How to cut plastic panels at home?

How to cut plastic panels at home? This question is very relevant for economical homeowners who decide to sheathe the walls of the toilet and bathroom with decorative PVC panels. The material is practical and may well replace ceramic tiles when there is a lack of time or money for a full repair. In this article we will find out how to cut plastic panels so as not to damage the material and make a neat edge.
to contents ↑What is the best way to cut plastic panels?
The plastic panels have been loved by the owners of apartments and private houses for a long time, because they can be installed independently without much difficulty, they are not affected by moisture, are materials of low combustibility, resistant to mechanical damage, and also have a long service life and are relatively cheap.
However, often there is a need to trim the panel, because its standard length is 3 m, which often exceeds the standard ceiling height in high-rise buildings and private buildings. In this regard, inexperienced craftsmen are faced with the question of how to cut PVC panels. In fact, there are several answers. Consider each suitable option in detail.
Experienced craftsmen rarely encounter a problem than cutting PVC wall panels, because there is a special cutter in their arsenal of tools. This tool is able to make a completely even cut on the panel, while a person will require a minimum of physical effort. Craftsmen can try to make a similar tool on their own, following the instructions.
How to make a cutter with your own hands?
- Take a strip of sheet of metal with a minimum thickness of 2 mm and a width of 1 cm.
- Cut one edge of the metal strip at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Sharpen a homemade cutter using a grindstone.
- Wrap the opposite side with electrical tape - this will protect your hand from damage during operation.
Important! Cutter for plastic is quite a useful thing, which may be useful to you in the future. Thanks to him, the process of cutting plastic panels is much faster, so we recommend that you purchase a similar tool for yourself.
Stationery knife
An ordinary clerical knife can also be used for these purposes. First, an even cut is made on the panel surface along the line, after which the plastic simply breaks.
Important! An ordinary knife for cutting PVC panels is better not to use. If the panel has a cellular structure, then the knife is generally not recommended for use.
A hacksaw is a universal tool that can be found in any craftsman. If there is no possibility to buy a special cutter, but you don’t want to do it yourself, then wall plastic panels can be cut with a hacksaw. Using this tool, cutting will take a little longer, but if the amount of work is small, then this fact will not significantly affect the duration of wall cladding.
How to cut plastic panels with a hacksaw? During the sawing of PVC panels, several nuances should be taken into account:
- For sawing plastic panels, it is necessary to use a tool for wood with small teeth (transverse dusting) or for metal.
- In order not to damage the material during the cutting process, you do not need to exert strong forces.
- Saw should be at a slight slope on the front side.
- You can cut several panels at a time. To do this, they are stacked in a pile.
Important! It is necessary to take into account the fact that as a result of working with a hacksaw with diluted cloves in different directions, the incision may not be perfectly smooth, but notches.
Power tool
For the most impatient, the answer to the question of how to cut PVC plastic panels is a power tool. You can use any unit that is at hand. This method will save time, because the cut will be carried out in a matter of seconds.
So, what is better to cut PVC? For this, most often use:
- Jigsaw.
Important! Using a jigsaw, you should choose a file with a fine tooth and turn off the swingarm. Also, for starters, it is better to try cutting on an unnecessary piece of the panel in order to understand which side will have a neat edge.
- Angle grinder (grinder).
Important! After cutting the grinder, the corners of the plastic will need to be sanded using a special machine. If you do not have such a tool available, then it is better to look for another option for cutting plastic.
- Circular saw.
to contents ↑Important! It is recommended to cut plastic panels at low speeds, since at high - the material will begin to melt and emit toxic fumes, and the cut will be torn.
How to cut pvc panels? Basic Rules:
- If the panel was on the street until the moment of cutting, this is especially important in the case of low ambient temperatures, then you can not immediately start work. It is necessary to allow the plastic to warm up, since it becomes more fragile cold and the likelihood of damage to it increases.
- Before sawing plastic panels, it is necessary to mark the cut line. A felt-tip pen is best for this. It is clearly visible, and traces are easily erased as unnecessary.
- The master must be vigilant and observe all safety measures. When working, you need to wear safety glasses and gloves so that the sharp fragments that form as a result of cutting do not hurt you.
- Since the material is quite fragile, you should work with it very carefully and carefully, slowly.
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As you can see, there are several answers to the question of how to cut a plastic panel. Each master himself can choose from the proposed options the best for himself, because some tools you will find at home, and some will have to be bought or made. In any case, when working with such fragile material, caution and safety measures should be taken.
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