How to cover the floor in the bath?

When deciding to build a steam room on your site, you need to think about the question of how to cover the floor in the bathhouse. Proper flooring affects many quality factors of a wellness building. In the process of work, it is necessary to follow the sequence of stages in order to avoid further rotting processes. It is not worth experimenting with flooring products, because you can spend a large amount of money, and get the result only for a couple of years. In this article we will deal with the question of how to paint the floor in the bath, and consider the sequence of all necessary actions.

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Types of flooring for a bath

The finish of the floor largely depends on the materials used for the flooring. In rooms with a high level of humidity, two flooring options are possible.

Concrete floor in the bath:

This type of flooring is used in the steam room and washing. As a rule, tiles are laid on top, which must meet the requirements for areas with high humidity and high traffic, and also be non-slip.

In order for the concrete floor not to cool the legs, wooden grilles are installed.


Important! To avoid mold on wooden elements, they should be periodically taken out to dry and covered with special antiseptic agents.

This version of the floor covering for the bath is quite practical, because it makes it easy to maintain cleanliness in the room.


Wooden floor in the bath:

For such flooring, boards or beams of small thickness are used, which are mounted on the logs of the same material. It is recommended to install a similar floor in rest rooms, as well as a dressing room.

Important! To cover the floor in the bath, only softwood is used, which does not heat up enough to release the resin contained in the pores and pockets of the material. Natural impregnation, thus, remains inside the wood and thereby preserves its quality, extends the service life, provides reliable protection.

The use of wood in bath houses requires the arrangement of waterproofing and thorough antiseptic treatment.

Important! Experienced craftsmen do not recommend hardwood, in particular oak, for the floors of bath houses. Despite its strength and durability, this material is quite slippery.

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How to cover a wooden floor in a bath?

To process a wooden floor, it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of work. This will avoid problems with poor-quality coating and rot in the future.

It’s best not to experiment with processing aids. This can lead to the replacement of all flooring materials. It is better to give preference to trusted brands, even if such products cost slightly more.

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The whole process of covering the flooring in the sauna or bath takes place in several stages:

  1. Treatment with antibacterial agents.
  2. Application of a finishing coating on the floor.
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How to cover the floor in the waiting room of the bath and in the steam room itself?

If you decide to make the floor in your bathhouse made of wood, then the obligatory stage of its arrangement is the treatment with special antiseptic drugs that prevent the destruction of fibers and their decomposition.

Important! Since the air temperature and humidity in the bathhouse are very high, rot, mold and fungus develop at lightning speed. For other pests, such conditions are also good.


How to choose a quality antiseptic?

  • The product should be made by a well-known manufacturer, well-established in the market for such drugs.
  • The instructions should indicate that the product is designed for use in bath houses.

Types of antiseptic impregnation:

  • Water soluble. This type of impregnation is most suitable for processing walls in the rest room and dressing room.
  • Antiseptic with organic solvent. Gives processed materials increased strength and moisture resistance. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use, as well as for the treatment of floors in the steam room.
  • Oil based. Used for areas that are not subject to changes in humidity and temperature.
  • Combined. Such preparations can protect wood from rot and fire.


Application of an antiseptic. Useful recommendations:

  • First of all, before applying an antiseptic, the wood should be cleaned.
  • The wooden floor must be dry at the time of treatment with an antibacterial composition.
  • An antiseptic agent is applied in two or three layers, special attention is paid to the places of saw cut and joint.

Important! If defects made by insects were noticed during processing, you must use a special alcohol-based solution. Using a syringe, it is poured into the passages and the area around is treated.


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Varnishing the floor in the bath

No matter what quality an antiseptic has, it is washed off over time. This is especially true for bath buildings. Therefore, to extend the validity of the beneficial composition, you need to varnish the floor. For this, not a simple familiar varnish is used, but a special one made on the basis of water.


What varnish is used for the floor in the bath?

Since the bath is a rather specific building, the usual familiar varnish is not suitable for processing its floors and walls. The following requirements are set for the finishing agent:

  • Varnish should enhance the effect of antiseptics, protect against rotting surfaces.
  • Be reliable protection of the coating from various kinds of damage, including mechanical.
  • Must not emit harmful substances under the influence of moisture and high temperature.
  • Be resistant to high humidity.
  • It must not overheat, and in the event of a spark from the source, do not ignite.


Floor treatment with varnish. Sequencing:

  1. The first step is surface preparation. Floors are cleaned of dirt and dust, greasy stains, old coatings.
  2. All roughnesses and floor errors are corrected using putty.
  3. Sex is treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Using a brush or roller, varnish is applied to the floor surface and left to dry completely.


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How to paint the floor in the bath?

Very often, in addition to lacquering in the bath, the floors are also painted.

Important! It is recommended to abandon the idea of ​​painting the floor of the steam room, since paint under the influence of high temperatures and humidity can emit harmful fumes and cause irreparable damage to health.

It is necessary to use paint for processing floors in the dressing room and rest room that would meet the following requirements:

  • As a result of application, it should form a film that will protect the floor from moisture, accumulation of dirt, excessive overheating.
  • Resistant to fungus and mechanical damage.

The steps for preparing paint work are similar to those for varnish.


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How to process concrete flooring in a sauna or bath?

In the locker room and pool area, tiles and concrete are often used for flooring. Inexperienced people suggest that such a floor does not require any special treatment, but this is not so. Concrete finishing will provide the following:

  • Increased wear resistance of the material;
  • Protection against increased dust formation;
  • Increase service life.

Important! Processing concrete floors is relevant not only for new buildings, but also for saunas that are already in operation.


Types of impregnation for concrete:

  • Organic compounds. Made on the basis of acrylic, epoxide or polyurethane. After application, the product fills all pores, thereby increasing the strength of concrete, its resistance to chemicals and moisture resistance.

Important! The most functional is a mixture made on a polyurethane basis. Its low price is also another reason for its great popularity.

  • Inorganic compounds. After surface treatment with such solutions, the concrete floor becomes insensitive to chemicals.

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How to treat a concrete floor with impregnation?

  1. First you need to clean the floor surface from dirt and smooth out all the bumps.
  2. Pour the impregnation on the surface, using a roller to distribute it in an even layer.
  3. Leave to dry for approximately 3 hours.
  4. According to the instructions, dilute the product used with water, refill the floor.
  5. After the time indicated on the packaging, remove excess liquid and rinse the floor.
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When answering the question of how to cover the floor in the relaxation room in the bathhouse, as well as the steam room and dressing room, you must first focus on the conditions of use and the type of material. The information in this article will help you figure out and decide which tool is best for your building. Having done everything right, you can forget about gender-related problems for several five years and enjoy bathing procedures without harming your health.

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