Soundproofing Partitions

Plasterboard partition structures erected during repairs have become commonplace. As practice shows, the sound insulation of partitions is relevant. Good sound insulation protects the room from the penetration of extraneous sounds. Let us consider in detail the whole process and characteristics of materials.

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Drywall for partitions and its features

Drywall itself is a pretty good sound insulator. However, you can further reduce its sound permeability due to such factors:

  • The use of additional sound insulators.
  • Wall cladding with soundproof materials.
  • Use when mounting fixtures with a soundproof effect.
  • The use of a thicker frame.
  • Using special materials to fill the frame.
  • Increased cladding thickness.
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Overview of materials used for sound insulation

In order to maximize the sound insulation during the construction of partitions, special sheets are used - soundproof gypsum board.

Important! The products from the German company “Knauf” and “Aku-Line” from “Giprok” have proven themselves well in this regard. These products can also be used for walls and ceilings.

Such drywall sheets have a somewhat unusual structure:

  • They are covered with numerous holes, which helps to reduce the volume of the reflected sound directed to the wall surface.
  • From the wrong side, the sheet is pasted over with a non-woven fabric, which also prevents the penetration of the sound wave beyond the partition.

In addition to the material itself, such materials are used for soundproofing drywall partitions and noise reduction.

Expanded polystyrene

This is foamed material from fused granules with cavities filled with air. Due to this property, polystyrene foam can simultaneously serve as a heat insulator. It is made in two options - with and without fire retardant.

Important! Adding flame retardant makes the material fireproof.

Mineral wool boards

Mineral wool plate has an excellent soundproofing effect. The Knauf company produces plates of different sizes:

  • length 900-5000 mm;
  • width 500-1300 mm;
  • the thickness of the material ranges from 20 to 500 mm.

Most often, mineral wool slabs with a thickness of 40 mm are used. Using these materials correctly, it is not difficult to achieve complete sound insulation.


What to use for internal filling?

Let's try to figure out which materials are best suited for the internal filling of partitions. Here are some good options for soundproofing partitions:

  • Membrane cloth. This is a material with felt villi. Its thickness is 2.5-12.0 mm. This makes it possible to provide good sound insulation even with thin partitions.

Important! To date, the products of the Texound brand are considered the best.

  • Sound absorbing plates.
  • Sound absorbing materials with a porous structure.
  • Acoustic mats. These are panels based on mineral wool. Safe, environmentally friendly material that scatters sound waves well.
  • Fiberglass based boards. The best products are from Knauf. Compared to other materials, fiberglass plates are more expensive. But at the same time they are quite practical - do not burn, do not get wet and are not subject to decay.

Important! Soundproofing of drywall partitions is also possible when using special sprayers. The basis for spraying is cellulose fiber, which is impregnated with a special glue. If necessary, the thickness of the spray layer can be adjusted. The most popular are spraying from “Sonaspray”. They are suitable for indoor and outdoor wall treatment, as well as for soundproofing ceilings and niches.

  • Elastic materials used to transfer load-bearing structures.
  • Panels made of polyester and polyurethane foam. These materials can fill the internal space of partitions or erect false walls. But when buying, you need to be careful: the panels may contain flammable substances. Naturally, such panels cannot be used in residential premises.

Important! Sometimes, for the internal filling of drywall structures, foam is used. But it only partially solves the problem of sound insulation. It reduces the sound volume, but cannot completely eliminate it. Therefore, the foam can be considered not effective enough.

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Installation work

Soundproofing a wall with drywall with your own hands is not so difficult. The initial stage for the construction of drywall walls is a metal frame. The technology is almost no different from the construction of a false wall, but there are certain features:

  1. Mark up on the wall, ceiling and floor using the laser level. The result is a perfectly flat design.
  2. Cut the metal profile for the manufacture of the frame. To enhance the soundproofing effect, use wooden bars.
  3. They fix the starting profile on the floor and ceiling with screws. In this case, it is better to use not standard dowels, but polymer specialized units.
  4. The specifics of the work is that between the supporting structures you need to mount an elastic material.
  5. Perform vertical mounts. All holes and fasteners are treated with silicone sealant to minimize vibration noise.

Important! Do not use construction foam. In terms of reducing the permeability of sound, it is ineffective, but very combustible.


Soundproofed Partition Frames - Fill Framing

Once the frame structure is ready, you can start filling it. For greater convenience, one side is sutured with drywall. In this case, the filler will not fall out. Filling the frame includes:

  • Carrying out communications: pipes, electrical wiring. Pipes are wrapped with their polyurethane covers, electrical wiring is placed in special plastic casings.
  • Laying soundproofing material. Sound-absorbing material is laid so that there are no voids.

After the entire internal space of the frame is filled, mount a second drywall sheet.

Important! Sound insulation can be enhanced by using a double layer of drywall. The first sheet is fixed to the frame, and the second is fixed on top. The seams are closed with reinforcing tape, and the lining is treated with sealant.

The final stage - puttying and finishing of the partition.

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As you can see, it’s easy to arrange high-quality sound insulation. It is only important to observe the procedure of the technology and choose the best material option.

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