Decorative wall paint with velvet effect

Decorative plaster is a diverse and interesting building material. She can emphasize the style in the home or change its character radically. Plaster is a finishing layer, which is obtained in the process of hardening the mixture. There are a huge number of types and methods of its application. To give the room a luxurious look, decorative wall paint with a velvet effect is used. This decoration method is suitable for many areas and styles. Using this paint, you can create both a rough and soft surface.

Consider all the features and methods of applying such a decorative layer.

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Finishing Features

Textured paint with a velvet effect is a type of decorative plaster. Water based paint is the most popular. It has such features:

  • Not afraid of bright sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Resistant to mechanical damage of various kinds.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • It dries quickly.
  • It looks very fashionable and stylish.
  • It is odorless.
  • It is not intended for wet cleaning and is afraid of moisture.
  • Passes steam and moisture through itself.
  • It is applied on a perfectly flat surface.

Important! You can purchase any color and shade that suits your room interior. Sold pre-packaged in metal or plastic buckets.

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Wall preparation before coating

All materials are applied only to a previously prepared surface.

Tools required:

  • Velor roller.
  • Macro brush
  • Spatula of medium thickness.
  • Narrow brush.
  • Plastering trowel.
  • Masking tape.

To velvet paint looked decent and served as long as possible, follow the instructions:

  1. Clean the walls of the old coating. Grind all the flaws.
  2. Dust off the wall with a dry cloth, apply a primer so that there are no smudges.
  3. After the soil has dried, cover all the bumps.
  4. Cover with foil or cover with masking tape all decorative elements, because decorative paint for walls with a velvet effect is difficult to erase from surfaces.
  5. Coat the wall with a layer of acrylic primer before applying the wall for better adhesion.
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Background coating

The velvet effect is achieved in several stages. Background coating is the first:

  • Add color to the can of paint, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Dilute the resulting solution with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Make a thin contour with a brush over the floor and ceiling to make it more convenient to work.
  • Pour the composition into the bath, apply vertically with a velor roller to the surface.

Important! Apply an even layer so that you don’t have to redo the work.

  • Leave to dry for 24 hours.
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Drawing a decorative layer

This is the second stage and is done in this way:

  • Textured paint with a velvet effect when applying one layer creates a silky effect. Having applied the second layer, strengthen such effect.
  • Apply the composition with a spatula to the ironer, spread it along the wall in random order, with a thin layer without dents or bumps.
  • Stir the paint thoroughly after opening.
  • Apply a top coat with a smooth, but thicker coat. To create an overflow, apply by moving in a circle with a radius of not more than 20 cm.
  • After partial drying, trim the coating. To do this, gently press on the ironer, swipe it along the wall.
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Decorative paint for walls with a velvet effect has a heterogeneous structure, because of this it looks bright and unusual on the surface. Decorating walls in this way is affordable for anyone who decides to do this work with their own hands. The main thing is to comply with the conditions: the first is to purchase only high-quality material, the second is to follow the instructions described above, and the third - do not be afraid!

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