Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper appeared in construction stores not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity. True, the range of these modern finishing materials is not particularly large so far, which significantly limits the possibilities of designers. But it can be fixed. Having made a liquid wallpaper with your own hands, you will get the opportunity to create a unique interior, and the repair will be fabulously cheap. And how to make them, you will learn from the article.

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What is liquid wallpaper?

This material has another name - silk plaster. It is a mixture of glue, base and fillers.

The composition of this material includes such components:

  • paper;
  • sawdust;
  • stone crumb;
  • cosmetic sparkles;
  • sand;
  • ground glass.

Important! In principle, you can come up with a filler yourself, best of all from natural materials that are neutral to environmental influences. Any waste paper is suitable for the basis - old magazines, cardboard boxes, used sheets of office paper. You can use old rags, but they are more difficult to grind than paper.

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The advantages of liquid wallpaper

This material is becoming increasingly popular due not only to the extremely low price, but to its amazing qualities, which include:

  • fire safety;
  • aesthetics;
  • lack of seams;
  • perfect connection to the wall;
  • simplicity in work;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of reuse;
  • possibility of repair;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • resistance to frost;
  • good sound insulation;
  • good thermal insulation.

Fire safety

Despite the fact that liquid wallpaper is made of paper or sawdust, they practically do not burn, so that they even trim the escape routes in child care facilities.

Silk plaster looks very impressive - this is achieved with the help of various additives, and also due to the ability to use different dyes and independently determine the direction of the fibers.

Perfect DIY surface

Unlike vinyl or paper wallpapers, liquid ones do not form seams. The surface is perfectly flat. They do not tear, do not come off and can serve for a long time. If a fragment has lost its attractive appearance, it can always be repaired, since the rest of the mixture is usually not thrown away, but frozen, so that if necessary it is necessary to dilute it again and put it on the damaged area.

In addition, you can always separate the damaged fragment, soak the mixture and make a patch, which will not differ from the rest of the surface.

Aesthetics and practicality

Liquid wallpaper does not fade if you use a good dye. In addition, they are resistant to any temperature, so you can finish them with the kitchen and the cold veranda.

Important! By adding an antiseptic or antifungal drug, you get a coating that is not threatened by bacteria or mold.

Such decoration gives amazing sound insulation, and this is especially important in modern monolithic houses, where on the fifth floor you can hear what the neighbors on the first floor are talking about. In addition, your apartment will always be warm.

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Of course, they are, but compared to the advantages, there are very few:

  1. Not all types of liquid wallpaper tolerate moisture well.
  2. The assortment in stores is not particularly large.

The first drawback is quite easy to handle. Walls should not be washed, especially since the coating has good antistatic properties, so that dust does not stick to it. If a stain appears, it is better to just cover it up.

As for the assortment, it is not necessary to buy silk plaster in the store. Making liquid wallpapers is not difficult at all, so you can give full play to your creative abilities - and all this for a penny.

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What to cook?

Before you make a liquid wallpaper with your own hands, you need to select the materials. You will need:

  • the basis;
  • glue;
  • gypsum (optional);
  • dyes:
  • decorative elements;

The basis

The base is cellulose or viscose It can be any recyclable material - pieces of fabric, sawdust, waste paper. They need to be crushed very much.


The second necessary component is glue. Can be used:

  • wallpaper glue;
  • PVA;
  • "Bustilate."

Important! Experienced craftsmen believe that the best option is the last. Just remember to see the expiration date. “Bustilate”, like PVA, has the ability to dry over time, and does it unevenly - clots appear in the bank.

Other materials can also be used as binders to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands:

  • gypsum;
  • gypsum putty.

Important! They are used together with glue - for example, for 1 kg of raw materials take either 1 kg of glue, or 0.5 kg of glue and gypsum.


The use of certain colors depends on the taste of the owners. However, it is best to choose dyes in the form of pastes - such a paint will not spread on the surface, but it will give you the opportunity to be creative by making original color transitions.

Important! Do not forget to buy an antiseptic that can be added to finishing materials.


To make liquid wallpaper at home, you need simple equipment:

  • plastic basin;
  • plastic containers for storing residues;
  • shredder or scissors;
  • measuring cup;
  • measuring spoon (you can take from baby food - for example, exactly 5 g of gypsum is placed there);
  • construction mixer or drill with a special nozzle.
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Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper - paper making, proportions

The most affordable material for making silk plaster is paper. But it is necessary to strictly calculate the amount of raw materials and water.

Important! No one will make a plaster mortar, even from cotton or paper fibers, from dry raw materials. Such a composition will go lumpy and will not lie flat on the walls.

How much water to take for soaking?

First you have to soak the paper. If there is too much water, the composition will turn out to be too liquid, if not enough, the paper will not soften.

The basic ratio - for 40 sheets of the usual format (A4) - 1, 25 liters of water will be optimal. Accordingly, about 30 ml of liquid will fall on one stationery sheet. And then you need to multiply this number by the total number of sheets.

And if you do not have writing paper, but cardboard or fiberboard? Nothing wrong. You need the average amount:

  1. As a basis, take the density of stationery paper measuring 210x297 mm. It is 80 g / sq. m
  2. Calculate and round for simplicity, the sheet area is 0.06 sq.m.
  3. Calculate the mass of the sheet, multiplying the obtained values ​​- you get about 5 g.
  4. To find out how much water will be needed per 1 g of dry raw materials, divide the amount of water needed to soak one sheet by the weight of this sheet - you will end up with 6 ml.
  5. Weigh the waste paper that you intend to use to make the wallpaper.
  6. Multiply the result by 6 ml - you will get the required amount of water.

If we talk about the total quantity, then for 1 square meter with a layer of 1 mm you will need 250 g of liquid wallpaper.

Important! It is better to measure water with a special measured mug.

How much glue and paint do you need?

For the same 40 sheets of waste paper, 200 ml of PVA or Bustilat glue will suffice. The calculation of the amount of dry raw materials is done in the same way as for water. As a result, it turns out that 1 ml of PVA per 1 g of waste paper.

Important! If you take gypsum as a bonding component, the amount of glue is reduced by the amount of gypsum (usually taken equally).

As for the paint, you can make the walls lighter, you can darken. But in any case, the ratio is better to know in advance. The amount per 1 g of dry raw materials is considered the same as everything else.

Do not forget to take into account the color of the feedstock:

  • If the paper is white, you can take any color.
  • But if you have brown cardboard, you have to limit yourself to a tan gamut.

Important! Please note that when the wallpaper dries, the surface will turn out to be slightly lighter than the original color.

In what order to mix?

Regardless of what exactly you will make liquid wallpaper with your own hands, it is necessary to observe the sequence of adding certain components:

  1. Shredded dry raw materials.
  2. Water.
  3. Glue.
  4. Paint.
  5. Gypsum.
  6. Fillers.mipj7ytu

Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper - production

Having decided on the raw materials and calculating the amount, you can begin to manufacture. For this we need:

  • paper cutter;
  • plastic basin;
  • construction mixer;
  • measuring utensils.

Important! You can cut paper, of course, with scissors, but it is tiring. Therefore, it is better to take a shredder, which, if desired, can be done with your own hands.


  1. Shred the paper.
  2. Fold the scraps into the basin.
  3. Pour it all with warm water, based on your calculations.
  4. Wait 2-3 hours - the paper should completely soak.
  5. With a construction mixer, turn the contents of the pelvis into a homogeneous porridge.
  6. Add glue, color, putty and fillers in turn.
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Liquid wallpaper from cotton

Instead of paper, you can take the most ordinary cotton wool, that is, cotton fibers.

Important! You can also use "Ecowool" - a special insulation, which includes both cotton and wood pulp.

What to do with it:

  1. Grind cotton - the smaller the pieces, the better.
  2. Fold what happened in a basin.
  3. Fill with “Bustilatom” at the rate of 1: 1.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Add color and sparkles.

Important! Instead of sparkles, you can use other fillers - grated glass, mineral chips or come up with an interesting mixture. But there should not be too many decorative elements.

After the mixture is ready, do not forget to test it on an inconspicuous part of the wall.

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Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper from sawdust - production

Perfect for forming base and sawdust. You do not need to grind them, you can not add decorative elements to them at all.

Important! Sawdust has other advantages - the wall will be very pleasant to the touch and embossed.

The calculation of the number of components is done in the same way as for shredded paper:

  1. If you take only glue, the proportion will be 1: 1.
  2. If you add gypsum or gypsum putty - 0.5 kg of glue and 0.5 kg of gypsum are taken for 1 kg of sawdust.

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands on such a basis?

  1. Put sawdust in the basin.
  2. Pour them with water and leave for 4 hours.
  3. Add some paint.
  4. Pour plaster or gypsum putty.
  5. Add decorative components.
  6. Pour it all over with glue.
  7. Stir until smooth.
  8. We put the wallpaper on the walls (first - in test mode).
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We finish the walls

The result of your labors you will see only when you put your liquid wallpaper on the walls and they dry. The better you prepare, the better the result.

There are certain technological requirements for walls on which silk plaster is applied. They should be:

  • homogeneous;
  • durable;
  • absorb moisture evenly, while hygroscopicity should be minimal;
  • white or in harmony with the color of the wallpaper;
  • if possible - strictly vertical, without large deviations.

Therefore, before applying liquid wallpaper, regardless of whether they are homemade or purchased, do the following:

  1. Remove old coating completely.
  2. Clean the remnants of paint or old wallpaper.
  3. Level the surface - cut the bulges more than 3 mm, close the cracks and depressions.
  4. Strip the wall with sandpaper.
  5. If the walls are dark and the wallpaper is light, apply a layer of light soil.

As for the process of finishing with liquid wallpaper, it is extremely simple. You can do this even without helpers:

  1. Throw liquid wallpaper on the wall with several large spots.
  2. Flatten all this with a trowel to make a layer 1 mm thick.
  3. Set the directions for the fibers.
  4. Wait until the wall dries - this will happen in about a day, or even earlier.

Important! Do not throw away the remains of wallpaper. Fold them in a plastic jar, tie it tightly and put it in the freezer. This is an excellent repair mixture, which will still be very useful to you.

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Some nuances

Working with silk plaster will be easier if you take into account a few simple tips:

  • You can not allow the composition to be too thick - it will be poorly smeared. If this still happened, add a little water to the mixture - the liquid wallpaper should have the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • In the manufacture of all components it is better to mix with water, including sparkles and mineral chips, and only after that add glue to them.
  • Remember to test your creation before applying it to the entire wall.

Important! You may have to adjust the composition - make an additional number of certain components:

  • If the surface peels off during drying, it means that you poured a little glue.
  • If cracks appear, there are not enough mineral fillers.
  • If the wallpaper does not adhere well to the wall - there is too much cellulose or viscose, you need to reduce the number of fibers, that is, add glue or gypsum.
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That's all the wisdom of making liquid wallpaper with your own hands, and the result from their use is truly luxurious. Be convinced of it, using recipes and useful tips from this article.

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