Do-it-yourself liquid for dry closets: composition and method of preparation

The use of mobile booths on the streets of the city and small structures in country houses has long been a commonplace. This is a good alternative to outdoor restrooms, which has proven to be excellent in use.

DIY dry closet liquid

However, they need care and special expensive means for normal operation. But there are several ways how to make a liquid for a dry closet with your own hands, it will allow you to dispose of waste and prevent unpleasant odors.

Dry closet device

Stationary and portable dry closets are arranged on approximately the same principle.

They work as follows:

 effective tool for dry closets

  1. The case is divided into 2 parts: lower and upper.
  2. A tank with flushing fluid and a toilet bowl is connected to the top. Either an electric motor or a manual pump is responsible for pumping pressure during flushing.
  3. Below is a receiver for washed away waste.
  4. Between both sections there is a shutter that cuts off the unpleasant aroma.
  5. A sewage pipe that discharges liquid waste from human activities can be connected to the lower zone. The solid fraction from wastewater remains in the lower section, in which it decomposes under the influence of biological or chemical agents.
  6. After filling the lower tank, it is disconnected from the housing and emptied in a certain area. So recycled sewage is dumped into a special tank or into a compost pit.

Tank filling

Biofluid for the upper tank of the toilet simply flushes out human waste, therefore, water with various additives is poured into this section of the body. As these agents, as a rule, apply the following compounds:

How can I replace the liquid for dry closets?

  1. Antifreeze (can be replaced with liquid for dry closets) - a special composition that reduces the freezing temperature of water in the upper section. This additive helps maintain the drainage system even during very severe frosts (up to -40 degrees). Without antifreeze, the water in the tank can simply freeze and thereby provoke a violation of the integrity of the body, which may cause the lower or upper compartment to burst.
  2. Cleaning compounds that whiten the surface of the toilet and allow you to clean it from lime deposits, urinary stone and other signs of the operation of the toilet. Without cleaning products, the dry closet will lose its attractive appearance.
  3. Deodorizing drugs that destroy the characteristic aroma, inhibit the development of bacteria under the rim of the toilet seat and other harmful microorganisms that live in the toilet. Without deodorizing agents, an unpleasant odor forms in this room.

How much liquid is required for the dry closet for the upper section, the manufacturer indicates by limiting the volume of the drain tank, as well as the user who controls the frequency of the drains.

Antifreeze, cleaning, deodorizing additives can be mixed with water or ready-made products can be poured into the tank.

Fluids for the upper section

The upper part is filled with products that are diluted with water. To destroy microorganisms and unpleasant aroma, use deodorizing liquids for dry closets:

Composition of liquid for dry closet

  1. BIO WC-45 is an effective tool for dry closets, which can be used when operating local sewage systems in outdoor conditions. This liquid helps to drain drains at temperatures from 0 to minus 50 degrees. The dose of this drug, which is mixed in water, depends directly on temperature.For example, at -15 C for 15 liters of water, only 350 g of “BIO WC-45” is needed. If the frost on the street has dropped to a critical temperature of -50 degrees, then 550-650 g of liquid for dry closets must be added to the same amount of water.
  2. The composition of BioToilet W from the popular manufacturer of biological products "BIOFORCE". These drugs are used as an additive to plain water, using the ratio - 1 cap of the product per 10 liters. The liquid allows you to rinse both waste and unpleasant aroma into the lower compartment, creating a slippery shell on the surface of the dry closet. In the lower zone, the product helps the activity of bacteria that break down feces. This drug is completely harmless to the environment.
  3. Aqua Kem Rinse - the product aromatizes sewage water, while maintaining freshness in the room, reduces the activity of microorganisms that cause gas formation. In addition, the residues of this composition create a special film on the inner surface, making it easier to drain waste. Reviews of this liquid prove that this tool works great both in home stationary toilets and in mobile restrooms.

Lower compartment

The liquid for the lower tank avoids freezing of the contents of the sump, deodorizes the tank and decomposes the solid fraction.

Therefore, all compositions for this zone of the toilet are divided into 3 types:

What liquid to choose in a dry closet

  1. Formaldehyde-based products, as well as other substances that break down any organic matter, work by melting molecules. These drugs are quite effective, but after treatment with such means, sewage is very toxic. Disposal of water involves only one action - transportation outside residential areas. The only advantage of these products is a combination of inexpensive cost and excellent resistance to any deodorizing and washing compounds.
  2. Ammonium and nitrogen based preparations that break down effluents due to organic fermentation are boosted by chemical compounds. The fermentation procedure itself requires a constant influx of a fresh portion of the catalyst, because preparations on this basis need to be added more often, unlike biological agents. After using such compounds, fermented wastewater can be poured into a compost pit. At the same time, ammonium-based fluids are not afraid of contact with active chemicals that kill all microorganisms.
  3. Biologically active agents process water effluents due to natural fermentation. After applying these fluids, the contents of the lower container can be poured into a compost pit and used later as a fertilizer for plants. Biological agents do not tolerate interactions with chemistry, so users who choose these formulations are forced to purchase special cleaning and deodorizing preparations for the upper tank. Chlorine-containing compounds kill the activity of microorganisms, so the process of splitting solid residues is inhibited.

In addition, antifreeze, deodorizing agents are added to the lower part, which make it possible to use the dry closet in winter.

Best remedies

The “Thetford Aqua Kem Green” is an environmentally friendly product that is based on biologically active substances. It is added to the lower section of the toilet every 5-6 days. The liquid works at temperatures up to -22C, therefore it is suitable not only for home use, but also for public dry closets. The product is packaged in bottles with a capacity of 1.6 liters. The consumption rate of the composition is 80 g per 12 l of the volume of the lower part. Price - from 1150 rubles.

  liquid for dry closet

“Aqua Kem Blue” is another remedy from “Thetford”, which is poured into the lower part. One dose of the composition may be enough for 6 days of operation. It completely breaks down the solid components of fecal wastewater, disinfects the sedimentation tank, removes unpleasant odors, and does not harm the environment. When adding fluid, it is necessary to observe a ratio of 80 g to 12 g of the volume of the lower tank. Before use, the dose should be dissolved in 1.2 liters of plain water.It is made in containers by packing of 2 liters. Cost - from 1250 rubles.

Auxiliary drugs

In addition to the basic means for dry closets, periodically add deodorizing, cleaning and non-freezing effluents and water to the lower and upper parts.

An excellent example of these formulations are the following fluids:

 chemistry for dry closets

  1. Deodorizing composition "Biola". The product is based on degradable natural substances. Safe for human health and the environment. It allows you to remove unpleasant odors for a fairly quick time, because the tool is used not only by owners of dry closets in homes, but also by owners of private estates with amenities on the street. For a normal toilet with a sediment compartment volume of up to 60 l, a one-time addition of 120 g of product is enough, which pour into 3.6 l of water and pour into the upper compartment or directly into the lower part. The process is repeated as necessary. The composition contains an aromatic additive, a surfactant complex, purified water, colorants, and targeted additives. It does not have environmentally hazardous substances. The drug is sold in bottles of 1 liter. Cost - from 420 rubles.
  2. Fermentation accelerator “BIOFORCE BioToilet Comfort”. A tool that increases the concentration of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms in the lower part of the toilet. Activates the process of splitting and fermentation of solid organic fractions. By and large, this liquid cleans the lower zone of solid deposits, dividing them into a gaseous composition and a liquid. Great for use with increased use of the dry closet. In one pack of this tool is 20 bags, all of them are designed for a volume of up to 20 liters. Sachets are added to the bottom or poured into a drain tank. Price - from 2250 rubles.
  3. Thetford Bathroom Cleaner. Composition for the disinfection of dry closets, as well as the sump, which has whitening and antistatic properties on the treated surface. Allows to maintain hygiene in places of use of public restrooms. Unlike chlorine-containing compounds and liquids based on acidic substances, it does not harm the polymer body and silicone sealants of the structure. It is made in bottles with a capacity of 1.6 liters with a spray. Price - from 360 rubles.


Tools for the lower part of the dry closet are made by hundreds of manufacturers of biological and chemical compounds, as well as companies that are directly involved in the development of toilet designs. But you can make these fluids with your own hands, using the following recipe:

  1. 80 g of any starch, as well as 30 g of salt, are added to the pan.
  2. All this is mixed and filled with 100 ml of purified water.
  3. The capacity is installed on the stove and, stirring the whole mass, bring it to a thick consistency of the composition, while avoiding the formation of lumps.
  4. Then the mixture is removed from the stove and allowed to cool for 50-60 seconds.
  5. In a cold and viscous composition add 17-25 ml of vinegar and a couple of drops of aromatic oil.
  6. The resulting liquid is mixed well until a homogeneous composition.

The tool for the lower tank is ready. In addition, a little liquid soap can be poured into the same composition, which will increase the washing effect of the liquid. The duration of this homemade drug is 10-14 days.

Naturally, this liquid is inferior to professional compounds in terms of effectiveness, but in the absence of the latter it can quite cope with its main function.

Unlike purchased

There are many recipes on how to make a dry closet product - all of them are cheaper from the formulations sold in stores. But one nuance must be taken into account - the manufacturer gives a guarantee on the manufactured product. And all the drugs that go on sale are certified, and also pass a large number of tests.

The best means for dry closet

By independently experimenting with different chemical compositions, all the risks are on the shoulders of the owner of the dry closet. Well, if the disposal of faeces is connected to the pipeline of a centralized sewage system.If the waste is used to fertilize a personal plot, many questions arise regarding the purity of cultivated plants grown on this product.

Most often dry closets are installed as a temporary solution to the main problem, and the acquisition of biofluid for one year does not constitute a big loss for the family budget. It is for this reason that the probability of significant costs for the splitters is excluded.

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