What do you need for wallpapering?

If you belong to those people who are happy to create comfort in the house with their own hands, then most likely when the question becomes who to entrust the gluing of wallpaper with, you will take on this task without hesitation. This is a fascinating and creative process that requires accuracy, attention, accuracy and the presence of some knowledge about this stage of finishing work. If you have already familiarized yourself with the technology of gluing, decided on the type of wallpaper and are ready to start work, then the next question that will arise before you will be the question of equipment and tools that you will need to work. In this article, you will learn what you need for wallpapering. Having provided yourself with all the necessary tools required for work, you can fully immerse yourself in the work process, without being distracted by the search for equipment that you did not ensure on time. Of course, this is how your work will turn out to be of higher quality.
to contents ↑Tools needed for wallpapering
Of course, in the process of wallpapering, you can always replace tools with improvised tools. For example:
- Glue can be applied not with a roller, but with a paint brush, which is available in the house. Some even manage to do this with a sponge or rag.
- To smooth the wallpaper after gluing, some craftsmen handle an ordinary clean rag and their own hands, without using a special rubber roller. And there are many such examples.
However, we are talking about a serious approach to wallpapering, aimed at a high-quality and durable result. If you seriously approached this issue, then you should know that there are basic tools without which it is impossible to glue the wallpaper qualitatively, and there are auxiliary tools that are not always required, but without a doubt, they facilitate the workflow and make it more comfortable.
to contents ↑Core tools
As mentioned earlier, without basic tools it is impossible to imagine a quality workflow. What tools for wallpapering are indispensable?
Paint roller
It is a fleecy roller that is used to apply glue to walls and wallpapers. Using this tool, you can evenly apply glue on any surface. The roller for wallpaper glue helps you quickly and efficiently distribute the glue - with a relatively small amount of time, you can apply glue to a rather large area. The roller is fleecy and foam. The latter option copes well enough with the task and is more affordable.
Important! Experts recommend using a roller 25 centimeters wide for applying glue to the wallpaper, while having an average pile length.
Paint bath
This tool helps to evenly distribute glue over the entire surface of the roller, remove all excess. Working with a bath, you will prevent emergence of splashes during drawing. Lubricating the walls, glue simply will not drip down, because the excess is eliminated from the surface of the tool.
The paint tray is a tray with a recess where the glue is poured, and a ribbed plane. Having dipped the roller into the glue, it is necessary to draw it along the ribbed surface, this will ensure uniform distribution of the glue.
Important! The tray should have a size that is slightly larger than the size of the paint roller.
Building tape
Virtually no stage of repair work is complete without it. This tool is necessary and indispensable for measuring planes that need to be glued with wallpaper. It will also be useful to you when you measure out strips of wallpaper for gluing.
Glue mixing bowl
Before proceeding with wallpapering, it is necessary to dilute the glue according to the instructions. To do this, you will need a large capacity. A bucket is often used for these purposes. You can use any household capacity of the desired volume.
Wallpaper knife
A clerical knife is perfect for these purposes, because it is incredibly sharp, flat, thanks to the bevel of the blade, it is easy for them to reach hard-to-reach places. Without a knife, it will be impossible to cut off the necessary strip for gluing, to cut off excess wallpaper from the wall or from the baseboard. This tool is indispensable in work.
Perhaps these are the most basic tools necessary for wallpapering. There are tons of support tools to make your job easier. If possible, we advise you not to save, and purchase auxiliary tools, especially if you decide to paste a large area yourself. We will figure out what else is needed for wallpapering.
to contents ↑Additional and auxiliary tools
To auxiliary and additional tools include such.
Rubber roller
By design, it does not differ from the paint roller, however, the roller itself in this case is made of rubber. The roller for wallpaper is necessary so that after gluing the wallpaper to the surface, smooth them, disperse the bubbles, if any.
Using such a roller does not compare smoothing with a hand and a rag. It provides a snug fit of the material to the surface, it works quickly and conveniently.
Important! If your wallpaper has a relief on its surface, then you should buy a yellow roller - it carefully copes with smoothing wallpapers without damaging patterns and spraying. If your wallpaper is smooth, then you can safely get a black roller.
Roller for corners
Such a roller is rather narrow, respectively - it is easy for them to work in hard-to-reach places. He presses the wallpaper well at the corners and joints, they can work when moving from wall to ceiling.
Important! Please note that if you work along the joints, then be careful in its use on embossed wallpaper, because it can damage the three-dimensional pattern.
Soft sponge
With it, you can easily remove excess glue. Work with a sponge only at the joints, do not rub the canvas with it.
Construction mixer or drill with stirrer
This tool will help you carefully mix the glue in the container, the mass will turn out homogeneous and without lumps. The most important thing is that when you use it, you will save a huge amount of time and effort.
With it, you can mark the border of sticking the strip on the wall in order to evenly and accurately stick the canvas, especially when gluing the first strip on the wall. It is also necessary if you need to cut a piece of wallpaper of a non-standard shape. In this case, you will need to draw the borders of the desired shape and size on the inside of the wallpaper, so that later you can cut a piece along the borders. For these purposes, you can use a simple pencil, or even better - purchase a special construction one.
Paint brush
The paint roller will not always be able to well smear the surface in hard-to-reach places, in which case you will need a brush for wallpapering. Using a narrow brush, you can easily paint over the corners, the area closer to the ceiling.
They can be used in the absence of a clerical knife, however, they are not able to cope with all tasks. They are necessary and indispensable when you need to cut a piece of wallpaper of a non-standard shape at given boundaries.
If you decide to re-stick the wallpaper on the walls in an already residential area, then you will need to dismantle the covers on the sockets and switches, in this case you can not do without a screwdriver.
Insulating tape
If you dismantled old sockets and switches, be sure to insulate all exposed wires. This is a necessary security measure, do not neglect it.
Masking tape
An indispensable assistant if you need to protect certain areas from glue. A good example is when you need to protect the ceiling and slopes from glue. This applies to rooms in which the condition of the slopes and ceiling meets your requirements, and they do not need subsequent painting.
Putty knife
This tool is an aid when trimming excess wallpaper near the floor and ceiling. In order to carry out this manipulation, it is necessary to press the spatula tightly against the wall, right at the junction of the transition, and with the help of a clerical knife cut off excess wallpaper.
In this embodiment, this tool is made of metal, and should be quite wide, for the convenience of work. There is also a spatula for wallpapering, which is made of plastic and is used to smooth the surface after gluing. This tool is also called a press spatula. It is used as an alternative to rubber roller.
Soft rag
Along with the sponge, it is able to remove excess glue. In this case, you should choose what you are more comfortable and comfortable working with. Most people prefer a soft rag, however, unlike a sponge, it cannot be washed so quickly and wrung out almost to a dry state.
If you need to cut a piece of wallpaper of a non-standard shape, the square will help you draw a right angle.
Building level
In order to stick the wallpaper evenly and level, this tool is needed. Often it is used in conjunction with a plumb line.
Plummet plumb with a thread
This tool is a strong thread, to one end of which a load is attached. A plumb line helps to create an exact vertical line in level, which is a guideline for gluing wallpaper strips.
Important! Knowing what this tool is, you will know how to make a plumb line for wallpapering yourself. For this, you can use kapron thread and any load that can be attached to it.
Of course, you can use an ordinary table, put chairs and stools on it one on one. So you can get to any height. However, do not forget about comfort and safety. It’s best to use a stepladder. If it is not in your household, you can borrow it for a while or rent it.
This completes the list of tools required for wallpapering. As you can see, not all of them are required, some of them are easily replaceable.
to contents ↑Stock footage
A tool for gluing non-woven wallpaper, paper-based wallpaper, acrylic, textile, vinyl and fiberglass wallpaper can be easily found on sale. Many of the necessary tools are clearly available in your household. Remember that the general appearance of your room depends on careful preparation for the process of wallpapering, using high-quality tools, your accuracy and accuracy. Therefore, approach the process thoroughly, with all responsibility and seriousness.
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