How to wash the primer from the tile on the floor?

This is the magic word for repair. How much is connected with it. In addition to financial costs, this is the choice of building materials, the selection of competent craftsmen who are able to transform our living space in record time. As a result, we get not only a transformed apartment, but also the problem of cleaning the apartment after repair. The most difficult thing is to deal with traces of the primer, which hardening complicates our life after repair. How to wash the primer from the tiles on the floor and from other surfaces? We will talk about this in this article.

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What is a primer and what is it for?

The primer is applied at the stage of preparatory work. This is a special building composition of increased viscosity, forming a thin film, which is used to improve the adhesion of various coatings. In some cases, it has a water-repellent and antiseptic effect. Such a composition dries very quickly, so if you still have splashes on the tile, linoleum or on other surfaces, it is best to remove them as quickly as possible.

Fresh traces can be removed with a wet cloth, but dried up stains will have to tinker with.

Important! It is especially difficult to clean the remains of the primer from a raised surface.

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The best defense is prevention

In order not to later wonder how to wash the primer from linoleum or tile, it is better to take preventative measures:

  • Before starting construction work, protect the floor and tile with cellophane.
  • Glue the joints with masking tape or stationery tape.
  • Place the container with the diluted solution additionally on cellophane to avoid splashing and leaking.
  • All work is preferably carried out in overalls or at least in a mask and gloves, since the composition has a specific smell, which can cause allergies.
  • The room should be well ventilated.
  • When finished, immediately remove the packaging so that you do not accidentally overturn the rest of the composition.
  • If you still stained the surface somewhere, try to clean it as soon as possible.
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We clean the primer

If, despite all your preventative measures, the primer still gets on the floor or walls, it is necessary to remove the impurities as soon as possible. If you do it quickly - within half an hour, then you can do with a wet rag and a slight fright. But what if the composition had time to freeze, how to wash the primer from the tile on the floor or linoleum?

Mechanical assistants

To clean the stains from the primer, mechanical methods are used that use the following tools:

  • scraper;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • mesh from kapron.

In order to make it easier to clean the traces of the primer, you can use a special scraper, which is sold in any hardware store. It has interchangeable blades in the kit and with its help, such dirt can be easily removed from smooth surfaces.

You need to act carefully, first moisten the problem areas with water. Hold the tool at an angle of 30-45 degrees. For small drops on the glass, you can use a nylon mesh.

Important! Foam will help to cope with the primer. Apply it to the problem area, and when the contamination softens, remove it with an abrasive sponge.


Chemical methods for removing primer

In addition to mechanical, there are chemical cleaning methods that will solve your problem with primer residue on the floor or walls quite efficiently and quickly. You can purchase one of the following solvents:

  • Acetone, gasoline, toluene, turpentine, white spirit, ethyl acetate.
  • You can use the means intended for cleaning plumbing.
  • To solve the problem, the tool “Mr. Muscle” will help. But when cleaning a corrugated or rough surface without a brush can not do.
  • Acetic essence copes well with the problem. But here you need to be extremely careful. This product can harm your lungs, so work in a protective suit and in a well-ventilated area.
  • Sometimes saves steam steam cleaner.
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Features of removing primers from various surfaces

Depending on which surface is at risk, the cleaning methods are different.


How to wash primer from linoleum? If the primer stain has already solidified, then you need to do the following:

  1. Moisten the affected area thoroughly with water.
  2. Put a rag soaked in water on top.
  3. Leave for several hours to soak the solution in water.
  4. The swollen stain can be wiped off with an abrasive sponge or scraper.
  5. Wipe the surface dry.

Important! You can also make the following solution: mix acetone and water in a ratio of 1 to 3. With this solution, moisten a hard washcloth and wipe the problem area.



How to wash a primer from a tile on a floor? For this case, there are several ways - you can choose for yourself the one that suits you best. Just keep in mind that sometimes it’s not possible to achieve the ideal option on the first try. Just repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result:

  • The primer will help to remove the primer. Paradoxically, this is a fact. Wet the stain with the same material, it will soften and you can remove it with a regular rag.
  • A scraper will be a good helper when working with tiles, just act carefully so as not to spoil the coating.
  • If the traces of the composition are not very significant, then they can be removed with a detergent and an abrasive sponge.
  • Acetic essence will also help you, just do not forget about protecting your hands and respiratory organs.

Important! ATLAS SZOP cleaning agent has proven itself very well. It removes all kinds of contaminants. But just before use, test it either on an unnecessary tile or on some inconspicuous area.

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Stock footage

In fact, washing the primer off the tiles or linoleum on the floor is not a big problem. The main thing is to know exactly what means to apply, and we told you about this in this article.


