How to cut a plastic baseboard?

In any apartment there is a baseboard. Thanks to this integral attribute, the final decoration of the room takes place and gives it a neat appearance. The plinth can be made of different materials, but plastic is especially popular at the moment. It is lightweight and easy to install, but for its proper cutting and installation you need to know some subtleties. So, for example, many are wondering how to cut a plastic baseboard. In our article you will learn about the advantages of a plastic strip, about cutting methods, and also read the step-by-step instructions that will help you do the job quickly and efficiently.
to contents ↑Advantages
Wooden skirting boards or panels made of MDF require special conditions for their installation and further care. In contrast to the above materials, a rail made of PVC material has taken a leading position due to its positive characteristics, namely:
- Attractive appearance.
- A large selection of colors and textures of the material with the ability to simulate expensive wood.
- Moisture resistance. They can be safely installed not only in the bedroom, in the kitchen, corridor, but also in the bathroom, shower, and bathroom.
- Plastic does not require staining or applying another protective coating.
- Fillets are easy to choose for absolutely any design decision.
- Simplicity in processing and ease of fastening to a wall.
- Strength, wear resistance and long service life.
- Complete material safety for human and animal health.
- All modern plastic trims are made exclusively from high quality raw materials in accordance with all sanitary standards and requirements.
- The product can serve as a certain channel for masking wires.
- Ease of use.
- Affordable pricing.
to contents ↑Important! The only minus of the PVC bar is poor resistance to abrasive cleaning agents, which can leave scratches on the top decorative layer.
How to cut a plastic baseboard?
What tool to cut the material to get a beautiful and proper angle for mounting a plastic strip? This question arises from almost everyone who started repairing an apartment. The selected construction tool will undoubtedly affect the evenness of the edge and the cut of the product. That is why it is necessary to approach the issue with special responsibility and a desire to follow all the recommendations of experienced specialists.
How to cut PVC skirting:
- Hacksaw for metal. Such a tool is suitable for cutting only thin skirting boards. This is due to the fact that the hacksaw for metal has, albeit small, but uneven teeth, which can give an uneven shape to the product.
- Hand jigsaw. It is considered one of the best tools for trimming the corners of the floor and ceiling fillets. The jigsaw will cut the material as evenly as possible while observing the correct angle by the performer.
Important! The tool has one single minus - the small size, which will fundamentally affect the speed of work on a large number of parts.
- Stationery knife. Only suitable for slicing thin skirting boards. It is possible to get a thin and even cut only with a lot of experience of the performer with this type of tool. A beginner will have to spend a lot of time to get the desired result.
- Scissors for metal.Such a tool is entitled to use with a plastic baseboard, but the material may wrinkle under strong pressure of the blade.
- Cutting the bar with a miter box. This device was made specifically for the correct cutting of a plastic baseboard. The miter box is a small block with recesses for the skirting board with various angular clearances for the selected cutting tool. It is with the help of a miter box that you are guaranteed to get smooth and neat slices. The bar is fixed inside the device, then the angle and the correct direction of the cut are selected.
- Stencil cutting. This method is advisable to use for cutting skirting boards for non-standard in shape angles that are less than or greater than 90 degrees. Such stencils of the required angular value are easily made independently from paper or cardboard. First, strips equal to the width of the plinth are cut out of the selected material. Then they are applied to the corner of the room and fixed, and after that they are cut in the shape of the same corner. According to these stencils, the plastic strip itself is cut.
Important! When working with the miter box, you should make sure that the edges of the fillet protrude slightly beyond the edges of the slot. If the tool for cutting the skirting board is wider than the skirting board itself, then in this case it will be well to fix the part inside the miter box. Otherwise, the bar can move inside the tool, and the cut angle will constantly change, which will lead to uneven edges of the product.
to contents ↑How to cut a plastic baseboard at internal angles?
In this master class, we will look at how to cut a skirting board using a miter box. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to follow in the exact sequence all the steps described below:
- We cut the bar according to the perimeter of the room. To speed up the process, you can draw on a sheet of paper its outline with marked external and internal corners.
- We place a plastic cloth in the miter box.
- We find a groove with a mark of 45 degrees on the side of the tool.
- Focusing on the chosen place, we begin to saw the fillet with a hacksaw.
- We clean the resulting edge with fine-grained emery paper.
- With a pencil or marker, make markings on the floor. We draw the future border of the product from one side of the corner. So we got a kind of rhombus in the corner, the diagonal of which is a cut line.
- We apply the baseboard to the resulting figure, and then mark its diagonal.
- We draw a line from the received point to the corner of the plastic fillet - this will be the cut line. Focusing on this line, we saw a plinth with a hacksaw.
- We process the end face of the material with sandpaper.
- We lay the cables in a special channel on the inside of the product. We close the cable channel with a decorative plastic plug.
- We screw the plinths to the wall with the help of screws and dowels, after putting on the corners or plugs at their ends.
- We insert a plug into the resulting skirting joint to form a neat inner corner of the plank.
to contents ↑Important! We recommend that the edges of the plastic protrusions be formed with rubber, which will help the skirting board not slip on the walls during installation and fit snugly against the wall surface.
How and how to cut a plastic floor plinth with non-standard angles?
Sometimes it happens that, due to new design solutions, the corners have a rather non-standard shape. In this case, the installation of the plinth is a little complicated, since the corners can be both external and internal. And sometimes the corners are completely rounded. For the correct installation of such a product, the above steps for cutting and installing the baseboard at a standard angle cannot be used. What to do and how to solve the problem with such a turn of events?
In a detailed workshop you will find answers to your questions on cutting skirting boards for rounded corners:
- We cut the bar into 4-5 equal parts.
- We spread in small parts the entire corner of the plinth on the floor with the help of plugs for connection.
- Do not forget to fix the corners on the product with glue or putty. So we got a neat rounded corner.
If the room has an external-external corner, then follow these steps:
- We put the baseboard on one side and draw its borders on the floor.
- Next, apply its second part and make two marks: one is the intersection with the previously drawn border, the second is the intersection with the wall.
- We connect all the points together and make a cut.
- We close the ends with plugs.
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We told you not only how to trim a plastic baseboard, but with what tool it is best to do it. You just have to purchase a plastic strip, choose the most suitable cutting option and check our recommendations in practice.
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