Golden mustache - how to care?

- General plant information
- We select a convenient pot and useful substrate
- Flower transplant
- Optimum air temperature
- Plant nutrition is an important component of care
- Rational watering and moisture level for the plant
- Lighting is another aspect of gentle care.
- Propagation of a houseplant
- Plant protection against diseases and pests
- The healing possibilities of the golden mustache
- Stock footage
The golden mustache earned the favor of the flower grower due to its unpretentiousness. This plant comes from South America, and its popularity among indoor green organisms began in the last several decades. The second name of the flower is fragrant callisia. It attracts the plant not only with its beautiful appearance, but also with excellent healing properties. We can say that this is a whole first-aid kit in a pot. We would like to talk about the features of care and the advantages of the flower today.
to contents ↑General plant information
First of all, we learn in more detail about such a plant as a golden mustache flower. How to care for it is largely determined by the characteristics of the flower:
- Golden mustache refers to perennials. In height, the flower can grow no more than one meter, but the growth rate is very slow. At home, the plant does not exceed 30 cm at all, but in width it grows to 120 cm.
Important! If there is a support, the golden one will stretch upwards, otherwise it will spread along the soil.
- In the process of development, tubercles form on the plant trunk, which eventually transform into separate shoots, called “whiskers”. These processes consist of several parts, “joints”, and end with rosettes of leaves.
- The leaves of the golden mustache are outwardly similar to the leaves of corn, have a fleshy and dense structure. When the leaf is torn, stretching and thin hairs are visible, for this feature the flower is also called “live hair”.
to contents ↑Important! Golden mustache: how to care for it to bloom? This happens quite rarely, and it all depends on the proper care and conditions of detention. Flowering occurs in the spring. Small flowers are white with a slight pinkish tint. The plant has a bright and pleasant smell, which is similar to the aroma of hyacinth or lily of the valley. Flowers are formed on the tops of sprouts, rosettes consist of three pieces. After flowering, the plant appears fruits, which are boxes with seeds. With their help, a golden mustache can be propagated.
We select a convenient pot and useful substrate
Golden mustache is a plant that needs a fairly tangible space for harmonious development and growth. In this regard, the flower pot should be chosen roomy, but not huge.
Important! Enough 2-3 centimeters of difference with the previous flowerpot. A ceramic bowl with an opening at the bottom is best.
It is necessary to fill the pot with nutritious soil, which includes:
- Humus.
- Peat land.
- River sand.
- Sod land.
Important! All parts of the substrate should be in equal shares. Experienced gardeners are advised to add crushed shells from raw eggs to this mixture.
You can buy ready-made primers intended for indoor plants by adding shells and sand.
to contents ↑Flower transplant
Periodically required to transplant a golden mustache. How to care for a flower at home with these manipulations? Immediately specify that the plant does not like transplants too much.
You need to transfer the flower with a lump of earth around the roots.It must be removed very carefully, as the abundant root system can be accidentally damaged. To do this it was easy, pour a golden mustache abundantly per day.
Important! After extracting the plant, carefully inspect the ground and roots. If there are traces of souring and mold on the soil, then the old soil must be completely removed. The damaged and rotten roots of the golden mustache must be repaired.
Then place the plant in a new pot, on the bottom of which install a drainage system in advance. For these purposes, you can use:
- Pebbles.
- Expanded clay.
- Clay shards.
Sprinkle the drain with a new substrate, place the flower with a lump and cover it with the remaining fresh soil.
to contents ↑Optimum air temperature
Heat-loving golden mustache: how to care properly, and what climate to create for the plant?
Important! The best temperature for a flower is 25-28 degrees of heat.
In winter, it is recommended that you carefully monitor this indicator, because if the temperature drops to 16 degrees, the plant is threatened with a disease and, possibly, death.
Important! For comfortable development, sudden changes in temperature are undesirable.
Signals of inappropriate climate can serve as thin and brittle stems of the plant, as well as yellowing and dry foliage.
to contents ↑Plant nutrition is an important component of care
To fertilize the soil, mineral and organic substances are used, which must certainly include:
- Phosphorus.
- Nitrogen.
- Potassium.
Thanks to these elements, the flower will harmoniously develop and bloom.
to contents ↑Important! Top dressing is carried out in the spring with weekly intervals.
Rational watering and moisture level for the plant
Golden mustache: how to care for a flower at home, based on watering requirements?
- The best time for watering is the morning hours. The flower needs moderate irrigation.
- In winter, its volume decreases, and the frequency of watering is reduced to two times a week.
- The soil in the summer should be moist, and in the winter - slightly dried. But drying out the soil should not be allowed.
Important! It is considered useful to add a small amount of milk to the water: 50 g per liter. In addition, you can wipe the leaves of the flower with milk.
Moisturizing also plays a significant role in caring for this plant. Daily spraying of leaves contributes to:
- Clean leaf plates as well as respiratory stomata.
- Absence and accumulation of dust.
- Accelerated photosynthesis of the body.
- Transnational.
to contents ↑Important! For these purposes, apply warm and settled water.
Lighting is another aspect of gentle care.
The golden mustache loves sunlight, and also prefers partial shade. But under the direct rays of the sun it is categorically impossible to establish a plant.
to contents ↑Important! In shaded conditions, the flower grows upward, and in full light - in width.
Propagation of a houseplant
What to do if you want to propagate a golden mustache flower? How to care and what to do? There are three ways to breed a flower:
- In nature, the plant reproduces with the help of side shoots. As it grows and develops, the processes tend to land, take root in the soil, and then completely separate. This option can be suitable for home conditions, if you grow callis in a volumetric pot. As soon as the shoots fall to the ground, they should be sprinkled with earth, and after a few days cut off from the mother's flower.
- Another way to breed callisia is by dividing. The top with 2-4 joints is cut from the plant, placed in a container of water. Then you should wait about two weeks until the flower gives root. Once this happened, you can safely transplant the plant into moist soil.
Important! To make the golden mustache better take root, cover it with polyethylene.
- The last possible breeding method is plant seeds. They are formed only after flowering, which does not happen often.The process is complicated by the fact that collecting valuable seeds is not so simple.
As a result, division is the most optimal way of propagation, which, among other things, promotes the rejuvenation of the flower and prevents its upward growth.
to contents ↑Important! Although the procedure for breeding a flower can be carried out year-round, but the beginning and mid-spring is the best period.
Plant protection against diseases and pests
We can reassure you and tell you that callisia is very rare. But such negative episodes do happen. What are the signs that a golden mustache is sick? How to care for him in such situations?
We list the possible problems and their solutions:
- Dry leaf tips. Most often, this indicates a lack of watering. The presence of a flower in direct sunlight, which caused leaf burns, can also lead to such consequences. Actions are as follows: identify the exact cause and arrange for proper irrigation, or rearrange the plant in a shaded place.
- Brown spots on leaf blades. The problem is most likely similar to the previous case, and requires the same actions.
- Necrotic spots of a yellowish color indicate improper feeding of the flower, as well as improper watering. The loss of turgor can also inform about this.
- Plant reduction. Insufficient lighting leads to thinning of the stems, fading of the leaves and their weakness, as a result - stunted foliage loses the necessary nutrients. Therefore, be sure to moisturize the golden mustache by spraying it.
- Pests. Callisia is most often attacked by thrips and a spider mite. The easiest way to get rid of them is to spray them regularly. If it does not give results, then you can apply insecticides. Another method of controlling insects is soap-tobacco solution. Prepare a weak composition of laundry soap and tobacco, and spray them with a flower weekly. This will create a protective film on the foliage, and the pests will not spoil the plant.
The healing possibilities of the golden mustache
We examined what a golden mustache flower is, how to care for it, and what requirements to observe. A logical question arises: for what? In addition to a beautiful appearance and a pleasant aroma at the time of flowering, this flower has an incredible number of healing properties.
Denote some of the medicinal qualities of the plant:
- If the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums become inflamed, then chewing the leaves will help. The juice must be swallowed, and the cake must be spat out. Useful leaves should be stored in the refrigerator.
- Gruel from crushed mustache or callisia juice is successfully used for wound healing. The mixture is applied to damaged areas of the skin: lichen, ulcers. And if you use the juice of a plant, then moisten a cotton swab in it and wipe off the wounds.
- Help with angina pectoris. The leaves and the trunk of the golden mustache are grinded in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice. Then in a proportion of one to one combine with honey. The resulting mixture is consumed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The dose of a single dose is 1 tablespoon.
- For diabetes mellitus, an infusion from a plant is used. Take a sheet about 20 cm long, chop it with your fingers. Pour the gruel with one liter of boiling water. After that, wrap up the dishes, leave to infuse for 24 hours. After this time, strain the mixture. Use infusion of 50 ml before eating, or rather - 40 minutes before eating. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day.
- The benefits of glaucoma. Squeeze the juice from the plant leaf into a spoon, and then drop two drops into each eye using a pipette. You can use only fresh juice.
- Chewing the trunk of a golden mustache helps with pain in the intestines and stomach. This should be done before meals twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The juice is swallowed, and the cake is spit out.
- Tincture from the plant helps with bronchial asthma. They make it this way: you need to take about 35-50 joints of the flower and fill them with 1.5 liters of vodka. Then you should insist 9 days, then strain.The color of the tincture should be lilac - this will indicate the quality of the medicine. Take the infusion 3 times a day for 1 dessert spoon 40 minutes before eating. A mandatory requirement is not to seize or drink the product.
- Chewing at night on one joint of callisia helps with stomach ulcers. Cake later spit out.
- Compresses from the leaves will get rid of cones on the fingers. Attach the leaf to the bump, on top of it lay polyethylene, then cotton wool, and wrap it with a bandage. The compress should be changed every 12 hours. After a few weeks, you will get rid of unsightly bumps.
- Compresses from the leaves or tincture from the joints of the golden mustache help fight mastopathy. About 15 such flower parts are poured with half a liter of vodka. Alcohol infusion is consumed one tablespoon 60 minutes before a meal.
This unique flower in its healing qualities is not inferior to such miraculous plants as aloe, Kalanchoe and geranium.
to contents ↑Important! In no case do not resort to self-medication, before using the plant for health purposes, be sure to consult a doctor. This is especially true for children and pregnant women.
Stock footage
If you are looking for an unpretentious and pretty plant in the house, then pay attention to the golden mustache. How to care for this flower at home, we have already examined in detail. A plus in his favor is the practical absence of disease and minimal insect damage. And incredible healing properties can be useful to you and your family. With proper care, callisia will certainly delight you with its fragrant flowering.
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