Tile cleaning in the kitchen

It takes a lot of time to keep the kitchen clean. Laying tiles on the finishing surfaces looks beautiful and is a practical option. But very often it loses its appearance, as it is contaminated during cooking. Most often, tiles are contaminated with splashes and fats of fats and oils. If you do not wash them on time, then fats of fats accumulate over time on furniture, walls and other surfaces, and together with the dust deposited on them turn into layers of dirt that are difficult to wash. An ideal option is to clean the tiles after each cooking, but there is not always time for this. Quick and easy tile cleaning in the kitchen is still possible. We will talk about the main ways to combat pollution below.

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Cleaning tips

To fully understand how to wash tiles in the kitchen from grease, and also do it quickly, you must adhere to some rules when cleaning.

These tips will help you get rid of stains, and protect the surface from possible damage:

  • Do not use metal sponges. They easily scratch the tile, which spoils its appearance. Use special brushes that are suitable for ceramics. They do not spoil the surface and effectively remove dirt.
  • Do not delay cleaning for later. Wipe the tiles after each meal. This will eliminate the appearance of dried stains of fat, which are more difficult to clean.
  • Heat the detergent before use - its effect will increase.
  • Steam the tiles - stains will be much easier to wash.
  • Read the instructions to see if your household chemicals are suitable for cleaning ceramics.
  • Work with gloves.
  • Start cleaning from the bottom row and rinse clean from top to bottom.
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How to clean a tile?

Tile cleaning in the kitchen can be done in three ways:

  • The use of folk remedies.
  • The use of household chemicals.
  • The use of steam.

We will analyze all these options in more detail.

Folk remedies

How to clean tiles in the kitchen using folk remedies and what they are:

  • Baking soda. Dilute 3 tablespoons of soda in a liter of water, then a sponge in the resulting solution and treat the problem areas. After - wipe the surface with a damp cloth and remove any residual material.

Important! Also, using soda, you can clean and bleach the seams between the tiles. Dampen an old toothbrush in a solution and walk over it.

  • Lemon. Cut a slice of lemon, wipe it with a contaminated surface, leave for a couple of minutes, and then wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Soda with vinegar. Tile cleaning in the kitchen is possible using these improvised tools. Dilute soda with water to form a mushy consistency, then apply it to greasy spots. Then spray over the vinegar from the spray bottle. After this procedure, removing fat will not be difficult. Vinegar will also add gloss to the ceramic surface.
  • Ammonia. Moisten a sponge in ammonia and wipe the tile. With this method, you will not only clean it of dirt, but also add shine.
  • Mustard Powder. Dilute it to a pulp consistency and apply to contaminated places, wait a couple of minutes, and then rinse with water.
  • Baking powder This component also easily copes with fat due to its abrasive properties. Dilute in a small amount of water and apply to the tile, then rinse.
  • Laundry soap. Lather it on a sponge and wipe dirty places, then rinse it off with a sponge dipped in water.

Household chemicals

Cleaning tiles in the kitchen using household chemicals is often used by many housewives. The stores provided a huge assortment of them. Most popular:

  • “Shumanit.”
  • “Mr. Muscle.”
  • "Silt Bang."
  • “Sanit”.
  • "Santry."

Important! Read the instructions when buying detergents.

It is also possible to use detergents for washing tiles or windows. But it is not recommended to wash the tiles:

  • Powdered products - they can scratch the surface.
  • By means which are intended for stainless steel - they will deprive a tile of gloss.
  • Means that contain acid - they will destroy the seams between the tiles.

Important! Give preference to means with a spray, they are more economical.

Steam cleaning

How to clean the tiles in the kitchen with steam? This cleaning method is very simple. This is a highly efficient surface treatment with a steam generator.

The device must be filled with water with the addition of cleaning products. Then the liquid is brought to a state of steam. Upon reaching a temperature of 150 degrees, steam is supplied to the surface with a pressure of several atmospheres. Dirt flies off the surface.

This method of cleaning makes it possible:

  • Remove grease, scale, oil, and clean areas that are burnt.
  • Peel tiles without chemicals.
  • Destroy bacteria, fungi, insects and disinfect the surface.
  • Get rid of unwanted odors.
  • Restore shine.

Important! The disadvantage of this method is the high price steam cleaner.

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Regular cleaning of tiles in the kitchen and cleaning makes it possible to keep the room clean. But if this is not possible, then you need to use one of the cleaning methods that we described above. Which of them depends on your goals and the means available. Do not forget about the seams between the tiles during cleaning.

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