How to finish the arch in the doorway?

The arch serves as an adornment of the entire interior, giving it personality and sophistication. It makes the space more comfortable and warm. Sometimes it’s the arched opening that sets the whole mood in the room, but this only happens when the arch is made with taste. Therefore, naturally, the question arises: how to finish the arch in the doorway? Decorating arches can be very different, let's look at all the options available today.

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Useful Tips

Before choosing the option of facing the arch, check out the tips from experts in this matter:

  • First of all, the color scheme is selected. Usually a contrasting color or shade is applied to the walls.
  • You can also decorate the arch with the help of embossing, patterned ribbons. The main thing is that it fits into the overall interior of the room.
  • Nowadays, stucco molding is becoming more and more fashionable. She perfectly emphasizes the interior, especially in the classical style.
  • The mosaic looks very beautiful. But to lay it on their own, one desire will not be enough. Here you will need the help of professionals, then your arch will look amazing.
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Wooden trim arches

Wood cladding is most suitable for a classic interior. True, this type of finish is not recommended in wet rooms, and this is understandable, because wood is an expensive material, and with high humidity it will deteriorate very quickly.

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Arches finished with MDF and particleboard

Such arches will cost you much cheaper than their wooden "counterparts". And if in addition to apply lamination and veneering, then it will not be distinguished from the tree by eye. But only experienced professionals can do such work — they will not be able to do it on their own, as, indeed, a wooden arch.

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Cladding brick arches

This is a very time-consuming process, which consists of two stages:

  • At the first stage, vertical columns are erected.
  • Then an arch vault is made.

Important! For this option, you need a template that remains until the solution solidifies completely. The construction of such a design is not for everyone on the shoulder, and it is not suitable for every design.

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Polyurethane finish

If you want to finish the arched opening stylishly and inexpensively, then you should think about polyurethane. It is a durable, flexible and lightweight material, moreover, at a very reasonable price.

Important! The big plus is that the installation of such an arch is not so difficult. With a little effort, you can achieve good results.

Finishing the interior arch with your own hands using polyurethane is as follows:

  1. First you need to level the surface and clean all areas.
  2. Now clean everything from dust, otherwise - the material will not adhere well.
  3. Make markup, if necessary - trim the details.
  4. For gluing, it is better to use a special composition that is applied to the inside of the part. Then the part is pressed tightly to the surface and held for some time. Excess glue must be removed immediately.

Important! Do all the work carefully, as fixing something later will be problematic.

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Decorating the arch with decorative stone

This finish option looks just great and is able to decorate any interior. You can use both natural material and artificial. Outwardly they look the same. But natural stones are more expensive and more difficult to work with because of the heavy weight, but artificial material is less difficult - it’s more affordable and easier to work with.

So, if you have chosen a facing with a decorative stone, then do the following:

  1. To get started, prepare the surface for work. In our case, it needs to be made uneven. This can be done with notches.
  2. Knead cement, sand, glue and lime adhesives.
  3. Now stack the stones. You need to start at the junction of the arch and the wall.
  4. After a day, when the glue dries, rub the seams. This can be done with a rubber spatula.

Important! Thus, it is possible to design not only an arch, but also a part of the wall, then it will look harmonious.

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Decorative plaster

Without much investment and effort, you can finish the arch in the doorway with decorative plaster. But such a construction must be carefully looked after subsequently, since if a part breaks away, then there will be no possibility to restore it. To avoid this, you can use the arched corner:

  1. To begin, level the surface, putty all the bumps.
  2. Prepare the right amount of mixture.
  3. To form the relief, use special rollers.

Now the relief should dry properly, after which it can be painted.

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Wallpapering arch

The most budgetary option for finishing the arch is wallpapering.

Important! Please note that the glue should be thicker than with ordinary wallpaper gluing on the wall. So that the wallpaper does not wash, the corners will help you.

Operating procedure:

  1. Stick the first strip on the wall near the arch.
  2. Then another lane with an approach to the arched opening.
  3. Now do the same on the other side of the arch.
  4. Further, the wallpaper is glued, as usual, on the arched arch and side walls of the opening.

Important! When sticking, adjust the pattern on the wallpaper, if any, and carefully iron the wallpaper strips so that there are no air bubbles.

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Pasting an arch cork

This type of pasting is expensive, but the result exceeds all expectations. Plus it is an eco-friendly and natural material.

Important! For work, it is better to take a roll option - this is a kind of flexible cork wallpaper. They are glued with acrylic glue. Gluing technology is the same as gluing with ordinary wallpaper.

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One of the most popular areas, but it is a complex and time-consuming process. Therefore, the mission to carry it out will have to be transferred to the experienced hands of a professional.

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There are other ways to decorate arches in rooms, because people's imagination has no limits. Consider different options, rationally consider the financial side and the question of further surface care, then there will be no problems choosing the right idea for decorating the arch in the doorway.

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