Goldfish in the aquarium - care

The goldfish in the aquarium looks very beautiful, the care of which has its own rules, but does not differ in complexity. For this reason, it is often this type of preference when settling aquariums that those who decide to diversify the interior of their home and their leisure with unobtrusive and beautiful fish. You will learn from this article how to properly organize a habitat for them, on what you can and cannot save, and how much time you will have to devote to caring for a goldfish in an aquarium.
to contents ↑Distinctive features of a goldfish
Before you get puzzled by the question of what care should be for goldfish in an aquarium, you need to understand for yourself what kind of species it is. According to the biological classification, goldfish are a type of silver crucian carp. They are distinguished into a separate, quite extensive group, for individuals of which are characteristic:
- body color - golden red, pink, white, black, yellow, fiery red, bronze, black and blue;
- the color of the abdomen and fins is the same color, but lighter;
- body shape - slightly elongated and compressed on the sides;
- sizes from head to tail of an adult individual - from 15 to 35 cm (depending on living conditions).
to contents ↑Important! The life expectancy of such waterfowl beauties is from 15 to 40 years, but can only reproduce up to the age of 8 years.
Goldfish Aquarium
When buying an aquarium for a goldfish you can not skimp. These individuals prefer space, a sufficient amount of free space and quality living conditions.
Therefore, in order for the care of the goldfish in the aquarium to be easy for you and not take much time, and the motley and nimble pets will always be healthy, in a good mood and live long, consider the following rules for organizing their home:
- Choose a volume based on the requirements of 2 dm3 for each individual, but not less than 50 liters, if you are going to populate 6-7 fish.
- The shape of the aquarium should have been classic - the ratio of length and width 2: 1.
- The height of the water in the decorative tank should not be more than 50 cm, otherwise it will cause inconvenience in growing plants, restrict access to floating fish and the care of goldfish in the aquarium will not be very convenient for you personally. Cleaning will be difficult.
- Install or check the availability of a high-quality filter with pumping function, as this type requires a high concentration of oxygen in the water.
- Pick up quality soil. In order for the care of goldfish in the aquarium to be easy and proper, coarse gravel is best. Such requirements are imposed because small pebbles of the fish can eat and this will make them feel bad, plus - useful microorganisms live in large gravel, which will clean the water of ammonia secretions.
- Pour water, the pH of which is in the range of 7-8, and the level of nitrites, nitrates and ammonium is not more than 40.
- Create a suitable temperature regime. Water should be warm, about 21 ° C. A lower temperature can lead to the death of goldfish, as they are representatives of tropical species that prefer comfortable warm conditions.So that in the process of caring for the goldfish in the aquarium, you do not worry about whether they feel comfortable, install a water thermometer. So every day you can track indicators and adjust them as necessary.
- Provide high-quality lighting at the rate of at least 0.5 watts per liter of water.
- Take care of favorable bio-balance conditions. Initially, not fish, but snails, catfish are populated in the tank. Only when they normalize the microflora - this process usually takes several days, it's time to populate your beautiful pets.
to contents ↑Important! After the fish have taken root, do not forget to periodically change the water. But the replacement should be done only partially - about 20-30% once a week. If you completely fill in the new liquid, the bio-balance of the flora will most likely be disturbed and the fish will become uncomfortable. This can lead to the death of some individuals.
How to choose a decor for an aquarium?
To make your aquarium look original and beautiful, and make the fish comfortable and not boring, you can’t do without additional equipment. When choosing how to decorate a house of bright pets, consider these rules:
- Plants must have a well-developed root system and hard leaves. Such types as are perfect for this purpose:
- sagittaria;
- elodea;
- egg capsule;
- Wallisneria
- Stones and sinks choose a streamlined shape, without sharp corners. Otherwise, the fish may get hurt.
to contents ↑Important! Given these requirements, caring for a goldfish in an aquarium will not only be easy, but interesting and will bring you many pleasant minutes of good rest.
Who can be hooked to goldfish?
These silver carp are inherently quite peaceful and friendly. Therefore, it is quite possible to add variety and add other types of fish to the aquarium.
An excellent option would be:
- catfish;
- scalars.
to contents ↑Important! Do not take veil-tails as neighbors for goldfish, otherwise create yourself a lot of problems and caring for the goldfish in the aquarium will become difficult. They are not so nimble, slightly blind, and also have a very delicate outfit. As a result, veil tails can then starve due to the fact that they will not have time to get to the feed, as well as goldfish can damage their “clothes”.
How to feed goldfish?
In food, silver carp are also not very demanding. For a complete diet, you can alternate these “dishes”:
- bloodworms;
- earthworms;
- compound feed;
- cereals - semolina or oatmeal, but without salt;
- White bread;
- salad;
- riccia;
- nettle;
- chopped meat;
- hornwort;
- duckweed;
- various seafood.
The rules of feeding are as follows:
- It is advisable to limit the amount of dry food, and in the absence of another choice - just before feeding the fish, it must be soaked.
- The total daily feed amount is 3% of the weight of the fish.
- Distribute the full dose to 2 calls - morning and evening.
- Food must not be left in the aquarium. Proper care of the goldfish in the aquarium involves a meal with pets for no more than 15 minutes. Then all surpluses are removed.
to contents ↑Important! Do not overfeed your goldfish, otherwise they will have health problems:
- infertility;
- obesity;
- inflammation of the digestive tract.
When pets reach adulthood, it is appropriate to periodically arrange a week-long hunger strike for them.
How to breed goldfish?
If the existing population was not enough for you, you have already seen from your own experience that caring for goldfish in the aquarium is easy for you and does not cause difficulties, it's time to create favorable conditions for their reproduction.
The first thing you need to do is identify males and females. This is easy to handle by paying attention to the following signs of pets in your aquarium:
- a white “rash” on the fins and gills indicates that it is a male;
- a rounded abdomen indicates that it is a female.
Important! Goldfish are considered to be mature 1 year old.But it is better to postpone their reproduction for a period of 2 to 4 years, when they will achieve the maximum brightness of the color, the splendor of the fins and all individuals will be fully developed.
The conditions for reproduction should be as follows:
- The volume of the tank is 20-50 liters.
- The water level in the tank is up to 20 cm high.
- Fresh, quartz for several hours and standing water.
- Powerful aeration.
- Bright lighting.
- At a height of 2 cm from the bottom you need to fix a plastic mesh with large cells.
- The ratio of individuals - for 1 female 2-3 males.
to contents ↑Important! After the female swallows thousands of eggs, they will fall to the bottom under the net. This will protect future offspring from the risk of being eaten by males. But still, it is better to remove adult fish from the aquarium during the incubation period (about 4 days). If you find dead or whitened eggs - quickly remove them so that the fungus from them does not spread to living individuals.
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Now you know how to care for the goldfish in the aquarium and how to breed them properly. It remains only to competently organize their habitat and enjoy the beauty and tranquility that bright fish scurrying along the surface of the water bring into the house.
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