Invisible door

Non-standard solutions for planning or interior design become a highlight of any apartment or house. Today, many owners can surprise their guests with a bulk floor with a 3D image or a stretch ceiling, as if floating in the air. But there is another accent, which, at first, many will not notice, but if they discover, they will be surprised. This is an invisible door. Such a design can carry both a decorative and a functional solution. A hidden door under the wallpaper will be appropriate in any style, in addition, there may be a room behind it, hidden from prying eyes. How to make such an unusual detail - we will tell in our today's review.

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Stylish comfort

Hidden doors are truly unique, because they are built directly into the wall, create the illusion of a single space and have several advantages:

  • This design is simply indispensable for interior doors - the entrance to the bathroom or utility room can be made invisible. An ideal solution would be for the dressing room, especially if the finish of the door is the same as the walls - wallpaper, tile or panels.
  • Invisible door perfectly save space in any apartment. Since it goes without a platband, it can be installed even in a very narrow part of the wall, where it is impossible to mount an ordinary door.
  • Under difficult installation conditions, such a door is almost the only possible option. Especially when it comes to the space under the stairs or the attic with a sloping ceiling.
  • Not only very narrow, but also very wide openings can be made using hidden doors. Moreover, with a non-standard height - from 240 cm and above, most often they choose the option with a hidden box. True, the price tag in this case will increase in proportion to the height.
  • This plus will be appreciated by all lovers of new products that not only give style, but also comfort. Hidden structures, picking up special fittings, can be made opening 180 degrees.
  • As we already said, the finish of this design can be matched to the wall finish, which will also help save money. You can order and mount the most budget canvas, and with the help of materials already purchased for repair, arrange it in accordance with your interior.

Important! To make such a structure completely invisible, use it as you would use a wall. For example, hang a picture on the door.

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Door construction

Installing an invisible door only at first seems complicated, which can not be dealt with without proper experience. However, as in any work, with some effort and knowledge, you can independently set the invisible door. To do this, you only need to know what the structure consists of:

  • Door frame. For this design, it is produced in a special, hidden design, which does not require the installation of platbands and the application of a putty on top of it flush with the surface. The aluminum option is the most expensive element, you can save on a box of solid wood.

Important! Before installation, it must be treated with moisture protective agents - if such an aperture collects moisture, then over time it will be problematic to close the door.

  • Canvas. As a rule, it is made of materials that lend themselves well to primer and processing, most often it is a prefabricated MDF.Hidden doors assume a coating identical to the walls, which means that their surface must be smooth and prepared for processing and decoration.
  • Hidden loops. In ordinary ones, the cylinder of connection of elements is exposed outside, in secret ones, it is inside the loop itself. Accessories for such a design usually include hidden pivoting mechanisms used in pendulum doors. Such devices are very popular today and many door manufacturers supply even ordinary frames with such hardware.
  • Invisible pens. They are invisible only from afar, especially when you do not know where to look. This fastener is nothing more than mortise structures that are used for sliding doors.


There are also several varieties of such designs. They are divided according to the degree of visibility and the opening system:

  • Invisible doors can be one-sided and two-sided. This means that the canvas can go flush with the wall on only one side or both. Sometimes an invisibility effect is sufficient on one side only, in which case the canvas will be quite thin. Double-sided doors can be up to 10 cm thick, but not very heavy. Light materials are used for their production.
  • Doors can open in different ways. Standard curtains - the cheapest option and the most familiar. Pendulum structures are more expensive, but also more convenient in operation - the axis of rotation allows the blade to open in any direction. Roto doors are the most expensive option, but you don’t even have to think which way to open the door and where to place the handle. They also rotate around their axis in all directions.
  • It is worth saying about the sliding doors. They can also be decorated for wall decoration, however, you are unlikely to achieve the full effect of invisibility. In most cases, these are cassette door designs. They are characterized by a small niche, which nevertheless makes the door noticeable in the opening.
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Choosing a quality product

Invisible door - expensive construction. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to all the characteristics, as well as the manufacturer. Those who produce decent products can be counted on the fingers:

  • invisible door from the company "Sofia" is considered one of the highest quality on the market today;
  • “MITO” from Italy, which produces a brand called “FILOMURO”, can also make worthy competition;
  • European companies close the top three by providing quality Longhi brand products to the market.

Of course, there are other manufacturing companies. You can choose products of any of them. Even the cheapest design, manufactured not at the factory, but at a small production, can have excellent characteristics, because standard parts and elements are used in the work, the final result depends on their quality. It can be seen with the naked eye on the finished product, which is what you need to use when choosing an invisible door.

Important! If you want to save on the purchase of such a design, then choose the standard version of the swing blade. The larger the doorway, the greater the cost. On average, prices for hidden doors start at $ 500.

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Ordinary doors are installed at the finish stage when the walls are finished. Invisible doors with a hidden box are mounted before the start of this work. Ideally, the walls should be plastered and covered with putty, but so that the coating layer by about 5 cm does not reach the edge of the opening.

There are several more nuances that must be taken into account:

  • The dimensions of the opening must clearly correspond to the requirements of the manufacturer. Tolerances for the width of the mounting joint are minimal - up to 20 mm, and the maximum deviation is not more than 10 mm. Some factories generally do not anticipate an increase in seam width.
  • The wall should be flat and strictly vertical, the deviation cannot exceed even 1 mm per 1 meter of height.
  • If you have not finished finishing the floor, you need to determine its exact level. For a gap of a door no more than 4 mm are left.

Only following these rules will you achieve the desired effect.

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Door installation

All stages of self-installation of hidden doors can be divided as follows:

  • installation of the box;
  • clearance adjustment;
  • finishing work on the decoration of floors and walls (it is better to remove the canvas so as not to damage it);
  • hanging the door and installing accessories.

Important! In order to prevent plaster from shedding in the area of ​​the opening, it is worth using a paint net, which is installed in a special groove.

Before starting work, make sure that the kit was delivered intact. Make a visual inspection of the package, check the availability of all ordered accessories. It is also worth checking the conformity of the size of the paintings and openings before unpacking. Notice, that:

  • the manufacturer completes the box parts with ends sawed at an angle of 45 ° and the necessary set of fasteners;
  • the lower vertical ends are sawn off at an angle of 90 °, which provides sufficient clearance between the floor and the doors.

First step

All work on the installation of invisible doors, like any other paintings, should be carried out only on a clean, flat surface:

  • First, determine which way the door will open, which of the racks will be located on the right, and which is on the left.
  • Next, install the mounting angle in a special groove at the end of the upright. The holes in the box and the holes of the mounting bracket should match perfectly, only in this case fasten the parts with screws.
  • In the same way, combining the holes, connect the horizontal and vertical box givers, as well as all subsequent ones.
  • Place the finished frame in the opening. Use the level to check if everything is done correctly. Use the holes in the vertical and horizontal parts for mounting.
  • Fasten the box. If the walls are uneven, then make wood inserts between the box and the opening.

Important! Throughout the length of the profile, the distance between the parts should be the same. If this is a door, then 5 mm is added to the width of the web. If these are two wings, then 8 mm is added.

  • Align the protrusion of the mock profile on the horizontal door with the groove in the profile of the box.
  • Connect the vertical parts to the box in the same way.
  • Now fix the pretended profile with self-tapping screws. At the same time, the fasteners themselves should be evenly distributed with respect to each other.
  • Mount the gasket end to end at an angle of 45 °.

Important! When you install the profile of vertical parts, make sure that there is no friction on the horizontal part.

  • The gaps that remain after installing the box, fill the mounting foam. To avoid it getting on the box or door, cover the surface with construction tape, which, after the foam dries, can be easily removed.
  • Now it remains only to lay the paint net in the groove of the frontal plane of the box.

Important! When working with a grid for plaster, try to ensure that plastic fasteners do not fall into the place of installation of the loops. If part of the mesh is outside, just trim it.



In order for the result to be excellent, experienced installers are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • all work must be performed at a base temperature of 0 to 30 degrees;
  • humidity should be no higher than 60%;
  • knead all solutions necessary for work only according to the instructions, not saving on dry mixes;
  • tools for work after each stage must be thoroughly cleaned, foam or cement after hardening is very poorly cleaned;

Important! All work on installing the box should be carried out only after the layers of plaster have dried. This can be determined simply - press a finger on the wall, if the material does not leak, then it is completely dry.

Second phase

The next stage, which will be discussed, must begin after the completion of the finishing work.At the finish line, the instruction is as follows:

  1. Using the self-tapping screws that come with the kit, fasten the hinge leaf in the seat on the canvas.
  2. Hang the web in the direction in which it closes and fix everything with the screws.
  3. Before finishing work, adjust the gaps and do not forget to make sure that the vestibule of the door is left.
  4. Install fittings, if any.

Important! Similarly, the installation of a double-leaf blade is carried out, with only one difference: on the horizontal part of the base, make a hole for the stem of the latch.

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The secrets of disguise

Any, even the highest quality installation, can be ruined at the last stage. This is especially true for the installation of an invisible door. Proven design solutions will help to do this professionally, which will be discussed later:

  1. Painting or wallpapering, as we have said, is the easiest option. And the rolled material will look more profitable. For the perfect effect, choose striped wallpaper - vertical slots will merge with them and make them part of the surface.
  2. Rectangular panels also simply mask the door. The main thing is to correctly select the places for joining the panels on the door and on the wall. If you exclude such accessories as handles, then the surface of the room will turn out to be completely monolithic. Nobody will guess about the doors until they lean on this part of the wall.
  3. Another camouflage technique is to make a panel on the canvas. On the outer edge, treat the door with a polyurethane baguette, and place, for example, photo wallpaper inside. From the side it will seem that you simply hung a large picture on the wall.
  4. The best way we left in the end. Mirror overlay. This option fits perfectly into the interior of the corridor or bedroom to mask the entrance to the dressing room. Fix the mirror to the door with liquid glue. Another plus of this option is that the mirror surfaces are able to visually increase the space of the room.
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Stock footage

Now that you know all the features of the hidden door device for wallpaper, you can begin preparations for its installation. We hope you remember that in the finished room this option will require a longer installation, it is better to plan such an original solution at the repair stage. If you take into account all the nuances - both construction and design, you can get an excellent result. And installing such a design with your own hands will save you a decent amount.

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