you may need specialist help.
- If there are several colors in the drawing, apply them in turn, allowing each to dry for at least 4 hours. All colors should be the same thickness.
- With the help of drawings and different shades, you can also decorate or zonate other rooms: a living room-studio, dining room, hallway. The main thing is that it should not be sticky.
Important! Designers do not recommend using more than three colors in the interior.
- Liquid wallpaper in the design of the bedroom most often uses silk, pastel colors. They look soft and calm, the silky structure is pleasant to the touch.
Important! Another shade you can highlight the head of the bed or a niche for the TV.
- With liquid wallpaper you can decorate not only walls, but also ceilings.
Can I create liquid wallpapers myself?
If you take a creative approach, then you can make a wall covering yourself. Perhaps homemade liquid wallpapers will not be so chic in appearance, but they can significantly save your budget.
- Take more A4 paper sheets, you can even use them, finely randomly tear or cut them.
Important! Pieces should be no more than 3 cm.
- Put paper in a bucket and fill it with warm water.
Important! Water should only slightly cover the paper.
- After 2-3 hours, when the paper becomes sour, with a construction mixer you need to mix this mass until smooth.
Important! If you want to make the wallpaper more diverse, you have to get a little confused. Cotton, cellulose fibers are completely replaced by cotton wool, cut into small pieces, you can add pieces of yarn (any suitable thread). Of course, cutting a large amount of cotton wool and thread is not the most fun activity, but the wallpaper will be more textured and unusual. Sparkles are easy to find, but mica, mother of pearl or quartz dust can be searched on the Internet.
- For ligaments, PVA glue or bustilate is used.
- Dyes and antifungal additives can be found in any hardware store.
- Gypsum is also added. Although not in all “recipes” of liquid wallpaper, it is found.
Important! The higher the mark of gypsum, the faster the wallpaper sets.
- Apply the prepared composition to the wall with a layer of 2-4 mm, and then let it dry for a day or two.
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Liquid wallpaper is a great choice. They are practical, easy to apply, look aesthetically pleasing and original. Most likely, over time, they will replace roll wallpaper from the building materials market. In the meantime, to use them or not is a matter of purely personal preference. Having studied the features of this wall covering and the rules for its application, you can independently select the necessary material in the room and process the walls without the help of specialists. If you are striving for beauty, but you cannot afford to buy liquid wallpapers, we suggest you create them yourself. Creative and creative people will only enjoy this process.
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