How to paint plywood?

Plywood is an environmentally friendly, durable and inexpensive material, which is currently very common. It is used for the manufacture of partitions, furniture and flooring. Plywood sheets consist of wood veneer sheets that are fastened with a special mixture. When processing this building material does not require much effort. Moreover, products made from plywood have a very attractive appearance, and especially after dyeing it. Painting plywood sheets does not require skills and does not cause difficulties. How to paint plywood and how to do it right - we will talk in this article.

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How to paint?

The main task of coloring plywood is to protect it from cracking. How to paint plywood? The choice of dye depends on the purpose of the sheets and the place of their operation.


Paints by the type of diluents are divided into the following types:

  • Water dispersion. It is divorced with the help of water. It has no odors, environmentally friendly, after drying forms a strong thin film.
  • Alkyd. Differs in high durability and preservation of appearance for a long time. The downside is that they are dissolved with turpentine, white spirit, drying oils, which have pungent odors. It is best to use this type for outdoor use.

Important! This type is suitable for protecting plywood sheets from moisture.

Water-dispersion paints are also divided into the following types:

  • Water emulsion. Resistant to temperature extremes, non-toxic, applied to almost any surface, other types of paints easily fall on them.
  • Latex. Resistant to abrasion, close cracks up to 1 mm, moisture resistant and create a glossy finish. The disadvantage of this type is the possibility of the formation of mold and fungus, as well as intolerance to low temperatures.
  • Silicate. They have a high level of quality and a relatively low price. Disadvantages - incompatibility with other types of paints and the presence of alkali in the composition, which requires compliance with safety measures when working with this type of paints.
  • Silicone They hide cracks up to 2 mm, provide a high level of elastic coating, are durable, with a water-repellent effect, and are also resistant to temperature extremes. The disadvantage is a considerable price.
  • Acrylic Resistant to moisture and create a high-quality layer when dried.
  • Polyvinyl Acetate. Suitable for rooms with low humidity. May acquire a yellow tint over time.

Plywood is painted in residential areas using water-based paints. This category includes acrylic paints that are endowed with the following properties:

  • Dry quickly.
  • They have no odors.
  • Applied conveniently.

How to paint plywood for the street? Perfect enamel for wood products, which is easy to apply, is perfect. This type of coating is sold both in a color-ready solution and tinting is possible.

Important! Plywood must be dry before painting.



Also on the building materials market there are varnishes that can be used to paint plywood. Two groups of varnishes are distinguished, which differ in the ways the layers manifest:

  • Layers are formed in the process of polycondensation and polymerization. Hardening of the lacquer layer occurs. They are made on polyester, oil, urea-formaldehyde and polyurethane bases.
  • Layers are formed due to weathering of the solvent. Such varnishes are made on the basis of nitrocellulose or alcohol.

Important! How to color the plywood to emphasize and refresh the natural texture of the plywood sheet? To do this, it is necessary to paint the surface completely without intentionally highlighting the uniqueness of the texture on the veneer.

The most popular manufacturers of varnishes and paints:

  • Galamix
  • Alpina.
  • Dufa.
  • Ceresit.
  • Caparol.
  • Byris AQUALAK.
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Preparatory work

Plywood coloring is necessary to extend its service life. Before painting this building material, it must be properly processed.

Important! After buying plywood, leave it to dry for a while. To do this, place the sheets in a warm room with dry air.

Preparation of plywood base provides:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Strength.
  • Smooth, beautiful surface.
  • Longer service life.

The processing process consists of the following steps:

  • Grinding.
  • Padding.
  • Drying.
  • Filling and drying.
  • Grinding.
  • Padding.
  • Staining.

Before answering the question of how to paint plywood, we will consider all the steps in more detail.

Grinding process

After drying, you can proceed to grinding. For this:

  1. Sand the top of the material perpendicular to its structure with coarse sandpaper (No. 80-100).
  2. Then use fine-grained sandpaper to make the surface perfectly flat.
  3. The edges of the plywood must be planed from the edge to the center, and then cover the ends with acrylic paint.
  4. Repeat 2-3 times the painting process.


Primer and putty

The primer and putty process is necessary for:

  • Alignment of a wooden surface.
  • Closing cracks on the inside of the surface.
  • Protection against mechanical damage and extended life.
  • Better adhesion of paint to the surface.

After priming, let the surfaces dry. To eliminate the appearance of a blue tint and mold, treat the sheets with antiseptics and flame retardants.

Important! These products will protect plywood from fire.

If there are large dents or cracks on the surface of the plywood, then they must be leveled using putty on wood. Also, for extra strength, you can cover the entire base with putty. After - you must carefully dry the sheet.


After the putty has dried to remove small irregularities, it is necessary to grind with fine-grained emery paper to the desired smoothness of the surface.

Important! Remove dust after completing this step.


Apply soil in 2-3 layers to increase adhesion with dye. Dry the plywood sheets thoroughly.

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How to paint plywood in white is of great interest to many. The method of applying paint does not depend on color, it depends on the composition of the base, which is painted.

Tools for painting

To properly paint the plywood, you need to prepare the tools that will be needed in the process:

  • Spray.
  • Roller.
  • Paint brush.

The area and type of the surface to be painted will determine which tool to use:

  • To save time when painting large flat areas, use a spray gun. With it, you can achieve a high level of quality of painting.
  • The roller is suitable for painting medium-sized even surfaces.

Important! It is best to use foam rubber.

  • It is most convenient to paint corners, ends and various figured elements with a paint brush.

Important! Cover the furniture and floor with a film to avoid contamination during painting.

The process of doing the work:

  1. Apply the paint using the selected tool evenly.
  2. Leave to dry completely.
  3. Repeat staining.
  4. Paint over the edges of the plywood sheets very carefully.

Important! Apply an additional 2-3 layers of paints to the sections.

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Lacquer finish

The surface of plywood can be varnished instead of paint. The preparatory work is exactly the same. After their completion, the first layer of varnish is applied, and the product is left to dry completely. Then another layer is applied.As a result, the surface will be matte. To make the surface glossy, you need to apply a third layer.

Important! To achieve a uniform surface, use a spray gun when applying the last coat.

Varnish can also be applied on top of painted plywood.

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Plywood is one of the most popular and inexpensive materials. And to extend its service life, it must be painted. We examined how to paint plywood, how to do it correctly. Now you just have to do all the work step by step to get the expected result.

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