Hole in the wall

Life very often presents us with surprises, and not always pleasant ones. Everyone had to face different everyday problems that require quick and independent solutions. For example, it is unlikely that someone will look for a master if a hole has formed in the wall. This phenomenon is often encountered by those who started repairs to the apartment, especially if the house is old. Today we will tell you how to close a hole in the wall, what tools and materials will be needed for this.
to contents ↑Holes in the wall
When during the repair they remove the old coating - wallpaper or panels, they often see holes under the finish. They can also be found in the walls when moving furniture. And they can be both quite inconspicuous, and impressive sizes:
- Small holes, as a rule, remain from nails or other fasteners, which are hammered into the wall in order to hang a picture or wall panel.
- If such minor damage, as we mentioned above, can be skipped, then the holes in the wall from old outlets can no longer be ignored.
- Through holes are the worst thing that can happen to your walls. They most often appear in those places where various communications take place - from moisture or from mechanical influences, any material will begin to break down.
- Holes can also be a consequence of the appearance of cracks that form when the building shrinks and under strong vibration loads.
- Another reason, in particular in plasterboard ceilings, may be banal games of children. The loose structure of this material does not withstand impacts.
Now it becomes clear that before you cover up a hole in the wall, you need to understand the extent of the problem.
to contents ↑Tools and materials
Before you close a hole in the wall, you need to prepare everything you need for work. Most likely, the following surfaces will have to be repaired:
- Concrete coating;
- Brick;
- Drywall.
In working with different surfaces, different materials may be needed:
- putty;
- gypsum mortar;
- cement;
- pieces of brick or cladding.
It is clear that the set of necessary tools will also depend on how the repair will be carried out. For almost all cases come in handy:
- wide and narrow brushes;
- You can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean from dust, then you need to arm yourself with glasses to protect your eyes;
- two spatulas - wide and narrow;
- knife;
- to grout the surface, stock up with sandpaper;
- to repair drywall, prepare a special knife, drill and screws.
Repair small holes
Often the owners of apartments have a question: how to seal holes in the wall from the dowel? For these purposes, the most common putty is suitable. To solve the question of how to close the holes in the wall from nails, it will take half an hour of free time and our next instruction:
- Take a long nail or screwdriver. With its help, expand the hole - so the putty will get into the wall as deep as possible.
- Be sure to clean the hole with a dry brush or vacuum cleaner, remove all dust to the maximum.
- Take a spray bottle or regular dishwashing sponge and dampen the hole from the inside. In this case, the composition for repair does not immediately absorb into the walls and it will need a little less.
- Wait ten minutes and putty on the hole in the wall.First, this can be done with a large spatula, thoroughly filling the entire space with a compound, and then level the surface with a smaller tool from above.
- Wait until the mixture is completely dry, and treat this area with sandpaper to achieve a perfectly smooth surface.
If repair is required not in one place, but in several at once, if there are much more holes than after a nail, then one can not do with putty. Before work, prepare the mixture to seal the hole in the concrete wall. It can be of different types:
- a mixture of cement and sand, in a ratio of 1 to 3;
- gypsum, diluted according to the instructions from the manufacturer;
- ordinary glue for a tile or tile.
Important! In finished form, any of these compounds should have a sour cream consistency.
Operating procedure:
- In order for the repair to be of high quality, arm yourself with a thin wand.
- With its help, push the composition deep into the hole and tamp well, filling all the voids.
- After drying, plaster.
to contents ↑Important! The main advice: do not seal large openings only with putty. She simply fell out over time. Correctly evaluate the scale of work and do it using suitable materials. Only then will you get a great result.
Repair foam
By the method that we have explained in detail, it is possible to seal only that hole in the wall, the depth of which does not exceed 5 cm. And how to seal up the large holes in the concrete wall? The answer to this question is simple - mounting foam, which can be purchased at any hardware store. The progress will be a little different:
- Before starting work, deepen and clean the surface, remove dust.
- When filling the space inside, remember that the volume of polyurethane foam should not exceed half the depth of the hole, since the composition will swell.
- The filler is best applied from bottom to top one simple. If you try to apply it on top first, it will fall anyway.
- When the composition has dried, remove the excess with a knife. It is better to make a small depression, but the main thing is not to leave sharp edges that protrude beyond the surface of the wall.
- Now align that section of the wall where the cement mortar was being repaired, wait until it dries.
The finishing step will be to finish the surface with putty and sand it with sandpaper.
Important! Holes in the balcony wall are best repaired with a frost-resistant compound. Moreover, from the outside it is better to emphasize - a kind of damper for foam, since after drying it will be quite difficult to cut off the excess.
With the help of mounting foam, cracks are also repaired or interpanel joints are diverged.
To do the job better, buy a construction gun with foam and follow the instructions below:
- Clean crack surface from dust and debris.
- Then moisten the space that you will fill with the material - in this case, the foam will better cling to the wall.
- Shake the bottle well before filling and fill the hole.
Important! If the hole is deep, then the composition is applied in several layers. Application of the following is possible only after the previous has dried.
- Then the sequence of actions is the same as in the previous options. Cut the foam, smooth the surface with plaster, sand and enjoy the result.
to contents ↑Important! When we talk about how to close up large holes in a concrete wall or brick, then their direction is also important:
- Vertical openings can be repaired either with foam or with putty.
- Horizontal cracks require pre-filling with reinforcement material so that the wall does not continue to settle.
Through hole repair
If you transferred the outlet or, perhaps, when repairing an old apartment, you found a through hole in the wall, then the technology is a little complicated.Additionally, you will need a stone of appropriate size, a piece of cladding, or a piece of polystyrene. To solve the question of how to close such a hole in the wall, choose a cement mortar or gypsum.
Step-by-step instructions for such a repair are as follows:
- The hole in the wall, as in the previous methods, needs to be deepened to remove excess pieces of old material that easily crumbles.
- Then remove all dust and dirt from the surface, after - moisten the wall.
- Now you need to hammer a few screws on the edges of the hole, due to them the filler and solution will be held.
- After that, first put a little cement in the hole, then a stone or a piece of drywall, and only then completely fix the filler with the solution.
- Wait until the mixture hardens and carefully inspect the repair site. If cracks have formed, it means that part of the cement or filler has failed, in which case it is necessary to re-treat this area.
- Now it remains only to putty and process the repair site with fine-grained sandpaper.
Instead of filler, you can also use ordinary rags:
- Before filling the hole, the fabric must be put in a solution and allowed to thoroughly nourish.
- Then seal the hole with it. For work, you may need several pieces of fabric. The main thing is that all of it remains inside the recess, and its edges do not hang down.
Important! The composition, which needs to be later coated with a wall, is worth adding small stones to give greater density.
This method of reconstructing through holes is suitable for both dry and wet rooms. Cement mortar can be used in the bathroom and in the kitchen, it is not afraid of exposure to high humidity.
to contents ↑Repair of drywall constructions
The hole in the wall made of drywall is a more frequent phenomenon than the hole in the concrete wall, because this building material is very fragile and even children can damage it during the game. The main thing is, again, to correctly assess the scale of the problem. If this is a small depression, then ordinary putty will save you. If the hole is quite impressive, then more serious measures will be required. In general, the process looks something like this:
- Make a marking on a piece of paper, be sure to in the form of a rectangle or square, which will completely cover the hole formed.
- Transfer these contours to a piece of drywall, carefully cut with a special knife.
Important! Particular emphasis should be placed on the fact that the edge of this workpiece should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Now, in place of the hole formed, repeat these contours exactly the same. Cut the edges also at a certain angle.
- Attach wooden blocks or planks to the bottom and top of the hole on the inside of the material.
- Now apply a patch to the wall and fix it with self-tapping screws to the bars. At this stage, it becomes clear why all the parameters should be measured to the nearest millimeter. The smaller the gaps between the patch and the wall, the better the repair will be.
- First, the seams are treated with serpentine, then - putty. During this work, use a spatula and be extremely careful, carefully distributing the composition, achieving a perfectly smooth surface.
- The further stages of work, as in the previous methods, consist in sanding and gluing the wallpaper on the repaired area.
Important! If you do not have wooden blanks at hand, then any improvised material can be used instead. The main thing is that he creates a reliable support for the patch. If drywall is mounted next to the wall, then you can do without bars at all. The patch with screws or screws is attached directly to the base surface.
There is an easier way to seal a hole in a drywall wall:
- Prepare the patch and just attach it to the leaky wall.
- Attach the edges with adhesive tape.
- Align joints between patch and main surface with sandpaper.
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Before you decide on your own the issue of fixing a hole in the wall, always remember that you first need to objectively assess the problem and only then choose the appropriate method. We repeat that only cement mix is suitable for repairing large holes, and putty is the best choice for holes after nails. Otherwise, the process looks quite easy and simple, not only a beginner, but even a teenager can handle it. With observance of the technology for performing work, no one will even guess that there has recently been a hole in this place.
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